New Class Concepts



I play a scout -> (leaving when next game comes out) IF (scout are not fixed and made groupabel) -> (no money to Mythic) AND
(newer will i spend time on their products again) :)


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Tomte; (zerker, savage)

Ok that would be hilarious. I'd move to Mid/Pryd for a Tomte zerker or savage. Definitely.


Name : Skaut

Baseclass : Rogue

Race : Briton/Highlander/Saracen

Studded wearer

Bow-shooting class,which can also use sword and shield (thrust/slash) - No fumbling. Option to get See Hidden-realm ability.
With the aid of an arrow or two and a moment to prepare they can eliminate most of the need to deal directly with combat, using a light blade to finish off their staggering opponent.

Specializations :

Bowspec -

20 - Weakening Strike - Ability to shoot arrows which hinders your enemy - dex/qui decrease-effect 45.

30 - Stunning Strike - Ability to shoot arrows which stuns your enemy for short duration - 5sec stun.

40 - Wall Breaker - Ability to shoot through bladeturn (Usable only with criticalshot-ability)

45 - Sky on Fire - Ability to shoot normal arrows but which makes Damage over Time-effect - Re-use time : 10min , Duration 30sec , dmg/tick 64

50 - Eye of a Hawk - Ability to shoot arrows to 15% longer distance than normal shots - Re-use time : 20min , Duration : 30sec.




Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Think you'll find that the Crusades were after the period in which DAOC is based :p Having said that, yes they got saracens in there which kind of shows it spans a number of eras.

spans a number of eras? to damn right. King Arthur is no widly excepted as being based on a leader who emerged at the time the romans left britain.

This places Albion Firmly in the begining of the Dark Ages. The wide use of stone fortreses and plate armour places Albion in the Middle ages. The Pole Arms place Albion at the end of the middle ages and begining of the Renasance. Not to mention that the Mian Gauche was developed as a secondry weapon for use in fenceing and is therefor firmly rooted into the midle of the Renasance.



I'd like to see each realm get a Demon class. The story could be that they live behind the walls of DF (through those yellow cracks in the walls perhaps)

They would have the ability to summon new and never before seen demon friends to help them. They could have one pet at a time and it would have a specific job.

Some suggestions might be,

a pet that can fly straight up to get a better view of the surroundings (the summoner can use the demon's eyes)

a pet that can detect the life force of enemies and give a rough guess of how many there are in the area (RvR).

all the regular stuff, a pet for debuffing/healing etc

there are loads of options...


Personal horses. That can be taken into battle, get equipped, trained etc etc.
That would rock.


Long time ago i heard daoc was thinkining about guild houses
I think thats a good idea (yes mebbe some one els have write this before but i read almost evry thing:p)
What i want in a Guildhouse ? I was thinking about a guild vauld mebbe more a guild healer who is free to used when you buy that house you get him for free (or pay him 1 in a week for his job)

What you all thinking from our own frontier ? I will tell you i hate it :p when they can changes that with a easier way or lower mobs and cooler sorc pets (oke the cleric and wizzys that pet thingies you know what i mean are funny but make them lvl 50 then for me :p)

oke mebbe its not the best ideas but i want to say somting too :p


I want more and fixed siege weapons...

*Make the build icon for the siege weapon actually look like the thing u are going to build, not just a leather square - not much effort really is it? Just 3 icons would do!

*Make siege weapons movable just very slowly or minimal distance, it's insane that things like rams have wheels but can't be moved... maybe you need a whole group to move them or something.

*Wider range of ammo for catapult... I want to shoot armsmen into the keep with one :m00: And longer max range for the higher level catapults.

*Ability to dismantle siege weapon and get some / all crafted parts back.

*Siege towers - massive cost and weight, but I want to build a siege tower next to a keep to allow other classes to climb it.

*Ladders, anyone seen LotR, why can't we turn up with siege ladders?

*Make things like catapults lighter and cheaper so that people will actually use them, this would introduce a new dynamic to RvR


I request only one thing. MAKE BUFFS RANGED.


One more thing..

Add collision detection on players. I know this would cause some dungen problems so I would suggest that it is only for RvR zones, and only for players not mobs (eg. you can run through a mob but not a player)

This would bring a whole new dimention to RvR allowing tanks to act as walls and bring tactical formations into play, which I think would make it more fun :)

I can't take credit for this idea, I remember someone else posting it - but I think it would be great :)


Originally posted by jetsetminer
*Make things like catapults lighter and cheaper so that people will actually use them, this would introduce a new dynamic to RvR
This is already happening in a future patch, live in the US.


