My opinions, flame throwers away plz.



With the whole frame rate thing.....

I did a little experiment yesterday. When I first set the game up I whacked everything up to max on 1024. Game seemed pretty smooth most of the time but for some reason and at no certain times it would just be really jerky or even freeze altogether (not a good thing to happen while in the middle of a dogfight in a plane flying very close to the sea).

So anyway, I set everything down to minium details on 640 res and I got EXACTLY the same performance (random jerkiness etc).

My specs:
Athlon 1.3gig
512 MB RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4600

Latest Dets, 4in1 etc etc

So my computer's not exactly "crap". I have an ADSL connection so that's not exactly poo either.

I'm sure in some cases, people are pushing their systems a bit too far but there's also people out there, like me who're genuinley having problems with netcode...or whatver, I'm not pretending to know what the exact cause of the problem is.


I'm convinced the netcode is freaky, when I first started playing BF42 it was using an aged GeForce 2 GTS 32MB, since then I have upgraded to a GeForce4 Ti4200 128MB with no appreciable difference in FPS, although I have been able to run at 1024x768 full quality, but I still get jerk-o-vision sometimes.


ITs the point blank range rifle fire that does absolutely no damage to yer enemy that freaks me out :)

Definitely freaky netcode.

Dont have as much bother with the allied rifle.


I get that to Kenny, its as if my char stumbles and you seem to miss a step...

I still think the guns are shit to aim, kneeling 10ft from your enemy unload a full 30 round clip at him and he runs up to you and pops you in two shots really pisses me off :(


Ive got an xp 2200 running on a 150mhz fsb, geforce 3, 512mb ram and it runs like dogshit. Jolts and spazzes about nearly every step I take.

Runs fine on my mates athlon 1.4 with geforce 1 ddr and 256MB.

Something wrong here...

Its like i said basically, and I'll keep saying it. Massive potential for a great game, actually complete dogshit.



Originally posted by legendario
ITs the point blank range rifle fire that does absolutely no damage to yer enemy that freaks me out :)

Definitely freaky netcode.

Dont have as much bother with the allied rifle.

I think this my point about the origin of the shot, when you are close up and you aim at the head (as you do with a rifle), it is very easy to just shoot over the top instead because you are in fact aiming upwards not directly ahead (if you see what I mean).


Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
So we aim Low and get a Headshot?

Not quite, I am proposing the shot originates from the waist height of the model, or maybe chest height, but the crosshairs are at the eye height of the model, so therefore when you aim the actual shot is slightly going upwards. For long distance shots the angle is small, but for close shots the angle becomes acute and therefore easy to overshoot.

Crosshair and shot origin alignment is out everywhere, consider the AA gun where you aim low and both the crosshair and the visible barrel of the gun are well above the sandbags, yet the shot hits them.


Some good points in here Dime, I wouldn't say the game is shit though.

I kinda agree with all you say(apart from it being shit), its mega annoying that you can shoot like a madman and not hit nothing and I hope to god they sort out the lag problems in the full release(which I am buying).

I also read your thread on Jedi Knight and I agreed on everything you said in that, I think we should be wed and I would like a winter wedding and I am the man god damn it!!


Originally posted by Tremor{KEA}
I also read your thread on Jedi Knight and I agreed on everything you said in that, I think we should be wed and I would like a winter wedding and I am the man god damn it!!


You're dumped.

tbh I dont agree with a lot of what dimebag said...but then i don't feel as strongly about it.

The actual game itself is very good...the only MP game other than CS and rtcw to hold my attention.

But like Camz said the relative position of your weapon is dodgy.

The sniper rifle is fucking comical...a complete joke...and the game runs freaky even on a gf4 ti4000 and xp2100.

Quite a lot of things to sort out but the game is definitely not shite :)


Agreed matey, but you kinda agreed with most of Dimes points :p.
I love the game and I can't stop playing, I am even finishing CS early to go onto it, but at night(or is it BW)it is laggy as fuck, yet in the day when I play on Games Domain servers(only ones full)it seems a lot better.

Awwww don't dump me we could have a middle east relationship where we have many wives.:(


I am sure the Graphics Tearing is down to some Barrysworld Settings....


