Nerf Stealthers!!



Unwanted in PvE,a real fucking bitch to level..and then ppl whine when stealthers finally get to enjoy the game..
Some classes are built to be able to solo and you knew that when you chose to play a tank/caster/healer so stop whining and do something about us instead of screamin "nerf!" when you try to solo as a class not designed for it.
The reason stealthers are the top RP holders on the EU servers is simply because you let us be,not because we are overpowered uberclasses.

PS I totally agree that See Hidden need nerfing though,an ability that pretty much fucks the game up for lots of ppl like that should never been implemented DS


The only thing worse than a whiner, is a whiner whining about whiners whining, while the real whiners are whining about what the last whiner was whining about yestaday.

Are you Karam's brother?


Originally posted by Derric
PS I totally agree that See Hidden need nerfing though,an ability that pretty much fucks the game up for lots of ppl like that should never been implemented DS
[rant]All I can say is that I most certainly agree on this due to the simple fact that assassins already whoop archer ass being able to see us in stealth a lot farther away then we see them... why need a skill where you see us totally as soon as we are in the maximum range a character can be seen from. Oh sure if it was an active skill I wouldn't mind half as much... passive though, give me a break.[/rant]


Re: Re: Nerf Stealthers!!

Originally posted by SFXman

[rant]All I can say is that I most certainly agree on this due to the simple fact that assassins already whoop archer ass being able to see us in stealth a lot farther away then we see them... why need a skill where you see us totally as soon as we are in the maximum range a character can be seen from. Oh sure if it was an active skill I wouldn't mind half as much... passive though, give me a break.[/rant]

Pure speculation but I don't think Mythic ever planned on so many archers taking stealth up to 50 and instead of deducting spec points for them, see hidden is the "solution".

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by censi
The only thing worse than a whiner, is a whiner whining about whiners whining, while the real whiners are whining about what the last whiner was whining about yestaday.

Are you Karam's brother?

Awww.. Censi!! Why don't you fuck off to the Excalibur boards again? It was so nice without you.

Oh- and the reason why I quoted you, was actually surprise!
Aren't you the uber whiner?
Nerf Censi! With a stab in the face or something...


Aye NERF em .... NERF em all ....

Bloody hell does it always have to be this way...
Its a bloody endless circle of upcoming nerfs dammit..
Ohh warriors are so uber they get xxxxxx zillion HP whereas we Infils get zip and dont foget the armor bonus i cant seem to deal with. Nerf Healers because they have instas and can mezz. Nerf Skalds and their uber shouts, Nerf Hunters Spear and SBs Zerkers for being oh so uber, Nerf all casters because they can doubleshoot you and can AE cast, Nerf zerkers because they can morph... <Rant continues listing the suggested nerfage for the classes person got killed by or couldnt solo on some occasions>

Will this ever bloody stop... ever ?

PS: These examples from top of my head and are not related to my career as Infil... But you get the picture :flame:


The original poster was being sarcastic. He was complaining about people who want stealthers nerfed, though speaking from an infiltrator's point of view, he doesn't get nerfed in any patch up to and including 1.52. Patch 1.53 is supposed not to contain any class-altering changes, so we shall presume the assassins once more escape Mythic's attention.
Frankly, remove see hidden and I'm quite happy with assassins...


Originally posted by old.LandShark
The original poster was being sarcastic. He was complaining about people who want stealthers nerfed, though speaking from an infiltrator's point of view, he doesn't get nerfed in any patch up to and including 1.52. Patch 1.53 is supposed not to contain any class-altering changes, so we shall presume the assassins once more escape Mythic's attention.
Frankly, remove see hidden and I'm quite happy with assassins...

Erm.....assassins loose their ability to remain hidden when 1-shotting someone. They will always become revealed after 1.51.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Vell

Erm.....assassins loose their ability to remain hidden when 1-shotting someone. They will always become revealed after 1.51.

Which is a tad more realistic, imo, isn't it?
This game needs more tactics - not just ubering stats to make up for a lack of real skill.


Nerf Derric!

I don't mind stealthers at all, they've been dong great things for our guild and are probably amongst the best equipped members we have (because every mob drops stuff for them the bastards!). It would be nice to see them stop moaning about RvR in DF just because every other class can take part though ;)


Ah Sickofit..... reassurring to see your still a twat..
Consistency is the key.


