"New" Anti-piracy tactics


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
It's seems having spent the latter years franticly hunting down anything remotly resembeling filesharing sites, be they legal or illegal. they've now come up with a new tactic, basicly instead of persecuting the perpetrator "site or server ect" they're now aiming at the Isp's to block traffic to the sites they "the antipiracy unions" view as illegal filesharing sites.

Here in Denmark the IFPI & FDV have won a case over the isp DMT2 and forced them to cut traffic to thepiratebay.org/. and Tele2 have since also desided to fall into line with the verdict until it's been tested in a new court.

I really dont know what to think of it, your thoughts ?
arent they basicly percecuting one part for another part's activities ? be it legal or illegal ?

yet we naturally, freely, accept, even demand this practice when it comes to things like child pornografy and the likes...But then again ofc in such a case it's a clear illegal activity, wich isnt always the case with file sharing, so is the mear possibility & likelihood enough to justify such legal action towards an ISP ?

to me it's a slippery slope indeed...


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
it is a long time coming really, we will eventually be in the era of ISP's filtering traffic to certain sites if we carry on down this road
so if you want go to google it will be slower than AOL's homebrew engine


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
file sharing in a sense isnt illegal, you can use limewire for example to share a work document across a network to another PC, which is totally legit. I'd imagine that there is a loophole


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Like all other tactics thought up in the past - It won't work.

It's been proven time and time again, you cut off 1 head and more grow back in it's place, people will always find ways around measures put in place.

Napster got shut down - Kazaa/morpheus/limewire/bearshare popped up in it's place, then they got (sort of shut down) and bit torrent started becoming popular etc etc etc.

In the end the ISPs won't be able to do fuck all about encrypted tunneling which what some BT clients are using now (Utorrent for one).

The music industry (the labels) and the film industry will collapse on themselves sooner or later because their self-righteous crusade will end up doing huge amounts of damage and they're effectively speeding up their demise.

Me? I don't buy albums and i'm quite aware of the views on it but when the artists themselves get next to fuck all from the sales of albums, i'd rather keep my money and pay for gigs/t-shirts/apparel etc.

I've started watching movies a bit more but I still can't get my head around the fact that instead of movies getting better, they're getting worse, and worse, and worse. Hell i've been far more entertained watching some random short 15min movie from an independant director than I have watching multi-million dollar budget films.

The entertainment industry in itself can't see that the consumer now wants variety and QUALITY - 2 things which the current industry model just doesn't seem to possess, it's inevitable, the only reason I see it now is because the big wigs want to squeeze as much cash as they can out of the industry before bailing on a sinking ship - i'll keep my cash and quite happily pirate away until the people who produce the stuff themselves get the cash and not some random bloody middle man sitting their getting publication profits.

So until I know that the people who put the effort in are getting at least 90% of my cash - i'll be keeping tight hold of my wad and spending it elsewhere (booze). I don't see why people who sit there and press the "Make loads of copies" button should get any of it.

P.S Lars Ulrich is a ****.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
FIle sharing is great. Its like natural selection in a way, in that because bands arent making as much money from record sales, it forces them to go on tour, so all the bands with no originality, pretty much any english band about now, will struggle as people realise how bad their 3 chord songs actually are live, meaning they will fade away into obscurity and I wont be subjected to their torture every time I turn on the radio


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
It is just a DSN blockade the have to do, which means you can just edit a file on your own computer and get right around the blocking of any site done by the ISP.

Proxies will work as well


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Like all other tactics thought up in the past - It won't work.

It's been proven time and time again, you cut off 1 head and more grow back in it's place, people will always find ways around measures put in place.


P.S Lars Ulrich is a ****.

I kind of agree and disagree,
the content doesnt really matter what does is what do you get from a movie you bought that is more than you will ever get from a download?
Most dvd's have a cheap cover with a poorly printed disc, why would someone buy that?
Same with games, anyone remember the extra's we used to get manuals, concept art, posters, i remember when i bought a game called sleepwalker i got a little plushie of the main character.
Where has all of that gone? now we get a disc and a paper thin cheap manual and some random promotional material.
(Ofc there are exceptions like my copy of WoW came with a poster, some concept art and a nicely illustrated manual)

Similarly with music albums, we used to get a wealth of info and extras for buying the cd/dvd, bar linkin park's new album none of the ones i bought have come with anything of substance