Gray Id be reasonably sure that the graphics tearing is down to the game auto-disabling vsynch ala Q3 m8, and I expect theres a command coming up to fix that. I also think that this is a test, and it may be better on the actual game. I hope so, ive only played it twice without 1000 ping, whcih is kind of off putting.


I sorted the vsync problem (the tearing you talked about, SG) buy installing the very latest nVidia drivers, a reg hack and then forcing vsync in the driver options.

I'll write up some proper instructions when I get home.


From what i seen just now playing, there wasnt any Tearing, i changed VSync from Disabled to Always on, and i think its sorted it


I dont know if this is just a Bug in the Game or somethin, or im just a bit paranoid...

But when you join a Server, and it comes up to the Bridge/Beach area, does it (for anyone else) just stop working for a few seconds and go to a Black Screen then come back on?


Yup, after I click ready or whatever it is when you have the instruction screen up, it goes black for approximately 2.345 seconds, or thereabouts, then the game continues as normal.


It happens to me occasionally, but not every time. It is worrying though.

Not as bad as it changing my monitor settings when I exit though.


ah good..

and summo, you always have to be different from the rest of us :eek:



If this has been said before i apologise.

1) Dimebag do you know what a demo is

Demo: a demostration in this case of the final game BF1942

2) Can u do better doubt it?

3) TWAT!

4) OMFG u say for us not to flame yet u use that as an excuse to flame us and then run for cover.

5) WTF ar teh playing the game is its so shit!!

6) TWAT!

7) all of the above

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
If this has been said before i apologise.

1) Dimebag do you know what a demo is

Demo: a demostration in this case of the final game BF1942

2) Can u do better doubt it?

3) TWAT!

4) OMFG u say for us not to flame yet u use that as an excuse to flame us and then run for cover.

5) WTF ar teh playing the game is its so shit!!

6) TWAT!

7) all of the above

I really wish you hadn't done that


I apologise for my post above but i have read lots of dimebags posts in dif places and every time its the same patronising and "uber" its got to the point were someone needed to tell him where to get off :mad:

I am sorry for posting it but i was just pissed off at thinsg he said


hmmmmm for some reason (This is strange dammit) my graphics where really bad just now, the tearing was terrible

It was fine before but once again it pops back up :(


You're a stupid twat deadmanwalking. I dont even know what you mean by an "uber" tone. I dont think im better than anyone else in the slightest, i just say what i think and i dont give a shit about the consequences because at the end of the day, the internet community doesnt really mean that much to me.

I played the full game last night, it was actually vastly improoooved and i had a good bash online! It seems to have much richer textures, run better, and guess what, the sniper rifle actually shoots on the crosshair this time, wonderful! Havent tested the rocket launcher yet, but when i do i'll give y'all the lowdown.

Maybe i'll buy it after all... if they find a way of actually blocking the generated keygens ehhehee.



Already done. The keygen worked're going to love this...EA hadn't activated their auth servers until late last night.


I'm a n00b to this game.

I'm a n00b to most games these days.

But have spent 2 hours playing this game at the netcafe down town from uni cos CS is a bit empty :(

*me weeps*

My two fleeces...

RL - is nice to not have the stupid MOH problem of idiots running around blowing you up ala Q style. But, should to some damage against infantry. I know about HEAT rounds, etc, but if something like that hits you smack in the body (after generating enough speed, etc.) it's gonna hurt surely.

Sniper - yay. This is a wonderful, wonderful gun. So what if it's slightly inaccurate, so what if you have to something called 'lead'... it actually requires skill (unlike the AWP from CS, or the sniper form UT). And yes, I have fired a rifle before, a few different types, old and new. The game is a quirky one... but being what it is, inbetween OFP and MOH, I think it's quite acceptable for the sniper rifle to be that hard to use. It is a specialised class, and would require a lot of praccy to be 'good' at. But then where would the fun be if ANYONE could suddenly pick up the weapon and start HS everyone?

It's like what the sniper says in Saving Private Ryan about putting him anywhere upto and including 2 miles of A'Dolf Hit'Ler... wars over boys, we're going home. Not just anyone can do it... but for those who can... dang. It feels good.

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