Nm anymore, I already decided to keep low or none stealth (none if we get respec some day in the far future) and just be this support behind the tank lines picking out targets.
To "hide" I just move around between trees etc..


assasin classes EARN see hidden in a way. They _are_ the hardest class to level, have the most problems getting groups so i do think they deserve that little extra.

ps : nerf minstrels , either take away stun, groupfriendly chants or stealth

ps2 : nerf derric

ps3 : excalibur ... hahahahaha

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by klavrynd
ps : nerf minstrels , either take away stun, groupfriendly chants or stealth exchange, remove snare from Skalds, and make them use instruments for their damage/heal/speed chants, oh, and all group chants, and stun, ok, maybe let you keep snare in exchange for the stealth... :rolleyes:



klavrynd: They did nerf minstrels, they nerfed stun, mez, and stealth. And it's frankly crap. People like you drive people away from the game. Maybe you'd like DAoC with a handful of people, but some of us prefer lots of players.

Assassins already have detect hidden, that "little extra", see hidden is just a stupidly thought out ability. It needs altering to take levels / stealth specs into account.


Originally posted by klavrynd
assasin classes EARN see hidden in a way. They _are_ the hardest class to level, have the most problems getting groups so i do think they deserve that little extra.

Ha! You tried playing a Scout?


Originally posted by klavrynd
assasin classes EARN see hidden in a way. They _are_ the hardest class to level, have the most problems getting groups so i do think they deserve that little extra.

Ever tried getting a group with a spiritmaster, or cabalist, or a blademaster, or a hunter, or scout, or ranger or.......


Nerf any class that's killed my class, ever.

What's the bloody god mode code on this game anyway?


@ Brannor : I think most people know my opinion on minstrels being the only pseudo-assasing class being easy to level
(well maybe not for the 0.4% that dont do powersong/afk)

People like you drive people away from the game

"people like me" , whatever you mean with that don't.

Mythic on the other hand does by making tanks into doorbashers and pets for casters to get to lvl 50 quickly and play a game of ranged vs ranged.

"just a stupidly thought out ability" : want some others?

take away one-shot kills and stay stealthed and give it back to infils on a timer , whereas midgard gets the shaft with a timed "runbuff")

light tanks have been asking for sprint 2 (and immumity up to some extent to stun/mez when in berserk mode for zerk)
but mythic thought that was too powerfull , so whoop in in one ability and give it to poor minstrels (speed of sound anyone)

Tundra : berserkers realm ability does less damage when doing what the class-defining skill being dual wielding

fixes for fixes for fixes

nerf so you come on par with a nerfed class that has been nerfed to get on par with an underpowered (or "unbalanced") class

the list is endless

Ha! You tried playing a Scout?

not higher then lvl 19, but that doesnt count

Ever tried getting a group with a spiritmaster, or cabalist, or a blademaster, or a hunter, or scout, or ranger or

spiritmasters are undervalued, they have quite some utility spells and can solo orange if necessary. They don't come up to the level of the +/- equivalent hibbie chanter but hey, hib's the magic realm (not that that means anything)

blademasters are gimps like the rest of the light tanks, no comment there

no comment on the archer classes. they do get camo sometime

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Osmosis
What's the bloody god mode code on this game anyway?
It's there...but only GOA peeps have it, and some event characters. ;)



Originally posted by Derric
Unwanted in PvE,a real fucking bitch to level..and then ppl whine when stealthers finally get to enjoy the game..
Some classes are built to be able to solo and you knew that when you chose to play a tank/caster/healer so stop whining and do something about us instead of screamin "nerf!" when you try to solo as a class not designed for it.
The reason stealthers are the top RP holders on the EU servers is simply because you let us be,not because we are overpowered uberclasses.

PS I totally agree that See Hidden need nerfing though,an ability that pretty much fucks the game up for lots of ppl like that should never been implemented DS


Also, wtf dop you know that we knew that stealthers are completely over-powered when we chose our tank/caster healer?

The reason stealthers are the top RP holders EVERYWHERE are because there is nothing anyone can do about them, because they are overpowered.

Solo classes in RvR will ALWAYS have the most realm points everywhere because they can get the same amount of realm points in one kill that it takes ten kills for anyuone else o get in a group (Based on approx. 1k RP's for a kill, and around 100 RP's for a kill when in an 8 man group).

I dont hate stealthers, and i dont think they should be nerfed so much that they are useless everywhere. In my opinion Mythic screwed archers and assassins up big time, and instead of totally reforming the classes and enduring the whines about it by making them more efficient for PvE and less efficient for (solo) RvR they screw around completely nerfing them, then overpowering them, then fucking around with other classes to try and make them be able to counter stealthers.. It sucks, but anyone who says archers and assassins AREN'T overpowered for RvR are kinda weird..

