New Class Concepts



run a steam roller over pennines and make a path... oh, and remove lvl55 invisible aggro mobs from alb frontier, that might make it more appealing


Originally posted by Jiggs
and just combine sorcerers and cabalists already no point in that being two different classes :D
Bah. Yeah, and combine friars and scouts, it's just silly to see someone hit with a big stick, instead make them use it as a bow.

Repent Reloaded

yeah, they should make a class that like cant do any damage except with its traps, but has LOADS of usful skills, like woodman said, stealth and run at normal speed, steal items, traps.
Maybe diffrent types of traps like DD's, aoe snear/debuff/mezz/stun etc... should be skilled in rejv too for some healing powers.
that would just own :D

(f**k typos, I cant be arsed)


Maybe make the frontier areas a bit more interesting, and for example, make all the keeps different I think would be nice. Obviously alb/hib/mid would have the same keeps, but within each realm, the keeps are different so people cant moan about "your keeps are harder to capture..." etc...


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
hm what else would rock..

how about.. some general AE shenanigans

like, an ae spell that heals everyone in the radius, even if they are not in group? and perhaps it takes mana dependent on the number of people healed, as a downside, so you basically couldnt heal 100 people without risking your own grp since you are almost oom


a buffs remover spell? cast it on someone and they lose all their conc based buffs, and maybe timed.. but that would screw mages big time

a ninja guy.

seriously, fuck the roleplay shit

a martial artist would kick so much ass.

spec lines?

ju jitsu, kung fu blah blah

how much would that kick ass?


I would love to see an aoe rez.

As for classes.. let's make some unsual ones. Kinda sorta like EQ.

Lizard peeps, a 'giant' race, taller than troll/firbolg, maybe some 4-armed blokes, etc etc


slightly related....
how about a new realm?
make it far eastern.
then you get justification for ninja stealthers.
karate priest healers.
katana wielding tanks.
new beasties.
new areas.
fresh interest in the game.
just a thought.



Or why not some sort of hybrid with 6 arms so he can both stun/mezz/cook dinner and attack at same time?

- Fedaykin -

Name : Crusader/Priest

Base: Elementalist

Race: Highlander, avalonian, saracen

Cloth Wearer

Has a nuke/pbaoe specline similar to eldritches, but no bolts.

Has a healing specline similar to mentalists, gets a quickcast heal (not big heals though) and maybe something similar to mid friggs line?

enhance spec : End regen buff, base speed, absorb buff, af buff, thing similar to friars end reducin buff but mana reducing



Base class : Fighter
Race : Briton/Saracen

Studded armour

Medium melee, but has new ranged weapon - arqubus/Black powder gun (or high powered crossbow), High damage, High reload time maybe aoe shots with a blunderbuss/scattershot. Chance to stun target for short time or knock them over :)


some kind of spiritual martial artist would be nice :)

bare fist combat with styles strikes similar to that of 'Fist of the north star' whereby strikeing 'ki' points in different combinations produces different effects.

could also double up as a healer using similar techniques manipulating the flow of 'ki' (spiritual energy) throughout the body.



Many of these ideas are nice, but they seem to be more or less reinterpretations of existing classes and ideas. How about something even more original that's not based on anything that already exist in the game in any realm? (For instance, Savages are clearly the hand-to-hand zaelots you've been talking about here.)

I, for one, would think it cool if a new realm was added. I guess it will never happen, since that would mean a lot of new content plus 8+ new classes having to be designed, but I am sure it would be nice... A realm based on the middle east, with mameluks, bedouins, (there are no desert zónes in DAoC yet, right?) etc, or maybe even the far east, like someone else proposed.


problem is neither arabs nor far east people where present in abundant (sp?) numbers in the dark ages, the Celts, Brits and Norse (saxons) where however :)


Originally posted by Addlcove
problem is neither arabs nor far east people where present in abundant (sp?) numbers in the dark ages, the Celts, Brits and Norse (saxons) where however :)
Umm. Ever heard of Saladin? The crusades? The bloodless conquest of Jerusalem? There is a reason there are Saracens in Albion, you know. The Middle East kingdoms were far more civilized than Europe during the Dark Ages.


