Necro's bad image



No matter what the majority of us necro's do to make sure we don't have a bad name there's a sizable minority who do their best to fuck our reputaion up.

Darkness Falls encounter

No matter what anyone thinks of my Necro I'd never do that.


guy says help, you call him a tosser and he pm's you? i don't get what he did wrong


OK since it needs explaining.

I was in a smallish corridor pulling necromancers and he runs in and starts pulling. he bites off more than he can chew and asks me for help. Like I'm going to do that.


so he tried to ruin ya camp? got pwned by the mobs? then asked for a rezz from you? lol


I don't like the attitude of most necros ever since i was soloing Clerks with my ice wizz (weak against cold) as an ice wizz i found it hard to solo, the necros would just come along and steal the whole camp when i was there i didn't mind them pulling as it had a fast pop rate but atleast let me take a few seeing as i was there first : (


I am glad to see it isn't just me that finds the vast majority of necroes to be selfish. I have lost count of the number of times I have been pushed from a camp spot by this classes behaviour.

IMO Mythic created a problem when they introduced this class. People use them to farm and little else. I have absolutley no problem with the "old school" guys who know not to leech, however it appears that most have had a full frontal lobotomy and consequently play like morons.


The time i spent with my Necro, and subsequently PLing my Scout has completely put me off the class. I havent touched it since i dinged the scout 50, and dont plan to any time soon.
Regardless of what people say 99% of necros are complete tools. There are a few considerate ones out there but most dont have a clue.
I noticed a disturbing trend also....unguilded necros that actually have mains in a big guild. Pretty obvious they do this so they can do what the fuck they like.


Besides most necro's are annoying they are brainless also
and feet less <oops other story>

But good to see they bite on their own race also


some necros are nice, like me.
i never pushed anyone from a camp.

once, while i was exping my current samll necro (Terenn) i saw a nice scout, i logged my big necro and started debuffing mobs for him ,he was very pleased, coz he did 2x damage w/ my af debuff ^^

take notes little kiddies...

p.s. i take my necros not as pl tools, i take them as real characters, i like the class very much


i didn't like the way i was when i played a necro ... it's like a power trip ... MUST ... KILL FASTER... MUST KILL MORE.... etc etc ... i was getting cranky with people and annoyed if they shared camp and stuff.

I'd never have done that with any other char :( necroes should be deleted


beeky, when u get another problem, pm me and quinny and we'll bring our necros and pull everything that moves....

i hate the necro's that steal camps too, at least when me an quin was lvling ours (start of si) wasn't hardly any necro's up in caldy/gwyyd.... tbh after a few pull's camps become useless as bonus go's, so i say wander for t3h win.


Lol snakey, thnx fer the offer :)

It seems as though the necro issue has struck a nerve with some as stated by Iluv's post, I couldn't agree more with what he says. It is too late for Mythic to delete but I suggest that necros are due a very hefty nerfing thus bringing them in line with other classes that have to use some sort of skill to level.

I will continue this thread by listing areas within Albion where the necro situation has become a problem.

1. Danny clerks/farmers/soldiers. Camped 24/7

2. Pikemen. Camped 24/7

3. Celtic liches. Camped 24/7

4. Many areas within AC and DF when Alb has it. Camped 24/7

5. Haunted apple trees. Camped 24/7

I avoid these areas when levelling as I know there is no chance of actually doing anything other than watching necros kill mobs.

So there are 5 areas that are heavily infested, with more and more necros being rolled the problem will only get worse.


Originally posted by elbeek
So there are 5 areas
Is 5 really all you can manage? You could easily add another 20+ to that list if you could be bothered ;)

As time goes on the spots that arent camped by idiots 24/7 decrease :rolleyes:


Don't think its so much necro's as it is players. Player attitude on alb/excal has been getting worse and worse. Alb tossers have found their own little niche where they can pull as many mobs as they like non-stop thanks to the necro power tap - all they need do is stand on one spot, press the same button over and over again, then move on to the next persons camp spot. Most are crap players, and find that the only way they can level is by playing a necro - this guy in the screenshot is an obvious example by biting off more than he can chew.


I remember the times where cabalists where considered all arses making every XP-group at pygme's impossible :)

Had to say it Elbeek :p

(P.S.: I am not gonna generalize classes, I still believe there are as many cabalist arses as there are theurgist arses, or friars or... whatever.. Its the PLAYER, not the CLASS)


Isn't this the 2nd post in as many days slagging off Necros ?

Try slagging off the people, not the class.