Cinema is the same, why go to the cinema usually full of idiots if you can download a superior quality (Blu-Ray, HD-DVD) in your home cinema where you can chill out with your mates and watch a movie without all the hassel of the cinema (and if it applies to you drink while you watch it)
Steven Spielberg said it best, cinema needs to evolve if it wants to survive
he mentioned 3d cinema, IMAX already exists but they ae pushing for 3d cinema without the glasses
3D cinema: A giant leap forward - Features, Gadgets & Tech - Independent.co.uk

he industry should be focusing on developing reasons for people to buy their products, not going on a pointless witch hunt which costs billions of dollars
Unfortunately this will never happen as certain organisations make alot of money off anti-piracy


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
FIle sharing is great. Its like natural selection in a way, in that because bands arent making as much money from record sales, it forces them to go on tour, so all the bands with no originality, pretty much any english band about now, will struggle as people realise how bad their 3 chord songs actually are live, meaning they will fade away into obscurity and I wont be subjected to their torture every time I turn on the radio

Another one who shares my view about shitty indie music :D


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Reason most people download? It's easy.

I would personally pay if I could download any movie, game or music album I wanted for a reasonable price without piss poor quality and at a low speed. But since the big time companies are more interested in failing at killing anti-piracy at the moment, they won't realize that you can make A LOT of money just driving the anti-piracy sites out of business(ie. superior quality & way faster releases, would kill 'the scene').

A nice example of this comfort thing is that ABC/FOX/NBC are broadcasting all their TV series - with ads on their home pages - free of charge for any American. The ads alone pays for it all and makes enough profit for the Writers Guild to go on a strike.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
4od does this too, has ads before you watch the show

its all free too


It's my birthday today!
Dec 22, 2003
Seems like a rather inefficient way of taking down file sharing. Start legal action against every ISP in every country until they block a particular site?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
GReaper - It is because the judgement in 1 case makes prior case arguement (I think thats what it is called), now as I gather, this time they actually going to appeal the case and get it tried in a higher court, so the prior case arguement doesnt work, YET.

But when the judgement is final, if a higher court still grands it right, then they can go to all other ISP's that follow the same law (I.e. all danish ISP's) and make them block the site without having to go to court.

So they take one of the small ISP's to court, which does not have the money to have long drawn out cases compared to the IFPI themselves, making sure their chances of winning is as high as possible.

This thing happened once before, against allofmp3.com in Denmark, where tele2 choose not to appeal and hence all ISPs was forced to block right after as IFPI sent out notices to them (they forgot my ISP through, so I can still access allofmp3.com (.ru) through, but thats besides the point)
This time, it seems they choose a harder target, as:

1) Thepiratebay.org is not judged illegal to use in Denmark. Surely, downloading torrent containing access to copyrighted material is illegal, but thepiratebay.org also provides legal torrents.
2) Thepiratebay.org owners are a bit more defensive and, imho, brilliant than allofmp3.com and seems they are not going to let tele2 fight this thing alone, as they are NOT an illegal site. (source: newz.dk, danish newsite, sorry, couldn't find english source)

Now, this thing has not gone to a "real" court yet, but a civil court thingy (again, don't know english term, damnit!), but the news are now that Tele2 owner (telenor) has is taking this thing to court, as they dont want to be limiting peoples freedom in a service they themselves are selling.

So fortunately, it seems the scare campaign of IFPI where they abuse the judges lack of knowledge of the internet to close connections is going to end in Denmark.
-If I had lots of time at my hand and nothing to do, I would find the civil court case where allofmp3.com got blocked and translate it. After the first judgement, I read it, and the sheer amouth of inaccurate and 100% wrong things stated in the final judgement was so massive that it hurt my head as someone who has just a bit of knowledge about internet and how it works. It was mindnumbling that someone who (judging from the court papers) could not even turn on a computer or click a mouse, was in charge of deciding if the ISP was doing illegal activities by connecting people to sites that allowed illegal files.
Was like putting and ID incharge of teaching biology.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 9, 2004
Wont proxies get around this?

Yes. Yes they will. In effect that kind of laws only promote 'hidden' networks living within the net. Like Tor. But as always, computer illiterate judges and politicians won't ever git it :(


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Eh I guess I don't have to say again that I'm a "buy CD's Warrior", but Sharma and Chronic both have points. It's not just the music industry, it's media overall that gets worse and worse and as such, people feel less inclined to buy things.

