[Movie]Slirre Solomode!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Slitzzz said:
Get a grip! I dont know how u land your BEHIND chain i cant land it ON FACING targets! Lesson 1 : 100% ppl face each other in a fight

Snowsquall-comment was about the FG-action really.

Have you tried to land a Snowsquall chain on moving/sprinting targets? With 1little 5% turn from the target your style will fail, Have to be fixed on Stunned targets or if the target aint running

I give you some hint:
Type after me ingame:
Put Snowsquall + followups on position 2,3,4 on your quickbars, and Doublefrost on 1

Press 2,1 whenever you chase someone in FG RvR. Now this allows you to land AUTOMATICALLY land the best style on a target. You are not even backing up Snowsquall in FG-RvR. Like you're not backing up Comeback/FrostyGaze in 1vs1. Dont say you do, look at bloody movie (!)

Im not even mentioning not landing Snowsquall, but you're not even trying (!). Thats what is wrong.

Puppet roll a zerk and run it solo/fg and quote me back! cause you dont know a jack shit!

Suppose a zerk is *ENTIRELY* different to all other melee-classes ingame huh. Reactionaries and positionals do less damage on zerks, and somehow you cant use backupstyles on zerks either.

Grow up Slirre, you are wrong, and if you make a movie, expect critism. If you cant take that, fine with me, but you will never become a better player. Advises wherent aimed to flame you at the beginning, but by now I just get the feeling you're not wanting to learn at all. Your loss, not mine.


Mar 1, 2006
Slitzzz said:
1. Ill duel you anytime , but im sure youll just pop DT on me right away like almost all merchs do! (havent really lost to a merch who doesent pop DT)

Yes you have, i've beat you many a time of my merc, so less of the lies k :x


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Slitzzz said:
LA is the highest dmg Zerk can get.. Lets say i use crush parry stun (duration2 sec ) followup Target bleeding (3dmg/tick) but then again still less dmg then LA

Dont quote me again unless u play zerk on a daily basis and know how it works today...

0.75 34 Doublefrost H H L - Anytime -

0.88 39 Lambast L M M L After You Parry Target is Bleeding <-- Hammer

0.90 8 Polar Light L M H L After You Parry Target is Slowed <-- LeftAxe
0.95 15 Frost Shadow M H M L After 'Polar Light' - <-- LeftAxe followup

As you see *ALL* parry-reactionaries are higher damage then Doublefrost, and not such a mofo-end-drain.

And please stop with the 'Dont quote me unless you play a zerk on a daily basis', all melee-classes work the same way ---> Reactionaries > Positionals > Anytimers in damage.

Stop being an arrogant cock.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Terracotta said:
Yes you have, i've beat you many a time of my merc, so less of the lies k :x

aww did you DT on me now =( /cry


Mar 1, 2006
Slitzzz said:
aww did you DT on me now =( /cry

No i didn't, and if i remember, you blew vendo and you're rr5 aswell. Shame i lost the recording of it (else i'd prove it) :x I'll fight you again anytime though, would love to see the outcome.


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
This proves exactly what I thought of you. Thank you


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Puppet said:
0.75 34 Doublefrost H H L - Anytime -

0.88 39 Lambast L M M L After You Parry Target is Bleeding <-- Hammer

0.90 8 Polar Light L M H L After You Parry Target is Slowed <-- LeftAxe
0.95 15 Frost Shadow M H M L After 'Polar Light' - <-- LeftAxe followup

As you see *ALL* parry-reactionaries are higher damage then Doublefrost, and not such a mofo-end-drain.

And please stop with the 'Dont quote me unless you play a zerk on a daily basis', all melee-classes work the same way ---> Reactionaries > Positionals > Anytimers in damage.

Stop being an arrogant cock.
First of all you got 2 parry reactionaries! And puppet tell me if im after stun would you like me to backup LA comeback with a parry Lambast/crushing blow(thats just silly)

Ill say it once again Doublefrost is the higest anytime style and i Backup with comeback AND then frostgaze(STUN)

You are now preparing to perorm a Doublefrost style as a backup for comeback!

And ofc in Frenzy you cant backup(But i think you already know that)

Yes i miss somtimes to backup but hey we all do!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Puppet said:
Grow up Slirre, you are wrong, and if you make a movie, expect critism. If you cant take that, fine with me, but you will never become a better player. Advises wherent aimed to flame you at the beginning, but by now I just get the feeling you're not wanting to learn at all. Your loss, not mine.

