New Class Concepts



Well, SI is here now, but Mythic have announced they're already starting work on another expansion. Set aside questions over whether or not you'll be playing DAoC when it arrives. Assume that new RvR content is a foregone conclusion - definitely included. What kind of concepts do you want to see in the inevitable new classes?

Personally I'd quite like to see a class which can summon "pets" for other group members to use. You target the player, cast the spell, and as long as they dont have their own pet at the time, a pet is summoned for them to use. This might not even have to be a "pet" as such, it could simply be a sprite, a light or something that circles the player, attacking anything the player commands with DDs / melee before returning to its usual rotating pattern. I'd guess this class would be a cloth caster, akin to the wizard / sorceror.

I'd also quite like to see another dual wield tank to be honest... they're just damn cool. Or to go completely the other way, perhaps a 2h specialist with baseline buffs and heals - basically what the paladin SHOULD have been in the opinions of many. Maybe they could have PBAE end-drain and mana-drain chants too. For sake of convenience lets just call them Zealots :) they could even use the Acolyte as their base class.


ae demezz would be cool to. not that it takes a whole new expansion to introduce that. but it would be really cool

very cool ideas btw. I like the pet thingy :)


hm what else would rock..

how about.. some general AE shenanigans

like, an ae spell that heals everyone in the radius, even if they are not in group? and perhaps it takes mana dependent on the number of people healed, as a downside, so you basically couldnt heal 100 people without risking your own grp since you are almost oom


a buffs remover spell? cast it on someone and they lose all their conc based buffs, and maybe timed.. but that would screw mages big time

a ninja guy.

seriously, fuck the roleplay shit

a martial artist would kick so much ass.

spec lines?

ju jitsu, kung fu blah blah

how much would that kick ass?


I'd like to see them remove the battlegrounds, the realm abilities and spellcrafting personally and bring back the good ol days :p

Oh and as for a new actual class, a true 'hand to hand' melee specialist would be interesting, no weapons but proper fisty cuffs, like a friar without the staff.


ok suddenly really into this zealot concept

Class - Zaelot
Base Class - Acolyte

Spec Lines
- 2 handed weapons
- rejuvenation
- enhancements (unspeccable)
- chants

Spec Points - 1.5
Armour - Studded


- Aura of Confusion (pbae mana drain) (enemy)
- Aura of Submission (pbae end drain) (enemy)
- Aura of Physical Reckoning (pbae elemental resist debuff) (enemy)
- Aura of Spiritual Reckoning (pbae spiritual resist debuff) (enemy)


Class - Warlock
Base Class - Mage

Spec Lines

- Body (sorc specline)
- Matter (sorc specline)
- Invocation

Spec Points - 1.0x
Armour - Cloth

Invocation Baseline

- nuking guardian
- snare (unbreakable)
- heal-over-time

Invocation Specline

- Guardian of The Earth (elemental resistance debuffing guardian)
- Guardian of The Soul (spiritiual resistance debuffing guardian)
- snare nuke
- demezz

notes: When the warlock summons a guardian, it is bestowed upon every member of the group that does not have their own pet. If a player then charms/summons their own pet, their guardian is released. A group can only have one type of guardian active at a time. Each player with a guardian recieves pet controls, although the movement controls (follow, stay, go to, etc) will be inoperable. The guardian is represented by a glowing light which orbits the player continually (different colours for different types of guardians). Their spells are all 5.0sec casts, and the effects of the debuffing guardians will only last 5.0secs thereafter, but the player does not have to remain stationary while this is happening. Guardian spells do not interrupt. High spec guardians (43-44) give 9% debuffs to cold/heat/matter, and body/spirit/energy respectively. Lower levels (33-34 and 23-24) give 6% and 3% respetctively.


Remove magical resist buffs or introduce melee resist buffs.
Cap resists at 33% with deminishing returns.
Remove all insta mezzes.
Giv anti-determination RA for casters >.<
Introduce a nuke damage resist decrease RA.
Make MoC cost cheaper without stupid prerequisites.



Its time to throw away the concept of porting to other realms - from now on you have to go by ship, but beware! For the realms have all increased their navy, and the war just spread to the seas!

And please, please make a decent Albion race this time, Inconnus are just stupid. :(


i'd say they will go for some kind of flying race this time, or pets which can fly...

you will never see stuff like ae demezz etc, why? because you can't completely invalidate one classes specline with one spell!

i think we need an expansion of the RvR areas, stuff like, large sea zones: islands connected by causeways

another healing class in midgard and albion would be pretty cool too

and just combine sorcerers and cabalists already no point in that being two different classes :D


Originally posted by Jiggs

you will never see stuff like ae demezz etc, why? because you can't completely invalidate one classes specline with one spell!

Yeah, that's what Hib RAs are for.



Originally posted by Apathy
Yeah, that's what Hib RAs are for.

