my own island


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Mods are the police of this site. Spouting random insults that was unprovoked (or provoked for that matter), abusing power (or threatening to, for example with infractions) is something you should avoid. Seems to me like you shouldn't be a mod. Lucky for you i dont have the power to determine that.

Huntingtons maybe you should determine what :p means after a sentence.. seems to me like you enjoy provoking response.. Sadly I have to go to bed soon.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Direct. i recently was in tohtoris poll is this is what you are refering to. Also being direct here that I dont like the way the mods are sometimes governed by a law of their own.

What this fucking poll I keep hearing about, what did I miss??


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
hehe. funny when ppl call the mods on this forum nazi mods :)

this forum have some of the most forgiving rules i've seen when it comes to public forums.

if i went to some of the other ones i'm part of and started spouting fuck or shit or other such nonsense i'd end up on a 1 week vacation or even banned lol.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
What this fucking poll I keep hearing about, what did I miss??

tohtori made a poll to find out what the community think of him. i gave my own feedback there, hopefully his developers will release a beta of the new tohtori shortly.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
i just have a hard time imagining you say(ing?) anything funny.

Bless you dear.... dont thing we are destined to get on do you?

Good night now I have a day of lovely dutch lessons to look forward to tomorrow.... huzzah ;/


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
tohtori made a poll to find out what the community think of him. i gave my own feedback there, hopefully his developers will release a beta of the new tohtori shortly.

Where is it? Was it deleted?
Mods, show me ze thread!!!

/edit: I can see it </retard>


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Fuck you, you said i am not your GF anymore.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
The end is nigh!!!

Laddey has a troll chasing him, when did all this happen?!?

On topic:
You can't technically do what you want, but if you have bought an island the government usually let you apart from illegal stuffs obviously

If you have your own country however you can but you will need to pay people for power etc.. (not to mention paying through the nose for things as the things you buy are exports so all taxes etc are applicable :))
Start saving those pennies mate ^^


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
be my guest
look out Huntingtons, you may find that Yoni is a hell of a lot more tolerant than myself, and I certainly do not like oblique threats.

So if i was to buy an island, only a small one, half a mile x half a mile. Could do what i wanted on this island?

If it was in nobodys waters in the middle of fuck all?
yes, you can. getting other countries to recognise you is another story, legally they may have to, but that doesn't mean they have to allow you through their borders. For example, you will no longer be a UK citizen. How would you get rid of your trash for example?

I think the real problem would be water/electricity, doubt there would be any military threat.
If the country who sells you the land refuses to give you water/electricty if you become your own state it could be problematic
oh, you can make that. it's getting it to and from your land, being insured, etc. Iirc there's a small country within Australia resided over by some fellow calling himself King Paul (or words to that effect). He got the land ceded to him by the Commonwealth. You'll find the Queen's road stops at his border. Everything after that he has to take care of himself.

You're acting like a little child cause you dislike a forumite.
mods don't have emotions, I keep forgetting. I also am under the distinct impression that you're giving far worse than you're getting, and ooh wonders never cease, you're still here. Amazing isn't it?

But its ok for a mod to do it.
no, not really. though you also seem to forget that mods can get caught up in things just like everyone else can.

Tbh Tdc should be the only mod in here, he is the only one that doesnt act like a dick and can control our savage ways in a suitable manner.
gaaaay :p err, I mean, yeah! Me for mod! wait, I am a mod. damn...errr... me for other things!

Nope people on here only want to be direct when it suits them, as soon as any one else does it that take issue and cry to the same mods they would berate for censoring them.
yes, it's nice, isn't it.

Maybe nazi mod is the best way....
only if you wear the matching latex uniform..... wait! what is I saying???1 first Ezteq tempts me, now youuuuuu :eek:

Mods are the police of this site. Spouting random insults that was unprovoked (or provoked for that matter), abusing power (or threatening to, for example with infractions) is something you should avoid. Seems to me like you shouldn't be a mod. Lucky for you i dont have the power to determine that.
people's actions do not get reset with the expiration of an infraction, just like in real life. when my tolerance for certain users runs thin, due for example to them repeatedly being an assface, they will get infracted quicker than usual. If they continue to be thus, they will get infracted until they can not post or are banned. If they can return, and continue to act in that manner they will be less and less kindly treated until they are gone. it's easy, no?

hehe. funny when ppl call the mods on this forum nazi mods :)

this forum have some of the most forgiving rules i've seen when it comes to public forums.

if i went to some of the other ones i'm part of and started spouting fuck or shit or other such nonsense i'd end up on a 1 week vacation or even banned lol.
I'd say the fact that we try to be lenient makes our actions appear harsher than they are.

I have a day of lovely dutch lessons to look forward to tomorrow.... huzzah ;/
tell your tutor what I told you ;)

/edit: I can see it </retard>
we should change the thread title now ;)

I am in love with you and your name popped in to my head before anyone elses.
what? I feel so spurned :eek: :( :eek:

edit: wait ffs, tris-, just how many people here have you been promising tris-love to? :eek:


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Ive just asked a girl out and waiting to hear back, so the number could soon rise to over 3000000.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
13 quotings and you didn't even quote me once Teedisee? That makes me a sad bunny :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
look out Huntingtons, you may find that Yoni is a hell of a lot more tolerant than myself, and I certainly do not like oblique threats.

