[Movie]Slirre Solomode!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Chimaira said:
Sorry dude but that was a very crappy video. probably done fast and stuff.
Why do you use doublefrost when you solo? its useless style even if its a tad higher damage than the normal taunt. just not worth it. but works for you but that style eats end.

To much abilitie using and at the same time nearly dying. Not cool in my book. Light tanks are insanely overpowered really, and you show this in the vid being able to kill anything with RA dump.

Zerks are much weaker solo class than a Mercenary for example yeah true. and they really lack sum nice styles. but damn /cancelstyle off, atleast TRY to land positionals when you chase someone. DF is böring :p

Now im a bit mean though I feel so. when you fought the r10 paladin at start. thats a fight where your supposed to use ALL your shit to beat. but when you fought 2 warder scouts and had 1% hp left after ability dump (including ip) it was sad to see. dont put such things in video.

Yeah and emote stuff is childlish. then Im sure your pretty young ;)

Give 1on1 vs Chimaira and I will send you to teh svasud quickly and painfull =]

To much whine with cheese here really!

1. Ill duel you anytime , but im sure youll just pop DT on me right away like almost all merchs do! (havent really lost to a merch who doesent pop DT)
2. If you look more closly when i dump abilitys its more like counter dumps nothing else..
3.There ar NO way a zerk can use poss like merchs/bms do! Reason: Big dmg loss , Crappy effects , NO landing arc and so on (Rightnow it! so we get anytime stun and maby you will se more poss!)
4. In 90% of the movie I Doublefrost with Comeback as backup! As you can see the Evade Comeback Frostygaze (Zerks stun) clearly need some love! Reason : Target is moving/strafing it will fail

And im sure im older more mature and handsome than you are!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2004
Slitzzz said:
To much whine with cheese here really!

1. Ill duel you anytime , but im sure youll just pop DT on me right away like almost all merchs do! (havent really lost to a merch who doesent pop DT)
2. If you look more closly when i dump abilitys its more like counter dumps nothing else..
3.There ar NO way a zerk can use poss like merchs/bms do! Reason: Big dmg loss , Crappy effects , NO landing arc and so on (Rightnow it! so we get anytime stun and maby you will se more poss!)
4. In 90% of the movie I Doublefrost with Comeback as backup! As you can see the Evade Comeback Frostygaze (Zerks stun) clearly need some love! Reason : Target is moving/strafing it will fail

And im sure im older more mature and handsome than you are!



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Slitz said:
And im sure im older more mature and handsome than you are!

Slitz said:
Slirre 50 zerk Stormur Herra Bane10
Slitzskaft 50 Elding Herra ShaDowBLaDe Spy10
Hurtzz 50 SuMmAstAh Convoker10
Sliroc 50 DaRk Warlock Bane 10
Bolte Boltar 50 Runny
Boi 50 Pet ShAm PerF 7

Orly? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Vladamir said:

Rly! :sex:

Vladamir - Kamikazee - Aha - Wadafak - Vladalist - Wootootle - Waffo
All ToaED and ml10

Retired And On Loan
Prob got 3x 60 in wow

Btw we got moderna you dont :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
I was downloading but then I saw the poster couldn't take advice so I cba anymore.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Slitzzz said:
To much whine with cheese here really!

1. Ill duel you anytime , but im sure youll just pop DT on me right away like almost all merchs do! (havent really lost to a merch who doesent pop DT)

Suppose so, mercs are triggerhappy on the Dirty Tricks, I give you that. But you're triggerhappy on Frenzy so np :)

2. If you look more closly when i dump abilitys its more like counter dumps nothing else..
3.There ar NO way a zerk can use poss like merchs/bms do! Reason: Big dmg loss , Crappy effects , NO landing arc and so on (Rightnow it! so we get anytime stun and maby you will se more poss!)

Im sure those nasty RR2 scouts dumped all their stuff on you xD And big dmg loss, wtf? Snowsquall-chain >> Doublefrost, and less of an end-hog for more damage. Im rather sure Snowsquall-chain has better effects then Doublefrost xD

4. In 90% of the movie I Doublefrost with Comeback as backup! As you can see the Evade Comeback Frostygaze (Zerks stun) clearly need some love! Reason : Target is moving/strafing it will fail

You're joking? Go watch your own movie, and see how often its only Doublefrost without any backup. Especially check the FG-part, only doublefrost, despite opportunities to land Snowsquall if you got any sense in getting behind the target.

