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GOGO mythic. I wub u more than Micropoo
Originally posted by sh33py
Amazing how many people have such a poor understanding of the law.
The owner of a trademark has exclusive right to use it on the product it was intended to identify and often on related products.
Where trademarks are defined as:
Trademarks are generally distinctive symbols, pictures, or words that sellers affix to distinguish and identify the origin of their products.
It doesn't make any difference what the word is; what do you think the point of trademarking your company name is? For a laugh?
It's to stop anyone else from starting up with your name or similar and getting a free ride.
If a games developer started up, had absolutely nothing to do with Blizzard and called themselves Blizzard East you don't see anything wrong with that?
If someone is talking about mmorpgs and they say the word Mythic you think of DAoC, nothing else, not the dictionary meaning of the word you think of the company.
That's more than enough for Microsoft to get owned, even if the game wasn't a mmorpg but considering not only is it a mmorpg but one that deals with the same subject matter as DAoC they haven't got a leg to stand on.
Originally posted by Chenuba
Just because it's a law, doesn't make it less ridiculous, IMO.
Originally posted by Chenuba
Actually I don't think MS was thinking about profiting from Mythic, making a game with scandinavian MYTHOLIGY hasn't ANYTHING to do with Mythic as a company.
My opinion isn't based on the law, but on the fact that it's wrong that some people think that they can OWN the right of using a word that existed even before those people had left their daddys balls.
I don't like MS nor Mythic particulary, I just think the law(s) about registered trademarks are BS in general.
Originally posted by Chenuba
MS isn't making a company but a game called mythica, what's next, EA getting the word sport(s) registered as theirs alone to use ??????????
To me it has NOTHING to do with MS or Mythic but the principle behind this way of thinking that's wrong. I, personally, doesn't like that something that's NOT original (never seen before) can be claimed that way.
Hmmm, maybe I should make a gamecompany called GAME and then sue every other company using that PARTICULAR word on their boxes, damn it could confuse my customers buying other companies products thinking it's one of my companys excellent products.
IMO that case it utter crap and ALL similar cases should be turned down, as long as the trademark isn't original = invented by the company themself..
I'm convinced that the only reason so many people are happy about Mythic doing this is because they hate MS and just want to see them getting hurt in any possible way, even stupid ways..
Originally posted by sh33py
Brand image is one of the most important things to a business and to a consumer, there are enough words to go around, I'm sure Microsoft could of thought up a name that wasn't also coincedently the name of their biggest and direct competitor in the mmorpg market they're going for.
Originally posted by Chenuba
Hmmm, maybe I should make a gamecompany called GAME and then sue every other company using that PARTICULAR word on their boxes, damn it could confuse my customers buying other companies products thinking it's one of my companys excellent products.
Originally posted by cjkaceBM
What about the movie Darkness Falls?
How far do you take this copyright/trademark argument?
On the other this sets yet another copyright/trademark ball rolling that has the potential to never end.
Ultima Online, Ragnarok Online, Anarchy Online all share a common word and term but it could be argued that the ignorant might believe that they were aspects of the same game made by the same company?
Originally posted by Freppe^^
Yep but imo its abit low, wasnt there a game called mythic or so before mythic company came up?