Would be good if the /slap command did damage.



Originally posted by jetsetminer
Add collision detection on players
Never going to happen.

Implementing this for DAoC would be a nightmare, with the additional bandwidth/server load required making it virtually impossible.


Originally posted by Draylor
Never going to happen.

Implementing this for DAoC would be a nightmare, with the additional bandwidth/server load required making it virtually impossible.

I would agree that the implementation would be tricky, but certainly not impossible, nothing is in a computer games... ;) You would probably have to rely on client side detection because of server load, but from seeing the behavior of the game anyway it would appear that all collision detection is done client side for walls etc. anyway - hence people lagging through walls.

I don't see it as that much of a killer, doing it client side means no impact on the server, moveable blockages already exist in the form of door / gates. Already lots of trees / rocks that litter the maps and are not passable. The processor load would go up a bit, but then they already raised the bar miles with SI. Yes you have the issue of people hacking the client to cheat (always an issue with such games) but screenshot proof of this would be so easy that people would get banned quickly :)

In summary, yes it's a wish item, I think it would dramatically improve/change the game and make it more fun. It is certainly not impossible to implement, but I don't think they will... I can still dream though can't I?

edit: I seem to remember mythic catagorically stating that skill respecs would be impossible to implement... can't find the link though :m00:


The main problem with the whole collision thing is that people could in fact 'greif' others by blocking em in a corner or summit silly like

Simple solution, only make it that enemy realm members collide with you. For example mobs don't (otherwise legion etc would b a nightmare) and other players don't from the same realm (to stop griefing).

There are however problems to say that...for example, pbaoe would just be ridiculously strong when defended by 4 tanks but then again, without a healer, they would drop quickly. Theres lots more it would add to the game I feel too.


Well, Kirennia, no PBAE caster would ever be able to run into a cluster of enemies and cast away since the collision code would prevent them from getting into their midst; he'd run into the people on the outskirts and only catch a few with the blast. In other words, I think this would be a serious nerf to PBAE and other short- to zero-ranged attacks. Personally, I'd love it, but it could maybe lead to problems.


Firstly, if you have all read the DAoC booklet it states clearly that the game is based around none other than Arthur Pendragon.
It also states that all of the characters are based around mythology...meaning that a Ninja-style-Ki-firing player is completely unmentionable. How you can jump from plate wearing knights to Ninjas is beyond me... Please keep in mind what DAoC is actually based on in the first place, before you spam with useless ideas that would ruin the game.

Ideas from me:
I think that being able to go under water may add a new concept to the game.
I have also been playing around with the idea of not so much a player, but a spell. (Although, this could be a character's main forté. However XP'ing would need another idea, becuase they cannot use an RvR skill to XP.) This spell would cause a temporary mezz-like effect, which causes a player to turn on people from their own realm... They would attack for say 30 seconds, with the caster only being able to control one person at a time... This idea needs adjusting I know... But I do think that it has a future.



Originally posted by ekydus

Ideas from me:
I think that being able to go under water may add a new concept to the game.

I have got to admit, this would be fun. I would like to see epic mobs in underwater cave systems and suchlike.

The charm player idea is interesting...could go either way...what will the player do for example?...go into melee, spam a certain random spell "Oh no!!!! he's rezzing us!" etc


Well, obviously it has problems... It might only use offensive things... For example, Champion uses it's melee, Eldritch it's nukes etc.
This idea does need work - Any suggestions?


Originally posted by Ekydus
This spell would cause a temporary mezz-like effect, which causes a player to turn on people from their own realm... They would attack for say 30 seconds, with the caster only being able to control one person at a time... This idea needs adjusting I know... But I do think that it has a future.

Considering that mythic wont even let the sorc confuse spell do anything useful in RvR I think the chances of this happening are about as high as me going to emain and living...


Just leave mythic alone, theyre a bunch of hysterical people who try to have an easy life chosing their favourite class and making them better, then maybe getting bored and waving their magic wands at other classes to see what happens, but people keep on rapid firing improvement ideas at them, and it makes them cry because it's their game and you're trying to spoil it :)


no1 is ever gona read this that has the power to do any of this but nm its fun anyway :)

a new realm would indeed own maybe not middile east or whatever but something if people are talking about under water why not have mystical under water thingy ma jigs or sumthing would be quite cool only thing is rvr in that realm might be a bit hard...and moving :D

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