

Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Excellent movie I loved every minute of it.

I have lots of respect for you showing fights you lost as well cause they were very good fights worth watching. And I love that thing in the end with Walking Issues/Our Group ... goddamned hard group that is :(. Also really liked you giving a "name/title" to every fight I think I might steal that for when I start making movies.

I'm not going to comment on your playstyle because I haven't played a BG'er for 6 months but I will say that I think you and your group play very good :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I really enjoyed it, It has almost made me decide never ever to roll a thane. omg such hard work BGing and interupting. Really nice play :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Will watch the movie when I get on a decent connection once again, but I have no doubt it is good (at least any of the fights I am in! :p). Hope we can revive at some point in the future and come back to getting some more nice fights!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Belomar said:
Hope we can revive at some point in the future and come back to getting some more nice fights!
Aye would be nice to start up again if we can get ppl together - we had some good ..... and appaling scraps but mostly fun though :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
oh i didn't even see the last fight against us - even tho its only 3 of OG :) wish agramon was as busy as it was back then.. although yesterday was quite nice :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
very nice video indeed (except the music ofc:p ). nicely played but i feel abit sorry for you when you try and kill stuff. slam + battler + both instas + a cpl of swings == target on 60ish% and runs away :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
was nice to watch, but damn, that music made me wanna fall asleep. its very nice, dont get me wrong, but not sure it helps to keep attention with the actual video.

And others..:

Imo is one of the hardest bits when creating a movie is to find suiteble music. I like to keep the same type of music if possible and not to be a variance; unless clear intro and outro scenes.
That said then possibly the music is a bit to slow.. I agree on that :p I just couldnt be arsed spending more time looking for music I think would fit nicely and trying to be original with using music that havent been used before (afaik)

auroria said:
those clips must be ooold, i played bard in that water fight movie in my old template with gov with statued etd

Clips from 2-3 nights iirc: Feb 15th, 25th and 26th. Could be a little off. About 2 months old.

Labbe said:
It's sad to see all the 'miss' 'miss' 'miss' tho :)

Welcome to the world of Thanes and low ws

atos said:
Nicely played apart from the slow targeting. :p As I've said before I know.

Still waiting for that movie of yours. Cant be right that the #1 Thane of Pryd cant put something nice together? :fluffle: And yeah, im goddamn slow at times - something thats hardly gonna improve. :)

Eleasias said:
shame its a bit old material and hardly any guild groups

There are some guild groups fights in it but not even half are that. Maybe not full gg but then hey - neither was our group in alot of the cases. We may have had fights v more established gg's or set groups but either a) I didnt get to record or b) It was a crap fight ie our group got ripped apart in a matter of secs. Probably the latter..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Arethir said:
Nice movie Nice to see an offencive BG'er (though bit to offencive some times imo

Hehe yeah I go a bit to much on slam/interupt frenzy at times. Cant help it!

Arethir said:
(PS. Get more qui!

Give more: str, con, dex, piety, cast speed, powerpool, dex/piety cap, melee speed, style dam, melee dam, spell range, spell dam, +hammer, +shield etc etc. Thanes are hybrids and kinda need it all. :mad: have to slack somewhere and in the current template quickness actually aint that low ~62 from suit iirc.

Belomar said:
Will watch the movie when I get on a decent connection once again, but I have no doubt it is good (at least any of the fights I am in! ). Hope we can revive at some point in the future and come back to getting some more nice fights!

I've putted Fevnacca in ()'s after Baldgrim in credits as I couldnt remember what fights you were playing in and when Fev borrowed your Healer - you were probably away in the fights we actually won:drink:

Vodkafairy said:
oh i didn't even see the last fight against us - even tho its only 3 of OG

3 is enough :p Well hounestly im not sure who are/were in og/wi altho I remember the guys as the hibs in green.

pjuppe said:
very nice video indeed (except the music ofc ). nicely played but i feel abit sorry for you when you try and kill stuff. slam + battler + both instas + a cpl of swings == target on 60ish% and runs away

Oh shut up will ya.. They had uber healers to back them up! :kissit:


Thanks for comments.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kraben said:
Imo is one of the hardest bits when creating a movie is to find suiteble music. I like to keep the same type of music if possible and not to be a variance; unless clear intro and outro scenes.
That said then possibly the music is a bit to slow.. I agree on that :p I just couldnt be arsed spending more time looking for music I think would fit nicely and trying to be original with using music that havent been used before (afaik)

agree, matching music with video is one of the hardest yet most interesting things about making an enjoyable video. i played yours on repeat for many hours because i like the music a lot - but it did give me a hard time actually keeping focus on the actual fights :)

not saying you should change it though, positive feedback to a video is one thing, but the real worth of it will come later. it's mostly a memory from a certain period and it will always be so much fun watching it again in a couple weeks, months, years, etc :)

and yer, we are green :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
Kraben said:
I've putted Fevnacca in ()'s after Baldgrim in credits as I couldnt remember what fights you were playing in and when Fev borrowed your Healer - you were probably away in the fights we actually won:drink:

the fight baldgrim did good it was me playing, when he sucked it was him self tbh ! ;p

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