When I bought my first computer game, it came with a printed booklet, a nice big paper-case and the soundtrack on CD, wow. I have packages with relief-pictures, with a folding front, ... I have Baldur's Gate 2 with a complete explanation of all classes, spells etc. nearly as detailed as in the pen&paper manuals. I have games like Diablo 2 which got awesome patches and quick fixes. I owe old and new CD's with a booklet, a papercase (they call that digipack in Germany, is it same in England?) and some other stuff.

Then, there are absolutely crap games which bug all the time cause of their early release (to make money faster) and cause a lot of frustration. Sure, less fluff and earlier releases help in saving money, but customers are quickly loosing their trust in the media companies. Yes, I still buy stuff, but that's for my moral standards mostly (I had that point where I thought "fuck this" and threw away all my stolen shit).

Nowadays there is no physical difference in burning something on a disc or buying the disc in a store. It seems as if the industry never realised that you cannot download fluff and extra material. They're also always a step behind the "criminals" and by this just bother people who actually buy their products, thus causing even more hate. Some CD's don't play in certain drives, so please, what kind of crap is that. It just encourages people to download things, because they don't want to take the risk of not being able to use their rightfully bought product.

As result, I'm very picky when it comes to buying stuff and think three times before spending my money. The last PC-game I bought was Heroes V Gold, so you get the picture ^^

On the opposite, Nintendo did a pretty cool trick with the Wii and I'm willing to spend money on that because it keeps me entertained in a way that my PC doesn't (and I can have fun with it when friends come over). It's something totally new and funny, so it got my attention and I payed money. Tadaaa, the industry has reached their goal in that case. It should be like this for more things, but oh well, in times where factories making millions of profit are being closed, nothing shocks me anymore, when it comes to money.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 22, 2003
GReaper - It is because the judgement in 1 case makes prior case arguement (I think thats what it is called), now as I gather, this time they actually going to appeal the case and get it tried in a higher court, so the prior case arguement doesnt work, YET.

I'm aware of what could happen after one ISP is forced to do it by the courts, but we're still talking of just one country with a population of less than 6 million.

This is still a rather inefficient way of doing things!


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Why bother buying DVDs when everything you could want is available on line & for free. In various formats & multiple languages (eg. you want the directors cut version only available in the US - no problemo - a couple of clicks and you got it).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I'm aware of what could happen after one ISP is forced to do it by the courts, but we're still talking of just one country with a population of less than 6 million.

This is still a rather inefficient way of doing things!

Very true, but they basicly just need to target the smallest and less economical-able ISP in all the countries and they can do just the same, as the small ISP will not be able to fight their high payed staff of lawyers and are hence easily intimidated. Reason why it perhaps is happening in Denmark atm and not all over (I not heard of it in other countries anyway) is perhaps because they are testing out the strategy in 1 country first and then will later move on to all countries if it proves successfull.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
So until I know that the people who put the effort in are getting at least 90% of my cash - i'll be keeping tight hold of my wad and spending it elsewhere (booze). I don't see why people who sit there and press the "Make loads of copies" button should get any of it.

P.S Lars Ulrich is a ****.

And Parmo!


Loyal Freddie
Jul 29, 2007
Very true, but they basicly just need to target the smallest and less economical-able ISP in all the countries and they can do just the same, as the small ISP will not be able to fight their high payed staff of lawyers and are hence easily intimidated. Reason why it perhaps is happening in Denmark atm and not all over (I not heard of it in other countries anyway) is perhaps because they are testing out the strategy in 1 country first and then will later move on to all countries if it proves successfull.
No need to in this country (UK and France actually) as they are currently trying to get legislation to force ISP's to disconnect p2p filesharers.
ISPs nominate UK record industry as top internet villain | The Register
They don't need to take any ISP's to court in the UK when our 'needs of the people' government wants to stick their noses in this.

How about a test on Judges to show if they know how to turn a computer on before they are allowed to rule on anything technology related?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Then, there are absolutely crap games which bug all the time cause of their early release (to make money faster)

Have to comment on that, that it's SOMETIMES to make money faster, but most the time it's A: bad coding B: no more money for project. C: Bad testing.

Anyhoo, piracy isn't my "niche", i don't like to download stuff, but there is ONE segment i do feel i can do it. That's TV shows.

Movies, i rent or watch in the movies.
Games, i buy to get the fluff.
TV shows? Well, when you don't get all the TV shows that are in the US and UK from your local tv stations, there's really no choice.

Ofcourse i coul wait for a decade or two, to see if they MAYBE decide to buy these series, but...


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
How about a test on Judges to show if they know how to turn a computer on before they are allowed to rule on anything technology related?



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