Mumbymana, Wallio and co


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 13, 2004
Stupid Wardens and Paladins tbh! (I was on the Paladin - Twin and Bambi asked me a couple times just to leave, but I didn't want to so fast.)

hehe later I 4 shotted him on my merc, but i think he had only base buffs or something :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2005
hehe later I 4 shotted him on my merc, but i think he had only base buffs or something :(

I only run with selfbuffs if solo... have allways been doing it and will allways do it... just my pride that kicks in... it mainly results in that i'm eating dirt, but now and then i do get a kill :D ...wee


Resident Freddy
Oct 15, 2004
My Goodness,
Isn't the original poster of this thread scary with his threats and bullying tactics.

Just for those of you who don't know what kind of person he is the story behind that sig of his.

Tiandra was a RR1/2 Eld who's only mistake in the game was to help her grouped friend ,a ranger, who was attacked by this moron. It never occurred to him that a Ranger might be grouped as he was nuked down by this little Eld. He then ran screaming about being added on. The story now moves to the next day when he saw her again at Crau bridge. He chain killed her time and time again (18 times in fact) emoting /rude and other derogatory things over and over again. Credit to her she came back every time until he got so bored he switched to his Hib char Ranges to give her verbal abuse. No wonder he was reported many of relatively high RR Hib chars and some Alb and Mids too witnessed this a great many who were telling him to stop. So that is the story behind this moron and his so called honor. Oh and the Eld does not play any more so another newbie player chased away by the so called 'Elite Idiots'.
I am telling you this because I was on Crau bridge that day and am sick of his crowing and whining.
What a scary guy.

i have a question..what they asked him to stop ? stop whining?

...jamie whine so much... i almost got banned cos of him once.... wiliam and a friend of his(scout/inf) killed jamie a few times...and he told me to x-realm and pm them from my reaver...then the whine took place at the public rvr discussion...

yerstaday.... i was playing my reaver..and challenged gaer in a duel and then metaphores or smt and his group(albion exiles) ...add me on sight..not that i have done them anything... i was missing 8 months and havent played my reaver much since i was back...when i logged on hib didnt say anything and asked him for group ...he sayed it was fg...said np and i gratzed him for dinging rr8
my point is... ppl shouldnt whine about adding...because some ppl dont want to follow the unwriten rules and want to play the game how is supposed to.. should play the game more and whine less m8 not everyone wants to follow your playstyle and you cant make them..because in the end they pay their subs

i dont pretend to be a saint, i have whined a lot in the past but i realised...that some ppl dont want to play with the unwriten rules and i undearstand that



Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2007
Actually it was to stop killing the little Eld as he was making a complete and utter **** of himself.


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
i have a question..what they asked him to stop ? stop whining?

...jamie whine so much... i almost got banned cos of him once.... wiliam and a friend of his(scout/inf) killed jamie a few times...and he told me to x-realm and pm them from my reaver...then the whine took place at the public rvr discussion...

yerstaday.... i was playing my reaver..and challenged gaer in a duel and then metaphores or smt and his group(albion exiles) ...add me on sight..not that i have done them anything... i was missing 8 months and havent played my reaver much since i was back...when i logged on hib didnt say anything and asked him for group ...he sayed it was fg...said np and i gratzed him for dinging rr8
my point is... ppl shouldnt whine about adding...because some ppl dont want to follow the unwriten rules and want to play the game how is supposed to.. should play the game more and whine less m8 not everyone wants to follow your playstyle and you cant make them..because in the end they pay their subs

i dont pretend to be a saint, i have whined a lot in the past but i realised...that some ppl dont want to play with the unwriten rules and i undearstand that



And as for infanity goes.
Was at beno one day on my ns i havent played for ages.
Saw fujis thurg jumped it he rr5 and nuke me.Guess he wanted to join in ok fair killed thurg infanity wins with like 10% hp left.
Next time i go for him he purge snare poisen run to beno guards theyb heal him while he and guards powerowning me, He did that twice running to beno guards,I mean if i get jumped i rather fight and die instead of running to gaurds for them to help me then later on claim i killed him solo.Ain't that right infanity ?:p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ehh? So, this eld person kept running back again and again and again only to get killed by a member of an enemy realm and because of him dying over and over again in an rvr zone it's the enemies fault that he got fed up and quit? Oo
Rrrright, nice logic there, if you dont want to die stay the fuck out of the frontiers mebbe? :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am wondering if this eld would have quit if he had added on 18 fights? ruining the evening of two other players?

sounds like a carebear to me.


Jun 4, 2006
The eld im guessing was a mate of someone who got told to try out the game so he got Pl'ed and didnt have a fecking clue about the game... so when he kept going over the bridge and getting owned by a rr 7 infil 18 times i guess that would make me leave the game...

im guessing he was a determined eldritch dude right and also the fact that infanny was apparently /rude spamming etc couldve been the reason he kept going back..

u dont know wht the player is like and how new he was -.- he may not have known u can swim in the water ..

(trust me its possible i only found out last week :( )
(no but really someone thought if u died in rvr u lost all ya stuff... but it was funny so i wuvved him :) )

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