New Alb guild <Aesirs Blade>



Originally posted by ab_fluid
we getting flamed already and been in the realm 5 mins :-(

Bigchief in all honesty you have no grounds and knowledge of how AB play, so please don't jump to accusations.

He'll prolly slap me for this but ill live (especially as hes in err denmark currently i think :p)

Cba to format it soz

02[14:55] (Nightchill): i think they think prydwen is really quiet
02[14:55] (Nightchill): 1fgs only in emain/odins :p
02[14:55] (bigchief): heh
02[14:55] (Nightchill): no zerging
02[14:55] (Nightchill): none of them have rvrd here before
02[14:55] (Nightchill): all from excal
02[14:55] (bigchief): its gradually getting worse
02[14:55] (Nightchill): aye
02[14:55] (bigchief): not as bad as excal
02[14:55] (bigchief): but emains just shit
02[14:55] (Nightchill): certainly seeing a lot of 1fg/2fg guilds
02[14:55] (Nightchill): "uber guilds"
02[14:55] (bigchief): aye
02[14:57] (bigchief): i just dont like alb melee grps so prolly wrong person to ask :)
02[14:58] (Nightchill): hehe
02[14:58] (Nightchill): i just don't like alb uber fgs
02[14:58] (Nightchill): i asked if they were planning to help the realm
02[14:58] (Nightchill): have a keep claimed, go on relic defence etc.
02[14:58] (bigchief): 'no' ?
02[14:58] (Nightchill): "we're pretty much going to run in emain and farm rps and tell everyone else to fk off" :z

Btw I was in Aesirs Blade for the brief time I was on mid so im not entirely clueless :p


Originally posted by bigchief
He'll prolly slap me for this but ill live (especially as hes in err denmark currently i think :p)

Cba to format it soz

02[14:55] (Nightchill): i think they think prydwen is really quiet
02[14:55] (Nightchill): 1fgs only in emain/odins :p
02[14:55] (bigchief): heh
02[14:55] (Nightchill): no zerging
02[14:55] (Nightchill): none of them have rvrd here before
02[14:55] (Nightchill): all from excal
02[14:55] (bigchief): its gradually getting worse
02[14:55] (Nightchill): aye
02[14:55] (bigchief): not as bad as excal
02[14:55] (bigchief): but emains just shit
02[14:55] (Nightchill): certainly seeing a lot of 1fg/2fg guilds
02[14:55] (Nightchill): "uber guilds"
02[14:55] (bigchief): aye
02[14:57] (bigchief): i just dont like alb melee grps so prolly wrong person to ask :)
02[14:58] (Nightchill): hehe
02[14:58] (Nightchill): i just don't like alb uber fgs
02[14:58] (Nightchill): i asked if they were planning to help the realm
02[14:58] (Nightchill): have a keep claimed, go on relic defence etc.
02[14:58] (bigchief): 'no' ?
02[14:58] (Nightchill): "we're pretty much going to run in emain and farm rps and tell everyone else to fk off" :z

Btw I was in Aesirs Blade for the brief time I was on mid so im not entirely clueless :p

Nice edit.

just because your happy to roleplay in your border keep and craft all day doesnt mean you should have ago at RVR guilds, some people are good at it and enjoy it even if you dont.

As for not protecting realms well i formed the main Mid Alliance that was purley Odins only and heavy for defence so how do you figure out we just whore for rp's ?

If you want to join an RVR guild then get better and join one and dont sit in the shadows and take pot shots at the others, As for being in Aesirs on Excal well you wernt as gobby there as you are here as i never even noticed you.

As for Nightchill himself well he left the guild as an active player a hell of along time ago, doesnt know any of our plans for Pryd and basicly has nothing to do with the guild anymore at all so how he came by this "inside info" i'll never kmow.

Bitch and whine all you like but we arnt going anywhere, we arnt moving realms and we wont be going back to Excal anytime soon, either accept it or shut the hell up ;)

On another note thanks very much for the guilds who have helped us out with items/seals or just saying welcome.


and i already rr8 on hib so albs the only option :p good enough excuse imo


Originally posted by AbPoon
Nice edit.

just because your happy to roleplay in your border keep and craft all day doesnt mean you should have ago at RVR guilds, some people are good at it and enjoy it even if you dont.


If you want to join an RVR guild then get better and join one and dont sit in the shadows and take pot shots at the others, As for being in Aesirs on Excal well you wernt as gobby there as you are here as i never even noticed you.

As for Nightchill himself well he left the guild as an active player a hell of along time ago, doesnt know any of our plans for Pryd and basicly has nothing to do with the guild anymore at all so how he came by this "inside info" i'll never kmow.