Originally posted by old.Wildfire
I'd also quite like to see another dual wield tank to be honest... they're just damn cool.
Yes, dual weild tanks are cool... but personally I'd like to see our styles fixed before they start adding new DW classes ;)


RVR castles with a max number of peeps from each realm say 3fg.

ooops how did this get here.


How about Redemptionists? Religious fanaticals that burn the sinners of hib and mid, they'd use a sword, or a staff like a friar and have fire nuking spells (only not as powerful as wizards). They could also get mez spells (using their righteous ways to stun and confuse the sinners as they preach their holy ways and force them to repent or die!)

And yes this is a rip off of them Games Workshop model thingies (The Redemptionists were a gang in a game called Necromunda)


Warlock sounds pretty cool WF, zeolot to close to the pally.

Repent Reloaded

k, this post just stinks of albion arse, what about mid/hib ideas ?

Im not gonna think of any ... mainly becoz I cant, just got back from my m8s 18th, been mackin with 2 hot ladys and now I have a headache.... goin back to bed.


k, this post just stinks of albion arse, what about mid/hib ideas ?

/em notes that this the albion forum.

/em wonders why anyone would not expect posts on it to be about albion.



They would be a like a sorcerer, kinda, but would dual wield two staffs. :) Lots of scope for COOL animated styles.

"BattleApathy performs the Stupendous Double Windmill!
You are hit for 286!
You are hit for 278!
Your dex/qui have decreased!"

Wear cloth like Valewalker and have similar self-buffs for ABS and AF.

And a million dex/qui debuff shouts.


Aule Valar

i love the idea of the warlock, would be cool to have everyone wandering around with little floaty things, and would be nice to actually do damage to hibs when we nuke em

something that removes conc buffs would be pretty cool, but would need to be tiemred, and single target really, or just disable the buffs for a certain period
(can already imagine jox screaming in horror)


Maybe a timer on renentering the RvR zone u was just killed in and couldn't get rezzed?, like u can report back too emain for an hour , would surely cut down on the zerg and rezerg.

Warlock sounds cool , i would surely reroll one :)

definatly a moose type style for 1 of our tanks , maybe arms that become Knight's on Horseback with a big feckof joisting pole and added speed?.


How about the traditional rpg thief class? Could set traps, disarm opponents ( their weapon fell to the ground), spy (stealth and move at normal speed but couldnt attack for a period of time after unstealthing) , and in pve could actually steal loot from mobs or npcs? That would be pretty cool.

Whatever the new classes, they should tie in with the general ambience of the game - the idea that you could have ninja running around in albion is daft. If you want to play that type of character go play a different game :p


I personaly would like some kind of polymorph thingie introduced in alb much like hamster or moose to. Just have no idea on who should get it and what should it do. Maybe raise resists or smthn? or af... would be fun to have someone morph into a cow >.<


a warrior monk with a 3 way staff would fukin own


Originally posted by Jiggs

you will never see stuff like ae demezz etc, why? because you can't completely invalidate one classes specline with one spell!

mm, seems to me that with 1 spell you can disable all speclines from all classes...


id like to see changes to frontiers also... take away the mgs or at least allow for more ways of getting past them ... the main reason there as sooooo many zergs "FROM ALL REALMS before anybody comments on albs" is because of the mg's :( so maybe reoving them or making more of them 3-4 mg's but mid and alb tk's in emain aint seperated ,,, if the mid/alb tk's in emain werent seperated it would allow for a LOT more area to rvr in .. not many peeps rvr near the graveyards or at the back of the graveyard areas , so linking them would allow for more area to rvr in .
and if there was more mg's there would be more places for people to camp . hence it would cut down a zerg all gathering at same mg.. might not kill zergigng but at least it cut down number if any given realm would have to camp more than 1mg .

as for new classes . mmmmmmmm

well if a new race also and 2 classes becoming from it id like to see some sort of BIG race , an Ogre type race or Giant . mids have trolls hibs have firbys so would b nice to have a big race imo .

classes deriving from them ermmmm

new tank class , maybe hybrid duel wield as mentioned above similer to a zerker "maybe LA spec line? ??" and again some sort of morph because of hamster and moose maybe turn himself into a minotour or a 1/2man 1/2dragon . maybe a cple of debuffs like the champ, and a unique skill like some sort of sling "instead of throwing knives/bow" like the thing david killed goliath with :) also able to spec in that for ranged dmge . or maybe if they fire a sling it stuns the oponent? on a timer of course :)

healer class probably "i think we have enough caster classes already" this could get wierd.. 3 different spec lines. end/pow and health . depending on spec thats what he heals. if a tank has no end he can heal his end pool . if a caster needs pow can replenish his pow, and health same.. also i think this class MUST have some sort of INSTA ae cc .. all other realms got it so i think alb should also . and yes i know we already have versions of end regen and pow from necros n pallys..
maybe this healer class can have some sort of special buffs or debuffs. Buff melee resists maybe? and able to spec weapon also and/or shield to give him some sort of offensive ability...

hib i think could do with another tank class, and maybe some sort of hybrid..

mid i think need a new type of healer class and also a new caster class :)

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