necro/necro pets


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Well BD vs Necro is fun.. if they necro knows what to do he will win 9 out of 10.. if not he will loose em all

(they should drop the commander while interrupting the BD so he cant base nuke) the commander is undead and will be down in secounds but so will ur pet if he gets off hes base nukes :>)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
vintervargen said:
fun thing is if you shoot necro pets from full range, they can still nuke you, thus interrupt you, thus you need to run to them and get nuked.


If your using rf a good chance they might not be able to nuke since pet nukes can be interrupted, and their lifedrain on 500 range.
Its a damn hard PvE class because of high absorb and power/life drains,
nothing more. Even before patch a stealther could not beat a fully buffed
necro, nothing new, they just got stronger in PvE.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
belth said:
Err, that was like when SI was originally released or something :m00:

Opps I frequently attack BD's :)

I win most but the buggers wont keep still half the time!!


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Nemue said:
what a pile of rubbish, u can stun or mezz the pet all u want if u attack it solo, all necro need to to is target and send pet to attack, when the stun or mezz is over the pet will chase u back to ligen from emain.

the whole necro-situation is just laughable, was at amg trying to get over the wall earlier on, saw a few albs run up the wall i thought id use to jump over so i decide to move around in a wide arc and take the other wall instead, before i know it a scout TS's me and i leg it, halfway to crau xroads i notice i have a necro chasing me with his homing pet, so i stealth and attack it with snare poison and leg it again, and the pet catches ujp to me again att mmg. so ya, snare/stun or mezz is a real winner for a solo person who meets at necro.

Erm, you really dont have a clue do you....You DO realise if the pet gets too far away and necro shade turns back into turtle fodder (if pet has ANY dmg when it goes out of range the necro comes back with 10% HP), you DO realise that Necro pets standard there for full mez, stun duration.

Why do you assume all soloers are stealthers??


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
DaveyJones said:
Resists carry over aswell

Wasnt there still an issue about magic resists?

Not been keeping up with necro stuff, too busy playing my wizzy recently.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Phule_Gubben said:
OMG... wait...


well here we go...
just a sec...
:clap: :flame: R O F L ! ! ! ! ! :flame: :clap:

Consider yourself back to exping the "normal" way guys.


Since my DS necros rips apart most oranges before they get to the pet it aint an issue for me, it just have to out up with stupid decay rates on staffs and charges that I cant use.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
maybe use snare poison on the pet so it won´t catch u if u see a necro gets close to u ? :touch:


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
So I have to run to a bloody keep every time a necro chases me? lol

Would you run back to atk when I hit you somewhere at mmg or so? I don't think so. You wouldn't survive unstealthed either, just so you know.

Erm, the issue is dont take on the necro...the keep thing was 1 solution not the answer to necros owning most stealther types.

Do stealthers often take on and win against Shafu?

You take him on once and get your arse handed to you (Mostly), and you
dont do him again untill somebody keeps his pet busy.

Will the original stealther take on another necro in the same situation? I think not, point proven me thinks.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
vintervargen said:
fun thing is if you shoot necro pets from full range, they can still nuke you, thus interrupt you, thus you need to run to them and get nuked.


Erm Pretty sure you have more than 1500 (Top range I think on castable lifetap/pwr tap) range as a ranger or hunter?

I think our 50% snare is slightly longer range but thats it, now, I might be wrong but thats how I remember it.

Each time you hit the pet you interrupt it unless FP is used, insta lifetap is like 15 game feet (500 range).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
So I have to run to a bloody keep every time a necro chases me? lol

Would you run back to atk when I hit you somewhere at mmg or so? I don't think so. You wouldn't survive unstealthed either, just so you know.

TBH, no necro is going to chase you that far. If you get a stun/snare/mezz on it, you should be out of sight by the time it comes out of stun, and only a stupid necro is going to let his pet chase you at that point (too easy to let it get out of range, or run into aggro, or run into a fg). I was just pointing out that in the circumstances the guy described, he died because he didn't think fast enough.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Phule_Gubben said:
Consider yourself back to exping the "normal" way guys.

