Dhrystone is measured in MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second)
Whetstone is measured in MFLOPS (Millions of Floating Point Operations per second).
I use Athlons in Win2k Servers at the office running SQL 2000 update batches...(running various interpolation calculations to Currency market prices - Linear/Cubic Splining, etc...)
On a Quad Xeon box (Xeon III-800's), this process used to take upwards of 6 hours per night.
Now I run it on 3 Athlon powered Win2k boxes (each running 1.2 CPU's @1.33) - threading the data between all 3 - and the process now takes just under 2 hours and no longer has to be run overnight - saving on 24/7 support, and saving money because 3 Athlon rigs cost substantially less than the single Quad Xeon box.
I believe we are the one of the first companies to start using Athlons in "mission critical" servers - they still have Compaq/Intel backups, but they've been running for 2 months solid with only minor problems (such as we'd been having with the Intel boxes).
Thing is, I really don't give a toss how many uberflops my processor does... I'd rather it worked. I mean, I've still not heard a decent explanation for why it took about 6 months to get Athlons working with GeForces properly... and right now I know of someone who is having major compatibility issues with his VIA chipset and SB Live... it's not like Nvidia and Creative are "fringe" manufacturers are they. Whilst people still make pieces of kit and write proggies for Intel, I'm sticking with Intel, and all the gigaflops in the world won't change that. Because, for most of us, we don't run processes that take 3 hours. And the fact that you're the first company to use AMD for "mission critical" kit should also say something. Good luck with your boxes tho, if you're happy with them and they work that's all you can ask for really.
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