TV New BBC sci-fi - Outcasts


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
The last episode was actually good. There wasn't any of the usual ranting at the TV about how lazy the scriptwriter was. Shame that they finally managed that when the next series will almost undoubtedly never be made.
Or people had stopped watching by the middle of the run because it was boring shite?
And it's been confirmed that there's not going to be any more of it.
Outcasts (BBCOutcasts) on Twitter


Dec 17, 2003
It got dumped to a late Sunday slot very quickly. Mainstream channels rarely give sci-fi time to develop properly. Then again, Outcasts appeared to have a proper budget which was combined with some awful script writing. Character interaction was poor to unbelievably bad at times and I got the feeling some episodes were savaged in production which meant gaping plot holes.

As I'm sure I've said here and elsewhere it was a good concept with some great setups, let down by the above mentioned flaws.

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