Hello, i am here to inform everyone of a tournament to come soon being hosted on MPlayer Europe (www.mplayer-europe.com). It is being ran by admins and referees for Mplayer Europe League (MPEL http://www.meleague.com)! Tournament settings will be announced at a later date. Prizes will be given away and the prizes will be released at a later date too (posted on MPEL website!) This is a 1v1 tournament being held on January 26, 2001 for all those interested.
For all those interested, you may register with the league prior to signing up for the tournament on Jan 26. Any questions? Direct them to MPEL-Predator on the Staff page.
For all those interested, you may register with the league prior to signing up for the tournament on Jan 26. Any questions? Direct them to MPEL-Predator on the Staff page.