Necro Spec




48 Deathsight
24 Death Servant
6 Painworking


48 Deathsight
24 Painworking
6 Death Servant

Which do people think is better? The top spec is what I was planning on doing as it seems to me to be the best available. I am, however, told (by someone in-game) that on the US boards (read: probably VN :wall: ) people are claiming the painworking spec is better. for the character builder.


I'd say go with the 24 Painworking

108 damage PBAOE...

That's less than a lvl 27 ice wiz. Considerably.

Not worth it imo to be doing 100 damage on pbaoe when you could be debuffing pbaoe and doing 250 damage DoT (overall).


I was thinking about this...

Full Deathsight is obviously the best for PvE; draining life and power means you will end up with hardly any downtime at all.

However, in terms of RvR...erm...well, what are necros supposed to do? Make sure everyone has full power?

The PB is weak. The Pb DoT is just a gimmicky toy. 15s AoE snare is a joke. The 117dmg DD shout is a minstrel rip-off.

And it all has to go through the pet. How tough are the pets going to be in RvR? I know most people ignore cabalist/sorc pets in RvR but is that going to be the case for necros?

It's a nice PvE class, I guess what?

47 Death Servant
25 Deathsight
8 Painworking

I just totally made that up randomly. Change the necromancer's name to Mezzbreakancer.



Deathservant 24 looks a bit useless to me, I'm sure you're not going to be soloing RvR much so how likely is it you won't be able to get a better dex+qui buff? And the PBAEdd isn't exactly uber hardhitting at that spec... none of it is =)


OK this is the bit where i point out that the necro self-heals are death servant baseline.


And also, how easy is it going to be to control the damn pet in RvR? And make sure it's in the right place for PBing?

You know, I just realised I know fuck all about necros. :D I suppose I better make one when I get SI.



OH! The top spec PBDoT does the same damage as the top base sorcerer STDoT. It also lasts the same length of time at 20s.

That's just crappy! My DoT does around 70dmg after resists and around 160 if I debuff matter. And I get that for free!



Originally posted by old.Wildfire
OK this is the bit where i point out that the necro self-heals are death servant baseline.

Lifetapping greys works better than 50deathservant health regen, no? :>


Regen is a 15s instashout. You can do both at the same time.



dunno shit about necros :) but if i should make 1 i would go

47 Death Servant
25 Death Sigth
8 Pain working ..

I would get wet dreams about putting pet in PBAOE position in a keep

then float though the door ... watch the EVUL hibs/mids hammer on doors and BAMMMMMM fire the pbaoe's AND beening able to watch em while i do it ....

/em rubs hands whilst grinning a VERY VERY EVUL laugther

allso i imagine that the pet is stronger than the normall PBAOE caster... so hard to kill ... and not nice to ignore


yes LS there are lots of greys to lifetap mid-combat in emain :)


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

And it all has to go through the pet. How tough are the pets going to be in RvR? I know most people ignore cabalist/sorc pets in RvR but is that going to be the case for necros?

Sure hope they do ignore the pet ;) Don't forget to abuse the LoS bugs as much as you can, little payback for hibbies :D


Didn't the LoS "bugs" get fixed for necros?


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Necros are the only casters immune to stealth ganking. :)

...or so I have been told.

Anyhoo, Necros with Deathsight are going to be uber at soloing and be used exclusively as power bitches in groups.

In RvR I could see the Necro power tap being bloody useful for taking enemy casters out of action for a while. As for the PBAOE DoT, aren't Spirit resists always capped out on most people?

It will be interesting to see how people are spec'd for BG1.


im going 48 sight for the last absorb buff
24 servant to reduce the varience on the HoT
and the remaining 6 in pain.

i thought about the aoe unbreakable snare, that it looked quite good, but then its only going to last 8 secs if im 24 pain.

so i decided id rather reduce the varience on my HoT, meaning with RR and +11 in items i get 30 something in servant.

and apathy, you wont be ignoring something that nukes you for 500+ a shot and has HoT, power taps (unlimited power anybody?), is able to cast 2 spells in combat, and when buffed decently can have an absorb of over 60%... easily.

i know there are probelsm and yes i have just shown the good side but i dont think you will find many people ignoring a necro any more than they ignore a wizard or a sorc or a cleric



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Didn't the LoS "bugs" get fixed for necros?


Depends on the patch we're getting, the fixes weren't in the original SI "patch" when it came out in US as far as I recall.