Liked that firearms idea Artemus.

Maybe have the weapon on a long reload, but when loaded you can run about and insta-fire it (with misfire a possiblity). With different ammo types could be a CC/DD hybrid (instamezz at short range, AOE insta DD at short range. Allow anything up to chain armor perhaps. Use bayonet or something similar for melee.

What about wardancers for the hibbies.. with long jump capabilitys and agility based attacks (death from above etc.). Low armor capabilities but high self armor buffs..
Probably not that do-able with the engine the way it is mind..

It'd be nice to see more frontier interest, with different objectives/rewards/areas/terrain/graphics. A reworking of siege engines (siege towers would be smart.). Possibly the ability to dig pits (sapper class anyone?) and firetrenches. Boiling oil and pitch at the walls.. smashable walls (with heavy heavy artillery). Again all nice ideas but probably impossible.

A middle eastern realm would be cool as well.. although I think they'd be pushing the creativity envelope if they could come up with the 15+ zones and 10+ classes worth of content so long after the initial design. Balance would become even more of a nightmare (ha!) both in terms of player balance (who wouldnt roll a character in the new realm) and class balance (which is always a big issue)

Overall, i think well probly just see a repeat of SI with a new graphics engine, some new classes, a few new zones and possibly some slight gameplay mechanics changes.. Not necessarily a bad thing really


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
How about the traditional rpg thief class? Could set traps, disarm opponents ( their weapon fell to the ground), spy (stealth and move at normal speed but couldnt attack for a period of time after unstealthing) , and in pve could actually steal loot from mobs or npcs? That would be pretty cool.

Make it so that it can solo xp without killing the mobs and it would be great.


I think Mercs DW line should be fixed :)

and we should get cash for bounty points too :)

*and i am unsure if they can add any classes that arent just a mix of those already implemented atm*


how about expanding the existing classes instead of extra i for one think clerics should be able to cure rez sickness (ok maybe a lvl 40 + spell, maybe a high rej spec one, but it needs to be there)

ah well my 2 copper..


Some nice Idea's here :)

Dont think this will ever get implimented but i think it would be good if it did :)

The ability for Sorc's to controll realy players in RvR :)

I dont mean so they can use EVERY skill a class has availble to it but maybe just the basic one's or even just mele attacks... obvouisly it would be on a timer of say 30 seconds.

Just a thought :)

BTW im a Paladin not a sorc :)


- Replace horses with magic portals

- Future expansion pack territories can include islands and oceans (epic sea drake mob, island trading, smuggling, piracy, ship building - new trade skills), air / clouds (etherial and spirit based magic, flying character classes), and deep earth (seas of lava, daemons, and all manner of fire and plasma based magic)

- Insert some cataclysmic multi-realm based questing - ie - the end of the world unless the three realms can work together to defeat the evil monster, or complete the huge multi-part quest, etc

- Ability to RVR deep inside enemy lands - why shouldn't you be able to take 30FG 50th levels, smash down HMG, and invade Tir Na Nog !

- Improve server reliability / integrity - just cos you take 500 ppl into Cornwall in a Dragon raid, you should be able to rely on the servers holding up.

- Improve graphical effects for weapons that proc

- Introduce glowing armour (if you like that sort of thing !)

- Introduce spells capable of blasting holes in walls (except PK's)

- Ability to start at level 20 if you have a 50th level character. Nothing more boring than trudging through 20 levels of agony

- Remove battlegrounds - they're shite and no one goes there. Instead create lowbie areas in Emain and Odin which are out of bounds for (say) 25+

- Change Guilding rules so you can form a guild with 2 ppl if you want. Why is 8 the magic number ? There are some guilds running round out there with less than 8 members, I can tell you !

- Create RVR imbalances v's Hib - pbae / debuffs / demezz / crowd control etc etc etc yak yak yak (not going into detail here)

- Albion version of a Shadowzerker

- Put the hole back into Echoes room in Barrows !!!!!!!!!!

