My thoughts go out to our gaming-community in London


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
What was supposed to be a day of joy, winning the Summer-Olympics 2012 commission....has turned into a day of horror!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned on CNN this morning....
it was like a scene from hell.
I pray for all of you and hope you make it thru this day


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 8, 2004
if only the justice that should be done, be it done quick and painfully to those involved............... they have no concideration for any they kill be it kids, men, women, any age, and the familys left behind of those gone and the mental scars left on the victims that survived.......... time to stop pussyfooting around deal with them, and forget what the do gooders and what the media have to say about how we are not the victims but they are.....
everything is to PC today, can't say this can't say that, can't do this because it might offend this person can't do that because it might offend that person, Let me rember rightly those who come into the united kingdom are guests of our country so if they dont like what we do or how we say things, then there is always the plane, train (be it inside or clinging to the underneath) to get back on and get the F*** out of my wonderful country and go back to where they came from................

How any 911's do we need to wake up and deal with this small annoying boil on the worlds arse.............


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
My thoughts also go out to the family and freinds of the people Killed or Injured during the unfortunate events. :mad:
I think the emergency services did a great job ... They had all been prepaired for this day, and that preperation did not go unoticed

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