As said above, its the people behind the PC, that decide whr they go and what they do.

I've never leetched, unless by accident, i always move on, if a spot is camped, and i've done the pikemen and ALWAYS /send someone who has been past asking if was gonna be there long.

Is this thread gonna get closed in the same way I wonder....
Its only a matter of time before ppl start telling others to 'fo' and such like.

Bottom line : loads of necros ARE tossers. Loads of Necros ARE NOT tossers, end of story.

<thank you , from your lovable (DING'ed 50 last friday Necromancer) My first lvl 50 character, im not a kid at 31, and im always courteous. so ner.>


what i dont like r these new people to game who 1st char is a necro, they think they know everything about the game when infact they know fuck all. i had 1 guy lecturing me about how good friars were in rvr.


oh and the reason they think they r so good/know everything is cuz they wtfpwn in pve.
then they complain about how gimped they class is, all i can say to them is HAHAHAHAH
but ive had so many bad experiences with necro's, way way more than with other classes.


Altho some people take their hatred (jealousy) for necro's a bit too far, and will quite happily invade a necro's camping spot and start pulling right on top of him. After all, it's a necro! Therefor it's an arse! Therefor, it's perfectly ok to steal the spot!!

But yea, most necro's are not very considerate. Especially the ones who got a necro as first char. Of course, infiltrators who join a guild with lots of PvE hunts and then unguild themselves to go solo I also consider tits. Among other stuff that annoys me.


it's not so much that necros are bad, it's more that they suit the bad players so well...
although they really, really do need some way of introducing downtime in pve, several times i was forced to leave spots with my wizard, just because of necros clearing the spot while i was resting for power, which is why i gave up trying to level my wizard long ago... seems almost everything weak to fire is also weak to spirit...
but that's wandering off topic now...


0. You make yourself look a fool posting on the forums, as he said.

1. Your attitude towards him didnt seem so good either,
infact thats the same type of arrogant backchat you get
from most necromancers who think they know all, so your no different.

2. Just looks like two necros having a slagging match over "I was here to farm/pl first, fo or ill barrywhine", when your both the same as eachother.

3. And I don't think he was going out of his way to fuck the reputation of the necro's up, I think he was just pissed off at the fact you wernt going to rezz him, which is fine if you don't, becuase he deserved what he got :p but your only making yourself look bad aswell (note your a necro.. fighting against yourself?)

Its not down to the class, its down to the player.


I'm not fighting against myself at all. This was the first time I've ever seen a necro do what others have been saying for months.

No one owns a camp but it's pretty much an unwritten rule that you don't ruin someone elses enjoyment of the game.

Waok please explain to me how I've made myself look a fool posting here.

Also If I was to come to an area you were pulling from and without saying anything just started pulling how would you feel? I was pretty fucking calm tbh. And yes he is the sort of tosser Necro who's fucked up Necros reputations and as has been stated by someone earlier, its amazing how many guilded players don't guild their Necro. Wonder why?


Originally posted by samildanachh
what i dont like r these new people to game who 1st char is a necro, they think they know everything about the game when infact they know fuck all. i had 1 guy lecturing me about how good friars were in rvr.


for your information - ive played 2 years and deleted a couple of 40+ characters - so please do insinuate im a n00b, who creates a necro as his first character. thankyou.

Originally posted by samildanachh
oh and the reason they think they r so good/know everything is cuz they wtfpwn in pve.
then they complain about how gimped they class is, all i can say to them is HAHAHAHAH
but ive had so many bad experiences with necro's, way way more than with other classes.

I have never said i know everything either - im one of the good guys, remember.

I understand your not having a go at me per-se - but look at it from my point of view - you post those 2 straight after a necro posts about nice things. To me it looked like you were looking for ammunition for a gun and because a necro had just posted, you decided to shoot.

If this is an incorrect assumption, i apologise.


To the whiners saying all necro's are idiots:

I don't like that people believe a character makes you bad. I've met loads of idiots in my time on DAOC, cabalists, wizards, thurgs, necro's.... i'm yet to meet a sorcerer that's a idiot, but if i do meet a sorcerer that wants to piss me off he can do more damage than ANY necro.

What makes you a bad player is lack of respect for your fellow players, and the lack of respect for necro's is what makes necro's have lack of respect for other players. My time on my necro has been eventful to say the least, myself and another necro have been known to camp a spot for 6 hours+ then have a fg come up and start pulling and then start swearing at us saying we're taking all the mobs even though we been there for 6 hours and they only just walked in and start pulling without saying anything... the guilds that said this were even members from GOL and TP (pity i didn't remember their names was gonna report to their GM's).