Also poor timing on Banespike there, timer totally wasted, but hey xD


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Slitzzz said:
To much whine with cheese here really!

1. Ill duel you anytime , but im sure youll just pop DT on me right away like almost all merchs do! (havent really lost to a merch who doesent pop DT)
2. If you look more closly when i dump abilitys its more like counter dumps nothing else..
3.There ar NO way a zerk can use poss like merchs/bms do! Reason: Big dmg loss , Crappy effects , NO landing arc and so on (Rightnow it! so we get anytime stun and maby you will se more poss!)
4. In 90% of the movie I Doublefrost with Comeback as backup! As you can see the Evade Comeback Frostygaze (Zerks stun) clearly need some love! Reason : Target is moving/strafing it will fail

And im sure im older more mature and handsome than you are!

Taking to much offence here.
Why cant a zerk use positionals like a merc? DW line is useless for solo. except that we got a parry stun of 7 seconds instead of a evade stun which is easier to land. or if your crush spec like me you got anytime of r0x stun of a whole 4-5 seconds. Mercs best combo is flank side chain which you cant land solo unless you manage to stun your target. and he dont purge. why woul you get damage loss using positionals I have no idea about. its always higher damage than any anytimer ever.
reactionaries>positionals->rest dmg wise

And regarding me popping dt on you. I would never deny myself the satisfaction that I raped you without using DT :p

oh and finally, your signature work clearly shows you havent left the teens yet.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i found someone who styles worse than me!

was pretty dire vid mate.

dont think the OP whine is justified though. Zerks no worse than BM's or mercs (hello DT), heavy tanks, pallys, vamps, reavers, tics, champs...

all visual melee classes with all the fluff can throw some insane shit at you.

zerks, get some bad ass raw damage output, a shit load of stupid bainlord crap and vendo, and all the usual arti timer stuff.

you gotta try and give vid more of a personal touch imo.

peeps are real critical with vids like nowaday. theres so many good ones around that inevitably all vids get compared to other ones. in the visual tank solo vids this was one of the worse i have seen though tbh.

anyway regardless of critism you will always be a tough fight (on your zerker anyway ;) ) and that counts for alot out there.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Puppet said:
Suppose so, mercs are triggerhappy on the Dirty Tricks, I give you that. But you're triggerhappy on Frenzy so np :)

Im sure those nasty RR2 scouts dumped all their stuff on you xD And big dmg loss, wtf? Snowsquall-chain >> Doublefrost, and less of an end-hog for more damage. Im rather sure Snowsquall-chain has better effects then Doublefrost xD

Get a grip! I dont know how u land your BEHIND chain i cant land it ON FACING targets! Lesson 1 : 100% ppl face each other in a fight

You're joking? Go watch your own movie, and see how often its only Doublefrost without any backup. Especially check the FG-part, only doublefrost, despite opportunities to land Snowsquall if you got any sense in getting behind the target.

Have you tried to land a Snowsquall chain on moving/sprinting targets? With 1little 5% turn from the target your style will fail, Have to be fixed on Stunned targets or if the target aint running

Also poor timing on Banespike there, timer totally wasted, but hey xD
Hey xD dident know he was gonna drop so fast

Puppet roll a zerk and run it solo/fg and quote me back! cause you dont know a jack shit!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
BL's = good for interupts = not spam them all at once :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Chimaira said:
Taking to much offence here.
Why cant a zerk use positionals like a merc? DW line is useless for solo. except that we got a parry stun of 7 seconds instead of a evade stun which is easier to land. or if your crush spec like me you got anytime of r0x stun of a whole 4-5 seconds. Mercs best combo is flank side chain which you cant land solo unless you manage to stun your target. and he dont purge. why woul you get damage loss using positionals I have no idea about. its always higher damage than any anytimer ever.
reactionaries>positionals->rest dmg wise


LA is the highest dmg Zerk can get.. Lets say i use crush parry stun (duration2 sec ) followup Target bleeding (3dmg/tick) but then again still less dmg then LA

Dont quote me again unless u play zerk on a daily basis and know how it works today...