Here is your first post in this thread:

Puppet said:
Shows what an unguided missile can do in the hands of a 'not very talented player' I suppose.

Have you ever heard of Backupstyles? Or positionals?


Here is what I'm wondering .. If you really wanted Slirre to take your advice, why do you start off in such an aggressive manner? I would not want to take advice from someone starting off like that. To be honest, there is a lot of different ways to approach someone to give them advice. There is good ways and there is bad ways. This is a class example of the wrong way to do it, and thats why I chose to quote you Puppet. Still, this also goes out to a lot of other people on this forum.

How about instead of starting out with words such as: 'Not a very talented player' and 'unguided missle', which quite clearly is negatively charged words, try using a more kind approach like; "I enjoyed the movie, but I have some advice to you regarding <insert advice here>". I'm sure that if you did that, people would much more likely take the advices you give them.


I enjoyed the movie in general, and I think the length of it was perfect.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Slitzzz said:
To much whine with cheese here really!

1. Ill duel you anytime , but im sure youll just pop DT on me right away like almost all merchs do! (havent really lost to a merch who doesent pop DT)
2. If you look more closly when i dump abilitys its more like counter dumps nothing else..
3.There ar NO way a zerk can use poss like merchs/bms do! Reason: Big dmg loss , Crappy effects , NO landing arc and so on (Rightnow it! so we get anytime stun and maby you will se more poss!)
4. In 90% of the movie I Doublefrost with Comeback as backup! As you can see the Evade Comeback Frostygaze (Zerks stun) clearly need some love! Reason : Target is moving/strafing it will fail

And im sure im older more mature and handsome than you are!

You have dumped on me when i finished a fight, I landed parry stun and won by aprox 30% HP, (no dt) this makes it hard to believe you kill mercs with ease that dont use dt unless they are rr1 and no gear


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
What i like the most about the whole Zerker / Merc / Bm shit is

If a zerker vendos its fine.
If a BM TW's its fine.
if a merc dts they are useless no skilled mother fuckers who can only win by using this.

I'll be honest if im solo and i see a zerker dump, Veno, Banespike, Battler ... I hit that little counter key dt :p

If a BM/Zerk is happy to use his class ability - Why shouldnt a merc ;p

yes dt is op and no i hardly blow it


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i rather have a lighttank hit me for 3 times normal damage aslong as i can hit back. vendoing zerk is much easier to kill then a merc who uses dt, by a fooking longshot.

i remember this funny incident where i get a merc to ~20% with the sidechain + dot alone, then he popped dt and i fumbled twelve fucking dual swings in a fucking row. yes, thats OP. yes, i rather have a chance to actually finish him off even though his damage is much higher after vendo/banespike/battler/tripple wield all at once.

and puppets comment about slirre not being a very talented player makes me laugh, after watching slirre play his sb. add and die repeatedly, so he logs his zerk and adds with that instead. ohwell, not a whine megamods, just cracks me up.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
so much whine :eek:

Why isn´t this thread as heavily modded as others?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Stlong movie slirre :fluffle:

and i did beat you without DT yesterday ;)

just poped Battler close too the end, went out with like 30% HP left or smt

and i saw him land the evade chain once if im not wrong? :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
This thread have become my E-PEEN is bigger than yours. weeha
ololo :puke:

Nice movie slirre ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Netcode said:
This thread have become my E-PEEN is bigger than yours. weeha
ololo :puke:

Nice movie slirre ;)
my Epeen> yours liddul skald!:) and youre not allowed to use ra´s!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Rellik said:
Stlong movie slirre :fluffle:

and i did beat you without DT yesterday ;)

just poped Battler close too the end, went out with like 30% HP left or smt

and i saw him land the evade chain once if im not wrong? :touch:

yeah but your a rr7 half ogre slash merc. go figure :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Rellik said:
Stlong movie slirre :fluffle:

and i did beat you without DT yesterday ;)

just poped Battler close too the end, went out with like 30% HP left or smt

and i saw him land the evade chain once if im not wrong? :touch:

Hehe remember that one! Next time ill str/con debuff cause you hit like a truck and things dident get better when u Battlered me :(


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
i rather have a lighttank hit me for 3 times normal damage aslong as i can hit back. vendoing zerk is much easier to kill then a merc who uses dt, by a fooking longshot.

i remember this funny incident where i get a merc to ~20% with the sidechain + dot alone, then he popped dt and i fumbled twelve fucking dual swings in a fucking row. yes, thats OP. yes, i rather have a chance to actually finish him off even though his damage is much higher after vendo/banespike/battler/tripple wield all at once.

and puppets comment about slirre not being a very talented player makes me laugh, after watching slirre play his sb. add and die repeatedly, so he logs his zerk and adds with that instead. ohwell, not a whine megamods, just cracks me up.