Necros are apparently quite invulnerable to a single stealther, but 2 shouldn't have problems.


powertap is a DD>power for u afaik so it only interrupts casters

A portion of damage is returned as power to the necroshade

from herald

i spoken to alot of necro players on US servers, most agree on deathsight, its got the funky 9%abs buff and good nukes etc for leveling

some do go painworking, but its kind of like being an earth spec wiz: a specialist

better just go full Deathsight for nuke power, and then rest into deathservant for better pet heals

keep it simple: good nuker with a few tricks/buffs/debuffs and good pet heals

nercos are godam frustrating to play tho i warn u now ;)


Necro = tank killers :)))) was grpd with a necro in uppland and saw him kill a 50 skald in about 4-5 seconds :))))) i asked him a few questions about necros and he said he can kill most tanks EXTREMELY easy "even spearo's" only tank that he says may beat him is a zerker cos they kill the blue con pet v fast.. he said the pow steal is fun.. and that he has probs against casters dueto there speed at nuke killing blue pets :(

from what i can gather also intel is main stat u need and from what ive read on vn boards they put ALL there start pnts in INTEL and 1 in summin else . it seems the necro pet has its own set of ressits hp and dmge tables so your stats dont affect it accept intel for pow pool


rather than posting a semi correct post yoda but leave out a few vital details i would suggest people spent a few hours reading this site :

its a lot more accurate and has more detail, also the forums will give you a good idea about the strengths and weakensses of the class.

but yes, i will have my revenge against all the Chanter pets :whip:


but yes, 48 sight, 24 servant, 6 pain will be my spec
id rather have better HoT than a gimpy 8 sec snare



go pain working 24.

not for the dot, bugger that. for the snare!!!!

what most peeps dont know is this is the one snare in the game that DOESNT break when mob is hit and its an insta pet cast so is VERY handy!!!


as i said read the site.

the single target snare DOES break on dammage

the AoE one DOSNT, but 24 pain will only last 8 secs befor resists, also if u read the forums you will see that necro s can only realy get spells within 5-8 of their level to stick, others just resist.

there are stories of necros casting a lvl 5 power tap on a lvl 5 charachter when the necro is lvl 50 and only hitting with 1 out of 20 attempts !


Aule Valar

aye crypt is a very good site, and the players there are very helpful :)


in this patch you can put your pet on stay at atk and go for a walk in emain.

Aule Valar

in teh next patch you can put your pet on follow, and it will wonder off and do its own thing, while you bang your head on stairs, well thats a slight exageration, probably 2 more 'fixes' from mythic before we reach the point the american necros are at now


Out of interest what about going 39 Deathsight and 37 Deathservant, leaving painworking as you get a basline snare anyway and the damage/pbae/heal/power spells are far chunkier than the debuffs. With 39/37 you get the even spread of spells with most the 2nd highest available.

What ya think??? (pweese no flames i like discussion :D )


Poor nukes, poor tanking, I imagine in any situation you'd be left wishing you'd gone for one spec or the other.


Originally posted by Aussie-
in this patch you can put your pet on stay at atk and go for a walk in emain.

you can always do that, but it only works over a short range, 1500.
once you go out of that range you have 10 secs until you pet p00fs and your able to be harmed again.

But with no LoS you can certainly go round the side of mile gates and scout and nuke around a bit while being pretty untouchable yourself :)



ok so we get hit harder because were blue con

the bonuses of this:

cant be mezzed under 90% health (yay)
our lvl 44 pet, the last one we get has a base absorb of 50% add to this a 9% absorb buff from sight spec and a few decent cleric buffs and we realy do become hard to take down.
this is because Con buffs on mobs dont boost con, they boost abosrb so its acctually possible to get nearly 70% absorb on your pet, thus you take less dammage in melee than anybody else as long as you keep your buffs up.

problem is that even with full resists the lvl 44 pet gets n00ked down in about 3 shots if you just stand there so you'd better get that instant life tap, HoT, and FP all ready to crack open on the casters. also by the sounds of it, a buffed necro who can play well is easily capable of taking down 2 SB's or 2 of pretty much any non-n00king class.

Having said that there was a runie on US boards who got 2 shotted by a necro, 580, 512 = dead runie :)

remember the necro has power and life taps so no real downtime, also the pet runs faster than a horse if u have a speed song, so if your chasing, send your pet at some bard ;)


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