When i say stealthers here i am talking about assassins and archers, minstrels i think fall into a different category. Although minstrels can have great stealth, they cannot one shot and stay hidden. climb walls, jump off walls to escape and not lose much health etc.. like an assassin can. They can't shoot people from a long distance away to get RP's like an archer can. A minstrel is very much pressured into joining groups rather than being a soloer and also has a very difficult time killing things solo as they kill so slowly.

Referring to minstrels was referring to minstrels who aren't running around uber buffed by their bot and able to kill pure tanks in melee solo.


Originally posted by Gef
Ha! You tried playing a Scout?
I agree, except of course the first 20 levels are easy as hell when you kill anything np and kill tasks are easy as f**k. Later on though, many groups tend to be "full" or "just logging" or "waiting for a friend".


Minstrel after the nerfs is a broken class. You say it's overpowered, that's before resists on stun/mez, purge, see hidden, etc. After all that minstrel can't solo. In a group all you can do is maybe mez someone for a short time, or stand around beating a drum. Unlike other support classes, we can't really do anything but stand around and beat a drum, no real nukes (like thuergist), no heals (warden, bard), not enough damage output to fight (like skald). I don't know about you but I didn't roll my character to follow a caster about beating a drum for hours while occasionally stunning someone for 3 seconds or nuking for a small amount of damage (one caster nuke does more damage than 2 of mine, and uses about 1/4 of the power to boot).
I can see a lot of archers and minstrels leaving the game after the patch and frankly I don't blame them.


purge is on a 30s timer and costs a whooping 10 ra points and this is not minstrel only.

Think of assasins that trust alot on their poisons and the stun on a cd to effectively kill an enemy when you don't oneshot it, think of sorc's that mezz for a living, think of healers that are being reduced to rezzbots.

resists for cc were about time, after all there are resists for every damage type so you take less damage, why not have resists to lessen the duration of a very irritating effect (standing in line waiting to get killed is _not_ fun)

You had the easy levelling of a pseudo-support class and chose for an allround class (that still is uber and will be a bit less in the next patches) so imho you do not deserve the firepower of a pure caster (hey , you got chain armor) , the damage output of a pure assasin (hey, you got chain armor) nor the full potential in support (hey you have stealth and you can cast while running)

In the end we're all the same, every class is overpowered and should be nerfed, until they touch the one you're playing


Originally posted by klavrynd

In the end we're all the same, every class is overpowered and should be nerfed, until they touch the one you're playing [/B]

So very true.


I realise minstrel isn't the only class to get horribly broken by RAs. Nor was I suggesting minstrel get caster nukes or assassin damage (as that would be overpowered). But something to make the class viable as something other than a power/speed bot would be nice. While they're at it they might want to fix sorcerers and light tanks too. :p

When it comes down to it mythic shouldn't have bothered with RAs, they break more than they fix. Putting resists into mez and stun timers would have helped against being mezzed the whole time, plus the cure mez spells being added.


Erm I have a 37 Ranger and i know about this so called 'nerf detect hidden' sorry i don't see it as a nerf, considering the assassain classes really are the only combat against other stealther class's so they should have a form of detecting. But if you read the US server and the 1.52 patches mythic realised it was a bit 'too easy' for stealthers to detect Archer classes. So in 1.52 we get ablity to camoflage so they can't see us using detect hidden.

Its on a timer if i remeber rightly, you can use if for as long as you want, but as soon as you go into combat you have to wait 10 mins before you can use camoflage again.

With thing comming in it makes detect hidden a little easy to avoid, but hey we're stealthers trying to avoid being detected is all part of the fun, gotta love making your heart jump when army of albs or mids run over you while your in stealth mode then running away hoping no-one spotted you ;p

Heres the patch notes about it from 1.52

A new ability for Archers has been added - that of Camouflage. The purpose of Camouflage is for the Archer to be able to move about unseen, but not be able to use it to engage in stealthed combat. We want archers to be able to perform their scouting duties, but not become the overpowering solo killers that they once were.

Camouflage is awarded to all Scouts, Hunters, and Rangers at level 30. You use it just like any other ability - first, you must be hidden (via your normal stealth icon). Then, drag the Camouflage icon to your quickbar and click on it to activate the ability. When you are Camouflaged, essentially you are invisible from the assassin See Hidden ability - however, you abide by all the rules of being stealthed normally; i.e. you have a greater chance of being visible to those that are higher level than yourself.

When you are a camouflaged, you abide by all the rules of stealth. You will move at your normal stealthed speed, and you will become visible if you engage in combat (take damage, attack someone, shoot someone with a bow, etc.). Please note that you can Camouflage any time ten minutes after your last attack. This makes Camouflage useful to scout around unseen, but it will not help you in combat, since you will not be able to use the skill for 10 minutes after you attack someone else.

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