I behave no differently on Aceiz than on any of my other chars and i don't like the insinuation that all necro's are arseholes when it's totally untrue!


Originally posted by acei
What makes you a bad player is lack of respect for your fellow players, and the lack of respect for necro's is what makes necro's have lack of respect for other players.

Then why do so many ppl have experience of necros just coming and pulling from camped spots without even a quick polite pm. Most ppl are happy to share spots as long as the spawn isnt going to be totally wiped. Necros are a powerful class and can clear the spawn in most spots so they do even if someone else is camped there quite often. That is what people are complaining about. That isnt a lack of respect from the person already there ( in ths case quite funny it was anotehr necro) it is a lack of respect for wanting to 'share' a spawn and not even sending a polite pm. Also, when a necro pl'ing comes along and 'accidentally' hits your mobs when you are sharing a spawn and gives you baf its quite annoying because it can get you killed and when I have pointed this out before the usual answer is 'dont worry i am pl'ing a cleric who can rez you' like it doesnt matter. I have always enjoyed the necros I have played with but there is somethign about this class that tends to make people forget simple manners often.


there is also another side too this story, and ive had experience from this loads of times, so have some freinds while playing there necro's, the other side is all the PM's u get whilst playing your necro asking for pwrlvling, most from peep's who iv'e never met/spoken too. ofc this doesn't justify the necroasse's who rape spawn point's.

as said in previous post's, its not the char's fault it's the ppl who play them, necro's aren't all that overpwrd, yeah u can kill very fast with them but look at there weaknesses,

1. necro's can't do jackshit without it's pet, apart from giving other ppl pink hair.
2. a necro can't use charged items while in shade form, so wtf has it got a charged effect on its epic suit?...this also include's alchemist potions ofc.
3. when u can't see your target the spell still cast's using up pwr and b4 u know it , all your pwr is gone.
3a. u even use pwr casting insta lifetap in RvR when the pet is slammed, so when u come out of stun (if u survived ofc) u got jack all pwr left. the pet is blue con, mez is a full lenght mez as none of shade's resist's transfer too the pet (me and freinds have tried this theory out in duels and resists don't transfer).

i could go on but this isn't one of them post's and im just rambling.

so too get back too the point , they don't need nerfing in no way,shape or form, they need a tweek here and a downgrade there.
i would love too see resists transfer and maybe be the only class too actually have a same lvl castable pet.

and anyway, too the other necro's, show curtisy while exp'ing, if the camp is already taken, at least ask b4 wading in, or move along till somewhere is clear. don't be a jerk and just wipe the place clean cos it will be your fault when mythic doe's nerf necro's in a big way.


Originally posted by Snake.ster

and anyway, too the other necro's, show curtisy while exp'ing, if the camp is already taken, at least ask b4 wading in, or move along till somewhere is clear. don't be a jerk and just wipe the place clean cos it will be your fault when mythic doe's nerf necro's in a big way.

:clap: well said.


the other side is all the PM's u get whilst playing your necro asking for pwrlvling

Remember borrowing a friends necro to help do the templar epic in barrows and as soon as he entered the entrance someone PMed me saying "do you powerlevel for gold!!??". I simply replied "No" and then received another message back saying "n00b necro alert". So apparently, I was a n00b for not wanting to powerlevel some idiot in exchange for gold :/


Originally posted by Tootz
Don't think its so much necro's as it is players. Player attitude on alb/excal has been getting worse and worse. Alb tossers have found their own little niche where they can pull as many mobs as they like non-stop thanks to the necro power tap - all they need do is stand on one spot, press the same button over and over again, then move on to the next persons camp spot. Most are crap players, and find that the only way they can level is by playing a necro - this guy in the screenshot is an obvious example by biting off more than he can chew.

You forgot tho Tootz, when I first leveled up my Necro a v long time ago we had anything from 2 times as much power to a lot more per pull so hitting red/purps was not as issue, there were not as many tossers about on those days.

One of the issues I have is being told after 10-15 mins of pulling mobs around meicals tower that is was camped, I mean wtf practically a whole feckin zone is a camp

I think after not being seen for 10-15mins the camp might be big enough :)

Anyway I know where to solo my necro when I lvl chars as do the other people that use him, I trust them explicitly when it comes to using my account and the chars that are on it, I dont think I have ever seen anybody have a go at me for something I havent said myself :)

Only really lost it at 4-5 people that have been total arses int he time Ihave been playing him.

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