So my spelling is poor, huh? Kinda funny that you say that when Im not spelling anything wrong. And if you don't understand it, I'll enlighten you.. Ppl don't randomly insult you cuz' after all your whine threads we have put up with over the years on BW and FH we can easily say that nothing has ever been as bad as you say, and you know why? Cuz' you exaggerate like hell eveytime something happens and you get owned by som n00bs you think you should have defeted etc, etc, whatever..Sigurd said:LOL my grammar is fine... your spelling however is rather poor. I always find it amusing when people randomly insult me then try to put me down for insulting people. Yes, congratulations, you started it fucktard.
Zebolt said:So my spelling is poor, huh? Kinda funny that you say that when Im not spelling anything wrong. And if you don't understand it, I'll enlighten you.. Ppl don't randomly insult you cuz' after all your whine threads we have put up with over the years on BW and FH we can easily say that nothing has ever been as bad as you say, and you know why? Cuz' you exaggerate like hell eveytime something happens and you get owned by som n00bs you think you should have defeted etc, etc, whatever..
And something about me starting it? Hmm, I fail to see how, where and when.. And you are still the one name calling ppl who haven't returned the favor![]()
You have no idea what you are talking about.. Im known by many ppl on prydwen both my own realm and enemy realms. And not for beeing hated, so I don't grieve for that. So sorry, you were wrong.. Im getting used to that thoSigurd said:The difference is... people remember and know me. No-one cares about you. I may be hated by some, but better infamy than obscurity, my poor deluded friend![]()
Sigurd said:The difference is... people remember and know me. No-one cares about you. I may be hated by some, but better infamy than obscurity, my poor deluded friend![]()
Sigurd said:Seriously, on barrysworld I was probably the most known person there.
Sigurd said:And who're you? Seriously, on barrysworld I was probably the most known person there. What is anything you can achieve compared to that? I've started huge flame wars with the entire community tearing apart - and posed under another name to infiltrate the forumites, acting like a "regular" forum user. I've engineered guild splits on Prydwen Mid and Alb... and been a member of one of the most respected roleplaying guilds - Order of the Knights Templar. I've even created some respected and serious posts, under this guise or others. And I've been banned more times than I can remember. But you...? What have you done? I assure you my friends, any hatred I conjure up, I've engineered for my own devices.
However... this time round I haven't been quite so... extreme... and therefore I think you should cease your attempts to deprive the community of my presence by taunting me into a huge flamewar "zebolt" and perhaps, if you're a good boy, I'll let you kiss my arse.
mirieth! said:are you actually serious?
Zebolt is a nice little kobbie RM, who'se been in Valour, Bad Omen, Fedaykin, Zander Zone and Nemesis. Maybe more guilds, at least I know who he is.Sigurd said:The difference is... people remember and know me. No-one cares about you. I may be hated by some, but better infamy than obscurity, my poor deluded friend![]()
Oro said:Its how he would like to believe he is. Poor ol' Siggy usually gets sniffed out faster than a farting wet dog.
Didn't do so well in Fedaykin, eh Siggy?![]()
Sigurd said:Think I did fine until I got bored and wanted to move to the US servers. So I started a rather amusing argument with one of your GMs.. can't remember his name... and left. Played a reaver for a while in Alb Lance... got bored, quit, came back and rolled a BM on Hib Lance. Sniffed out eh? No-one guessed my identity as the chimera on Barrysworld, no-one guessed my identity as Gawain in Alb Prydwen, no-one guessed my identity when I returned to Mid Prydwen either. You're just bitter about the whole guild thing... it was nothing personal, I just needed an excuse to leave mmkay?
Some people don't know me around here. That's shocking! Considering this isn't actually BW but FH... and I don't play on the Euro servers any more. Yet still... look at the controversy I can stir amongst you all, continuously...
Danya, unless you're a different Danya from BW you knew me, I remember fighting alongside you in Thidranki etc.
Tasslewho? Don't know you either. Don't remember zebolt in Roo's guild... but I don't really remember many of them so...
Just remember gang, it's ok to be jealous - just perserve, learn which strings to pull and perhaps one day you will be infamous too!
Sigurd said:Think I did fine until I got bored and wanted to move to the US servers. So I started a rather amusing argument with one of your GMs..
emma said:very few people can afford to splash out £1000-£2000 on new hardware every year just so they can play the latest games.
Sigurd said:Just remember gang, it's ok to be jealous - just perserve, learn which strings to pull and perhaps one day you will be infamous too!
I wasn't in Fedayking when you were in it, thats why. And Im glad I wasn't ^^Sigurd said:Tasslewho? Don't know you either. Don't remember zebolt in Roo's guild... but I don't really remember many of them so...
Oro said:Hehe. You got into Fed by telling other officers you knew me so they let you in. When I found out you were in I wouldn't go back on what other officers had done but I put them straight about what had just joined the guild. If you recall, you got a rather direct private warning as I knew what would happen eventually. Nobody was surprised with the emergent behaviour, sorry to burst your bubble. Same pattern with you all the time: start out reasonably pleasant then get nasty. Not even clever and Machiavellian, just unpleasant.
I wasn't online when it happened, but Gaeswen was the GM you made the mistake of picking a fight with. Your passing made barely a ripple.
I'm paraphrasing as memory isn't perfect but convo after went something like this:
Gaeswen: Sigurd picked a fight and I booted him from guild.
Roo: Good good. Anything interesting happening tonight then?
Think I may have asked what happened at some point but can't even remember if I got a reply or not.
Its your mind, fill it with whatever fantasies you want![]()
look how cute he is!Sigurd said:So you just admitted that I manipulated your officers :kissit:
I think I see a pattern here: people get annoyed with me after I own them rather badly, or because they're unimportant little shits and I'm not. Remember, you still have suicide guys!
Possibly though I don't recall you; I didn't pay much attention to people in thid in general - too many names to distinguish one from the other unless they were particularly notable.Sigurd said:Danya, unless you're a different Danya from BW you knew me, I remember fighting alongside you in Thidranki etc.
Sigurd said:So you just admitted that I manipulated your officers :kissit:
I think I see a pattern here: people get annoyed with me after I own them rather badly, or because they're unimportant little shits and I'm not. Remember, you still have suicide guys!
I don't really see how you owned Roo, everyone can join Fedaykin. I joined as a level 10 without really knowing anyone. So great job!Sigurd said:So you just admitted that I manipulated your officers :kissit:
I think I see a pattern here: people get annoyed with me after I own them rather badly, or because they're unimportant little shits and I'm not. Remember, you still have suicide guys!
Sigurd said:And who're you? Seriously, on barrysworld I was probably the most known person there. What is anything you can achieve compared to that? I've started huge flame wars with the entire community tearing apart - and posed under another name to infiltrate the forumites, acting like a "regular" forum user. I've engineered guild splits on Prydwen Mid and Alb... and been a member of one of the most respected roleplaying guilds - Order of the Knights Templar. I've even created some respected and serious posts, under this guise or others. And I've been banned more times than I can remember. But you...? What have you done? I assure you my friends, any hatred I conjure up, I've engineered for my own devices.
However... this time round I haven't been quite so... extreme... and therefore I think you should cease your attempts to deprive the community of my presence by taunting me into a huge flamewar "zebolt" and perhaps, if you're a good boy, I'll let you kiss my arse.
Sigurd said:So you just admitted that I manipulated your officers :kissit:
I think I see a pattern here: people get annoyed with me after I own them rather badly, or because they're unimportant little shits and I'm not. Remember, you still have suicide guys!