DT is more op yeh, Just people whine alot when they use it etc ;d i personally dis like dt but it saves me when outnumberd


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
A wise boy takes his own advice...

Puppet said:
Grow up Slirre, you are wrong, and if you make a movie, expect critism. If you cant take that, fine with me, but you will never become a better player. Advises wherent aimed to flame you at the beginning, but by now I just get the feeling you're not wanting to learn at all. Your loss, not mine.

Hmm...might wanna reconsider this comment..."wherent aimed to flame you at the beginning"...

Everything you write in this post is either condecending or blatant rudeness not even hidden within almost non existant constructive criticism...

Puppet said:
Shows what an unguided missile can do in the hands of a 'not very talented player' I suppose.

Just rude no constructive criticism!

Puppet said:
Have you ever heard of Backupstyles? Or positionals
Extremly rude almost no constructive criticism!

Puppet said:
Not a single Snowsquall, just Doublefrost, Doublefrost, Doublefrost, Doublefrost, for 17 mins. I once saw a You prepare your Comeback as a backup for your Doublefrost, but for the majority of the movie all you do is spam Doublefrost without a backupstyle. In the FG fight you never even try to land Snowsquall(-chain) even tho some players run away from you. Slow targetting in the FG-fight aswell, and I dont exactly get the point of chasing the one who grapples you :O

Condecending critisism but not much of constructivness.

Puppet said:
Furosious Will + IP = win in 1vs1, especially combined with Battler + Banespike + Vendo I guess.

Just rude...

Puppet said:
Try to grasp the concept of Backupstyles and Positionals and the next movie might be abit more entertaining. Quality and music-choice was oki tho, just utter shit gameplay.

Pointless rudness all over...then...Very very very little constructive critisism.

Puppet said:
(now dont go 'olol u got pwned' and 'go make ur own movie', I wasnt in the movie, and I made a movie. Making a movie and posting it on FH means u want an audience, and should accept critism aswell).

Here it seems like you think everyone releasing a movie should allow morons like you to crap all over them just for their own enjoyment. If you give critisism then you should also put in the effort to make it constructive. Especially if they later in the thread want to look like they actually were trying to help the person out and not just show utter disrespect for their fellow game players.


ps. You your intention isnt to flame someone then dont!:) Critisism can be both nice and still point out the flaws and give ideas how to rectify the problems. ds


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
err im not whining about abilitydumping at all, just stating what i think about him. and if you know how i play ingame you'll see i actually use very little abilities, just not vs the hard targets or people who zerged me 24/7 ;)
lol ur joking right?:p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
that means if i release a movie with baseline uberness stunOWNing rr2 foes i shouldnt xpect to get a liddul bit of flamez/whine/CARNAGE/Q_q in my thread?

höhö, really what the hell you xpect(ed) from FH?!
nice cuddly bears and butterfly comments?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
charmangle said:
Hmm...might wanna reconsider this comment..."wherent aimed to flame you at the beginning"...

Everything you write in this post is either condecending or blatant rudeness not even hidden within almost non existant constructive criticism...

Just rude no constructive criticism!

Extremly rude almost no constructive criticism!

Condecending critisism but not much of constructivness.

Just rude...

Pointless rudness all over...then...Very very very little constructive critisism.

Here it seems like you think everyone releasing a movie should allow morons like you to crap all over them just for their own enjoyment. If you give critisism then you should also put in the effort to make it constructive. Especially if they later in the thread want to look like they actually were trying to help the person out and not just show utter disrespect for their fellow game players.


ps. You your intention isnt to flame someone then dont!:) Critisism can be both nice and still point out the flaws and give ideas how to rectify the problems. ds

Are you quoting the wrong guy, As what your saying seems to be bull shit ;/

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