Err... you think for one second that you don't farm enough money as a necro to pay for new armour every month or two? :) I don't play mine that much, but even just pl'ing a rejev/enchance cleric from 20 to 37, I've made enough for two sets of 99% armour (one cloth, one chain) and an MP chain hauberk.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nemue said:
i bow to your superior intellect (retard), try the /realm command and ahve a look of who has crau and crim. ofc, it's all working as intended when solo ppl to have to run 1½ zone away to get away from a fecking pet.

LOL how am I supposed to know what time you were playing, Mr Perfect? Fact is still that you thought "oh, I can stealth then I'm safe dah dah dah" and died. Even I'm not stupid enough to stealth when I know a pet is chasing me - at least not until I know I'm far enough off to be safe.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gordonax said:
TBH, no necro is going to chase you that far. If you get a stun/snare/mezz on it, you should be out of sight by the time it comes out of stun, and only a stupid necro is going to let his pet chase you at that point (too easy to let it get out of range, or run into aggro, or run into a fg). I was just pointing out that in the circumstances the guy described, he died because he didn't think fast enough.

well i dont attack necro's at all, im not crazy, i dont want to risk another 20 mins run to emain just to find out ill hit it for 20 dmg


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Zoia said:
Had my worst fight ever today with a necro.
He's rr1, if Duskwave is uppdated, and i'm rr8.
Spirit resist chant on and i charged.
After a few seconds i figure out ap+aof would be a good thing, so i turn that on and use IP.
A few seconds after that i'm dead while the necropet is still at 100% :m00:

Oh well, we got BDs and albs got necros. It's all ok. :p

Zoia, that was my necro (Mortuary), for the first time in this game I felt sorry for killing somone and I didn't feel I deserved the RPS. You saw me again (about 20 mins later at AMG, you didn't didn't come close, I didn't chase you). Your RR8 is very well and hard earn't where as my RR1 (now RR2 thanks to you) wasn't hard earn't. A buffed necro (and i was) is imo almost impossible for a solo mele class to win against. Even against 2 I have a good chance of winning if I play properly.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
its so bloody fun to see when albion gets a overpowered class.. when they DONT have one they use all their time to whine their balls off at mid/hib's over powered classes (in their eyes as they can acually get killed by those classes) but when alb acually GETS a overpowered class that is IMO worse then a savage, mana chanter and BD combined they all run and defend it saying its still a gimp class....

name ONE class, ONE class in the entire game and history that have had as much overpowerdness as the necro have now.....

and please, dont come with "a mage 2 shots a necro" i bet they do. theres just one problem and im sure u all noticed that to, casters aint that popular in rvr!! atm its a tanks paradise and its tanks that a necro is more or less sure to meet... so its from a tanks perspective u all gonna see...

so as u all said when mids were defending the savage. look from the other sides point of view also!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ctuchik said:
and please, dont come with "a mage 2 shots a necro" i bet they do. theres just one problem and im sure u all noticed that to, casters aint that popular in rvr!!

LOL! So all those Hibs caster groups that hand me my ass on a plate don't exist? Oh, you mean in MID caster groups don't exist? Well, first up there actually ARE Mid caster groups around (and some very good ones). There are some casters who solo (hi Phixion!) and do it well.

So now maybe you ought to start running with a caster in your group. Adapt or die - same as it has always been.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
^Mid and Hib whiners doing their "omg I just got pwned, NERF NERF" dance^


^Mid and Hib whiners doing their "omg I just got pwned, NERF NERF" dance^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Phule_Gubben said:
OMG... wait...
Well here we go...

just a sec...

:clap: :flame: R O F L ! ! ! ! ! :flame: :clap:

Consider yourself back to exping the "normal" way guys.

Not sure what you are smoking, but Mids can pl a toon to 50 in around 34 hours played. Necro's are once again inferior to the best pl ways of Midgard.
Add to that the gigantic list of bugs and necro's are only good for pl, and not for rvr.
Then when you think about armor being hit and degrading as it gets hit (staff was already degrading) then why should this armor not also proc?
You mids are such hypocrites. Bloody insane.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well, simply answer my question.
How many necros do you see rvr every night either solo or in groups? 2, 3?
I for one would like to do some rvr with necro but remember how frustrating it can be at times and don't even try it. Tbh, nerf necro pl, np for me. Just do it after you fixed this damned class to actually work decently in rvr, eg fix purge, moc, armor proccs, etc...

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