Bitch and whine all you like but we arnt going anywhere, we arnt moving realms and we wont be going back to Excal anytime soon, either accept it or shut the hell up ;)

On another note thanks very much for the guilds who have helped us out with items/seals or just saying welcome.

Rofl .. now who's posting without having a clue?

So i roleplay?
I craft?
My problem with rvr guilds is theyre full of good players? (not exactly your words but thats how it comes across)

My problem with what youre doing is you are here purely for the rps. As were Dark Rage before you, and Blue Guard (?) that formed recently. None of you will give a fuck about the realm youre moving to, will probably do nothing to help the realm as a whole and will live in emain. (this isnt excal, odins is dead here).

As I said in a previous post.

You may as well just join PE and be done with it.

O btw .. there was no 'edit' there .. other than me missing off him pasting a post from AB forums where you were asking for peoples opinions on the group setup (including specs and peoples names). He was asking my opinion on it .. or I wouldnt have even heard of it until you posted.

Quick paste from irc just now ...

[22:19] * [AB]Phoenix slaps bigchief around a bit with a large trout
[22:19] ([AB]Phoenix): nasty person
[22:19] (bigchief): ?
[22:20] ([AB]Phoenix): posts on bw
[22:20] (bigchief): what else is bw for
[22:20] ([AB]Phoenix): about AB moving to pryd
[22:20] (bigchief): and its true
[22:20] ([AB]Phoenix): hehe true =)

One of your own members agreeing with me :clap:


Originally posted by bigchief
Quick paste from irc just now ...

[22:19] * [AB]Phoenix slaps bigchief around a bit with a large trout
[22:19] ([AB]Phoenix): nasty person
[22:19] (bigchief): ?
[22:20] ([AB]Phoenix): posts on bw
[22:20] (bigchief): what else is bw for
[22:20] ([AB]Phoenix): about AB moving to pryd
[22:20] (bigchief): and its true
[22:20] ([AB]Phoenix): hehe true =)

One of your own members agreeing with me :clap:

Lol was about to write that I agreed with what you said about bw being a place to flame, when I suddenly noticed your subtle edits in your post. Should read this:

[23:19] * [AB]Phoenix slaps bigchief around a bit with a large trout
[23:19] <[AB]Phoenix> nasty person
[23:19] <bigchief> ?
[23:19] <[AB]Phoenix> posts on bw
[23:20] <[AB]Phoenix> about AB moving to pryd
[23:20] <bigchief> what else is bw for
[23:20] <[AB]Phoenix> hehe true =)
[23:20] <bigchief> and its true

spot the difference? I do....

Now before I thought you really did have a problem with what we were planning to do, but now I see what Poon meant when he said "nice edit". You are a total and utter muppet and aren't even worth the time it takes to type this post.

As to all you other people, thanks for the welcome and hope to see you ingame ;)


In what way do not PE help albion as a whole?

We have been on all successive relic raids and of course we come to help when people attack our relics. We have DC claimed very often. So albion people get df.

What exactly do other guilds that helps albion that much more?


If i say that we will be helping on raids etc then that is what we shall be doing.

And at the end of the day even if we do whore rp's all day, what you going to do? Roleplay me off the server?

I always said we were here for the RVR not for roleplaying/crafting/pve/kissing babys but dont try to turn my guild into something it isnt.


Well poon,

Goodluck with your RvR guild on prydwen.. your start via BW could have started better.. lets hope there will be a place for you in alb tho.

I dont know if you know the current situation on prydwen, but as mentioned by some others in this thread. There are alrdy several rather active alb RvR guild/alliance groups running in emain. Another guild will definately make it more crowded on the alb side. This is however a thing you will probably will find out yourself. And the albs will need to find a solution for it.

Plus the alb zerg flame threads from the other 2 realms will flare again. But hey should be room enough for all, the rp will just be scarse, but i agree with the persons who said hib should be more of a challenge for you.

Anyway.. goodluck with leveling, i think in general you will find the alb individuals to be ok people (exceptions do exist).

Cya in the frontiers.

This post is written on personal note


Hi. I'm a filthy excal mid, and i joined alb on this server. Please make me feel home. And yes, Poon smells.

Ps: I rolled friar.


Only problem is some of our members are high rr's from excal/hib, been there done that already :/


bleh, ignore the forum trolls pooneh :)

btw - got 800ish fletching so if you need any of that stuff done just shout.

also Utopia has LGM's in every craft with some tidy prices too, dont be scared to ask! :)))

Played my RM on excal for last few days, and fuk me am so glad i play pryd most of the time... zerg on pryd? pff, go see excal tbh ^^


hehe welcome to Flame land.