How is that a threat? she proposed something which i wouldnt stop her doing.
mods don't have emotions, I keep forgetting. I also am under the distinct impression that you're giving far worse than you're getting, and ooh wonders never cease, you're still here. Amazing isn't it?
It's not my forum so not my rules. I was under the impression that mods had to act like the forums ******ds face. If thats insulting users (for no apparent reason) and threatening with infractions, who am I to argue - But wasn't my picture of the mods who usual troll around in FHOT
people's actions do not get reset with the expiration of an infraction, just like in real life. when my tolerance for certain users runs thin, due for example to them repeatedly being an assface, they will get infracted quicker than usual. If they continue to be thus, they will get infracted until they can not post or are banned. If they can return, and continue to act in that manner they will be less and less kindly treated until they are gone. it's easy, no?
But thats not abusing power, and I dont know why that came up (unless it was a threat to me of course) Thats how most punishment systems works, taking prior breaches into account when determind punishment, and i was well aware of this in any case.

What it boils down to, personally, is that i dont understand how a mod can verbally assault Laddey when he has done nothing to deserve it in this particular thread (or in any thread when it comes to a mod).


And how come Usernames get dots beneath them when they are written? :(


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Because Laddey is special and needs extra attention <3


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
How is that a threat? she proposed something which i wouldnt stop her doing.

It's not my forum so not my rules. I was under the impression that mods had to act like the forums ******ds face. If thats insulting users (for no apparent reason) and threatening with infractions, who am I to argue - But wasn't my picture of the mods who usual troll around in FHOT

But thats not abusing power, and I dont know why that came up (unless it was a threat to me of course) Thats how most punishment systems works, taking prior breaches into account when determind punishment, and i was well aware of this in any case.

What it boils down to, personally, is that i dont understand how a mod can verbally assault Laddey when he has done nothing to deserve it in this particular thread (or in any thread when it comes to a mod).


And how come Usernames get dots beneath them when they are written? :(
-I'd say I take exception to the context in with you agree with Yoni's idea, and continue along that path.
-no, it's not your forum and not your rules, that's correct. nor is it mine. I just try to do what seems right, but then again so did King Solomon, and he cut a baby in half, allegedly. but yeah, we try to be decent hosts I suppose but we're only human. get on my tits and I won't like you for a while, that's life.
-I wasn't talking about abusing power, I was talking about my take on modding. I also fully understand other mods and a lot of you forumites, and the level of interaction is very complex for something that is text based. as to threats, do you feel threatened? if you want me to be clearer, I would say that I was within an inch of infracting you all to hell. Not because of what you said earlier in the thread, but because of what you said after it.

what I don't get, is that you don't understand certain mods holding something against Laddey, when you do understand everything else I said. what you may feel regarding a certain subject doesn't mean that someone else or in this case a mod will feel the same way. Also I must let you know I am very aware of the byplay both in this forum and on IRC. I know I shouldn't let IRC influence me, but I know what was said there, to and about certain mods here. That doesn't get people in my good books. People. Not you or Laddey or anyone else. Deliberate vagueness ftw!

It irks me that Laddey's thread got locked while I was typing such an awesome reply in there. If you think I've done any good tonight, that was nothing compared to what I had in text in that thread. Then some clumsy oaf locked it before I was done and all was for naught :(

edit: oh, and what CorNokZ said about the dots :) CorNokZ CorNokZ CorNokZ! he needs special loves too!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
hang on I didnt wish him dead Tris or gone forever.... I requested he stay on his island, please don't twist my words and stir the pot up.

I think that I like everyone else here am entitled to a point of view, regardless of my status as a mod, sorry if you don't like it. However in my opinion my statement it is no worse than some of the underhanded witchhunts I have witnessed on here recently.

Huntingdons lol.... If I wanted to act like a child then I would let Jup have his wicked way on these forums.. and would spend more time doing far more fun things like handing out many many more infractions. I think if you look at my tolerence level of forumites I have given 3 infractions since they were introduced.

Well that's an around and about out sort of way to describe trolling isn't it?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Tris I dont see mods breaking the rules on here... I have however seen many forums and moded a few as well in my many years. What I can tell you is that mods here are much more tolerent of behaviour than anywhere else I have ever been a member.

I think it is good and healthy to have a debate, disagreements, discussions and provoke emotions (within reason), however there is a very very fine line which occasionally gets crossed.

I dont think I have ever permabanned anyone here (regular poster) because these forums still manage to have colourful personalities which make threads fun to read, personally I wouldn't want to see the practice of extreame censorship because it would make these forums so very boring.

To be fair these forums (the OT section) has been running for years in one way or another, they have had their ups and downs and on occasion Jupitus has had to come in and crack the whip. They have managed just fine without an "outsider" coming in and throwing infractions at everything they don't agree with, just because they can.

May I suggest you stick to your side of the fence and we will stick to ours?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I think the real problem would be water/electricity, doubt there would be any military threat.
If the country who sells you the land refuses to give you water/electricty if you become your own state it could be problematic

Fair point, didn't think of that.

Though you could do a robinson style island.

But honestly, free island versus "wellfare xbox pc internets boobs bars booze" land?

No contest.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Huntingtons said:
How on earth am i being any more of a cock than she is? i dislike the fact that for no apparent reason she insult to an extreme degree Laddey in a thread where he has said nothing to insult or offend her? she's acting like a troll when she is infact a mod. And yes, there is a big difference in the way you should act if you are a troll (like me) and a mod (like her)

from PM. says it all about Huntingtons really.

Raven, stop being so elitist. Yoni didn't come here handing infractions left right and centre - Laddey's thread was shit and reported to mods. Beleieve it or not people read without posting here. Because she infracted laddey and he got a ban after other mods had also infracted him that makes her a shit mod? Jesus christ, you lot need to start your own forum and all stop biting the hand that feeds you to be honest.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ch3tan i just spilled my coffe damnit!

"i dislike the fact that for no apparent reason she insult to an extreme degree Laddey in a thread where he has said nothing to insult or offend her?"


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