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Slitzzz said:
Dont quote me again unless u play zerk on a daily basis and know how it works today...

Hahahahaha you make me laugh meight

chim fo :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Cause in the GhostUI 1.78 the mini was sligtly bigger than the Inv/grp window ;) but i got 1.80 now so np there anymore !


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Slitzzz said:
LA is the highest dmg Zerk can get.. Lets say i use crush parry stun (duration2 sec ) followup Target bleeding (3dmg/tick) but then again still less dmg then LA

Dont quote me again unless u play zerk on a daily basis and know how it works today...

dont quote me again blubblubb /insert more cry sounds. why are you crying like a sissy?
I havent even talked a second about the "standard lines"

Do you think a "zerk" work ANYTHING different than a merc/bm?
for example if I would to solo on a zerk and not wanna destroy my end pool I would for sure use Provoke. its just a tiny lower damage and LOW end cost. it do cost 5% end to threw out those banelords everytime mind you.

So basically here is what you got:
Anytime,Evade style follow upped by a 7 second stun,snowsquall behind chain 3x styles

Here is what mercenaries get:
Front pos high bleed/nice dmg style
USELESS DW line anytimer(0 to hit etc)
Side snare style high damage followed by a ASD style which is our highest damage style
Useless behind style rotten dmg. (shadows edge which is bugged to fuck because we have two styles to choose from to follow it up with. instead of making it a three chain, orbit and penumbra. Penumbra being very good damage.)

Now comes the part where mercs get upper hand
Standard lines
Taunt low end cost+follow up to taunt which stuns for 5 seconds
Daocs line with most anytimers in this game
Amethyst slash+diamond slash combo(nice)
Backslash behind style(NICE)
or even enrage+sapphire slash which is very rare to use due to low hit on enrage but sapphire its HARD.
decent behind style with bleed
ok taunt with atleast medium to hit bonus
nothing more to discuss here.

thats pretty much it and not hard to see the differences.

the thing is zerks only use LA. so you can for example wyrd spec to do maximum damage to your targets at all times
Mercs on the other hand relies on the standard lines. and use them so we cant skip to spec 50+11 becase then we loose damage on them styles.

To conclude my rant
purely using LA spec(but got access to lower end cost anytimers)

Purely using cd spec

Relying on standard lines because DW line is fucked up in some ways.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Chimaira said:
Mercs best combo is flank side chain which you cant land solo unless you manage to stun your target. and he dont purge.
Just strafe a little, like most hib dualwielders do to get off Ice Storm? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
To conclude my rant
purely using LA spec(but got access to lower end cost anytimers)

Purely using cd spec

Relying on standard lines because DW line is fucked up in some ways.

Aye see what you are saying but why do i whanna make less dmg for less end ? when i can do more dmg with more end then use a end pot or second wind ect?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
If you spec second wind on your zerk I will cry tears :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Zoia said:
Just strafe a little, like most hib dualwielders do to get off Ice Storm? :p

Why? when I can spam dual shadows front arc style of d00m qued by parry style ;)

hib dwers miss a lott trying to get that style in also :p and i suck at strafing :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Slirre is a strong zerker that does decent damage. I didn't watch the video tbh as from what I've read its fine. One thing I can offer which perhaps you should take on board. I dunno if you still do it, but nearly every single time I fought your group, you tried to solo my toon down whilst it was bodyguarding squishies. You tried it numerous times when I was bging with hero.

I'm not sure thats that good a tactic. Whether its because your assisters weren't assisting fast or what, I dunno, but happened virtually every fight for weeks on end. I havent played much lately so perhaps that's different. Maybe your assisters are much better or there's a different main assist in the groups you roll with now.

The above is just something that happened a lot and well, from our point of view, was good for us.


Mar 1, 2006
Chimaira said:
Why? when I can spam dual shadows front arc style of d00m qued by parry style ;)

hib dwers miss a lott trying to get that style in also :p and i suck at strafing :(

Dia slash damage > DS damage. And DS gives you a defence penalty unlike Dia slash ;)

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