Not quite as bad as Excal thou, the flames usually dies when ppl get used to you.


imo ignore the arseholes that sit here and flame you, when you are just in a way complimenting them chosing their realm! its very rude tbh.

like your attitude hope you guys do well, have some goodluck withthe leveling!


If this has been posted before im sorry, i didnt bother to read all the posts.

Here u are going to get zerged by midsz.. loads of mids...
go odins if u dont want that much mids ;) i actualy do good solo(sometimes) in odins :)

P.S u should take in lvl 50 ppl if ur planing to be a RvR guild.... atleast if u want FG RvR often ;)


We already have a very hardcore group of players guy but we'll see what the future brings wont we :)

half of the reason coming here is to see what all the Albs on Excal that we kill are whining about tbh and just to see if Alb really is as bad as they make out.

And anyway we like a challenge.


Since when were you an RM anyway spesh? I always remembered you as a fellow zerker


Originally posted by ssera
Lol was about to write that I agreed with what you said about bw being a place to flame, when I suddenly noticed your subtle edits in your post. Should read this:

[23:19] * [AB]Phoenix slaps bigchief around a bit with a large trout
[23:19] <[AB]Phoenix> nasty person
[23:19] <bigchief> ?
[23:19] <[AB]Phoenix> posts on bw
[23:20] <[AB]Phoenix> about AB moving to pryd
[23:20] <bigchief> what else is bw for
[23:20] <[AB]Phoenix> hehe true =)
[23:20] <bigchief> and its true

spot the difference? I do....

Now before I thought you really did have a problem with what we were planning to do, but now I see what Poon meant when he said "nice edit". You are a total and utter muppet and aren't even worth the time it takes to type this post.

As to all you other people, thanks for the welcome and hope to see you ingame ;)

hmm in this case its just a matter of lag Al. What you write appears on your screen first always .. even if someone has written something else first (so long as you havn't recieved it from the server yet).

So for that I apologise .. thats how it came up for me :p

Anyway .. was in a bad mood last night, regret posting what I did now and ill just say to poon .. prove me wrong.


Originally posted by Vaire
Alb's full! go hib!
Seriously.... we hardly ever see any hibs in emain, i guess you'll have a lot more fun as hibbies, you'll always have something to fight!

Then delete and go there yourself.

Welcome to Alb/Pryd, Aesirs. Don't let the posters here cloud your judgment.


Yes imo. All who have played albion prydwen for 1,5 years shouldnt be able to stay here cuz new people from excalibur should take our spots


Welcome to Alb Pooneh :)

AB helps lots in defending the realm on Excal, im sure they will make the effort to do the same if needed.

Good luck out there :)


Coming to prydwen/albion is your choice, but i say in advance, albion is filled with rvr guilds, if you see a deathspam by mids in emain you gotta rush to them as soon as possible or there won't be anything left to kill...

there are almost no hibs around in rvr, its the place to be if you want to have lots of people to kill

do what makes you happy, i know no one will listen anyway, just dont come whining here if its not as good as you had hoped...


So Poon we meet again (points at his signature) :)

I find it rather funny some Albs even say (not in those words) 'You're not welcome here, because Emain is already crowded with Albs'. Probably scared their zerg-RP is lowered from 5 RP/kill to 4 RP/kill ;)

Poon and his guild has as much right to a square feet in Emain as you.

IMO once again sad people flame you for joining Albion.

Hope to meet you a few times in the future Poon!


Originally posted by AbPoon
Since when were you an RM anyway spesh? I always remembered you as a fellow zerker

traded :p


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

I find it rather funny some Albs even say (not in those words) 'You're not welcome here, because Emain is already crowded with Albs'. Probably scared their zerg-RP is lowered from 5 RP/kill to 4 RP/kill ;)

i only said i really cannot reccomend albion, but thats their choice, if it makes them happy they can join, dont really care...

But they will see for themselves what rvr here is really like...


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
i only said i really cannot reccomend albion, but thats their choice, if it makes them happy they can join, dont really care...

But they will see for themselves what rvr here is really like...

You know you can also ask on the pad in CS:

"Guys, what ticket do I buy? "

When all reply: Emain/Hib you buy Odins/Midgard

There, you avoided the zerg. Grats! You're now 1fg trying to get other nice 1fg fights.

Atleast you got that option as Alb.. As Hib on Prydwen you can ask what you want, you will probably be 1fg anyhow :)


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

As Hib on Prydwen you can ask what you want, you will probably be 1fg anyhow :)

hibs are lucky basts...


Originally posted by speshneeds

Played my RM on excal for last few days, and fuk me am so glad i play pryd most of the time... zerg on pryd? pff, go see excal tbh ^^

Did you make a RM cos' you missed me when I was gone? :) aww how sweet!

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