- Horse route to Pikes in Lyonesse

- Put a stable boy at Prydwen Bridge

-Randomly changing walls and passageways in dungeons - but a bit Harry Potter like

Just my 2 cents.


1. Give some sort of dex chant to scouts, ofc lowering the base dex, but making them more group loverable, infact v loverable.

2. Caba and Sorc should always had been one class....Minus the AE DoT Which the Earth Wiz i think should of had

3. Pala's should be able to get aoe slam, chain stunable ofc ^^

4. NEW: AE disease on mana and end. Castable snare pet Melee: Thrust/Slash specable <support table>. Abilities: Studded Armour, Evade III, Small Shield. ---Cant think weather this over powered or completely under powered


Originally posted by Uriron
i for one think clerics should be able to cure rez sickness (ok maybe a lvl 40 + spell, maybe a high rej spec one, but it needs to be there)
Rejuv clerics can already do this (in a way). The better the rez, the shorter the time period you are rez sick.


Originally posted by Genesis_of_Ak
- Replace horses with magic portals
Horse routes add an element of strategy to the game. You can't port around at will throughout the realms if you need

- Ability to RVR deep inside enemy lands - why shouldn't you be able to take 30FG 50th levels, smash down HMG, and invade Tir Na Nog !
I am sure the level 1-10s exping outside TNN would just love that. It's like the purple (to level 50) event mobs in Avalon Marsh who repeatedly ganked a few newbies so they stopped playing this game a few hours after starting. (However, Mythic are discussing special "homeland invasion" servers in the US.)

- Introduce spells capable of blasting holes in walls (except PK's)
Interesting, but how long do you think the milegates would remain standing before they were just smoldering ashes for all time? (If you could repair milegates and keeps it would work, however.)
- Remove battlegrounds - they're shite and no one goes there. Instead create lowbie areas in Emain and Odin which are out of bounds for (say) 25+
I beg to differ (and all of those posting in the BG discussions do, too). Lowbie RvR areas is just what the BGs are, ok?


/quote Remove battlegrounds - they're shite and no one goes there. Instead create lowbie areas in Emain and Odin which are out of bounds for (say) 25+

Beg to differ.. BG1 is magic fun..and when BG3 is active its good as well. :)


Ye the thief sounds cool give him a spec for Daggers...dmg weaker then 1h but tiwce as fast and a special move called Throat Silt ..Back move Bleed effects like a DOT..

Also The warlock sounds good but i dont like the idea of every1 geting a pet...mabye they all get pets on a 5 min timer ? and Warlock as to Re-cast pets?


New races:

Ogre; (reaver, mercenary)
Sprite (like brownie, wisp, etc.. Medium sized, bigger then luri, smaller then celt.); (nightshade, blademaster) ?
Tomte; (zerker, savage)

Just because a hooge ogre tank would fit for albion and the tomte models just fucking rock.

They should also add a L45-50 bg, bigger then the normal bgs, to replace emain. Cliffs, rivers, suspension bridges, castles, towns.. several ways in and out all around. More siege merchants.

For new classes, alb certainly needs a new healer + support char, something in the lines of a bard perhaps.
A combat archer, no stealth, longbow, chain, fighter stats.

No idea, hibs have everything already imo.

A twohand specialized tank class. A troll pounder or something like it. Unique 2hand spec for different styles with magic elements.
Earthshaker style, jump and smack weapon into ground, making it quake. That sort of thing.


Originally posted by Belomar
Umm. Ever heard of Saladin? The crusades? The bloodless conquest of Jerusalem? There is a reason there are Saracens in Albion, you know. The Middle East kingdoms were far more civilized than Europe during the Dark Ages.

Think you'll find that the Crusades were after the period in which DAOC is based :p Having said that, yes they got saracens in there which kind of shows it spans a number of eras.

(e.g. Fir Bolg people in Ireland before the Celts, Celts in Ireland @400bc onwards, Dublin founded by the vikings @ 800AD, and as for the Crusades? later still...).

As for far- eastern links? None whatsoever. Thats a different game entirely :D


I'd love to see the Kentauros as new alb race. Half human half horse from the greek mythology. Not much to do with the brits but it would be still cool :)

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