Move Relic if u want


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
I talked with a GM...and it seems u can move it if u like.


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Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
How do you pick it up? They wouldn't let just anyone take it otherwise anyone could steal it.
The TT incident would have never happened if the other albs could have just picked it up while the keep was downgrading and moved it to another keep.

Fake screenshot perhaps?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Uhm wtb consistency of GMs policy.
Nice to hear they changed idea tho.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
if you think (like me) that it is probably better if the hibs were to get their relic back, then RELEASE the keep and try to pursuade (in a friendly way) your realm mates not to reclaim it, defend the keep against albs if those would show up, and let hibs take an unclaimed and undefended keep.

i`m sure this would be legal.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Well from reading that it seems the GM of Dyvet Actually cares about this server he not being biased this makes a change from a Requiel stand point of it :worthy:



Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
If I was part of TT I'd feel incredibly screwed atm...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What's with the lack of consistency between GOA GMs?

Requiel gives out temporary bans for setting a keep containing a relic to level 1, yet Roaken says that doing the exact same thing is acceptable?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 21, 2004
I talked with a GM...and it seems u can move it if u like.

Houston we have a problem here !!!

Dear Atreides,

See this as an open letter to you. You are the owner of Fensalir Faste, which contains a HIB STR relic.

Since sometime yesterday evening we have seen the keep has been downgrading to lvl 1. I assumed albs would have taken the relic for themselves, but aparently they were not in the mood to do so.

If you do not want to spend your precious BP on keeping Fens at lvl 10 please release the keep as soon as you can. The whole day there will be members of our guild Danish Huscarls, online to reclaim the keep and lvl it up again.

You can have many reasons for trying to get rid of a relic already taken, and you can disagree in the way that the relic was taken. Everybody has his own opinion about this subject.

We just offer you to get rid of the keep, whereafter we will gladly claim and defend it. I will not say more here, cause ppl like to flame like hell about all kinds of stuff.

We tried to get hold of you last night but you had logged, so we just hope to see you online today before it is too late and the relic either has gone back to hib or on vacation in Alb.

Please take up contact with any Huscarl online, they are in phone contact with me all day, with me sitting at work. We will have ppl online the whole day who has rights to claim and upgrade the keep.

Please answer if you see this post, the post will be sent to you by personal message and email if possible.

Best regards

Guildmaster of Danish Huscarls.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Sign vonwar.

People just don't get it do they.

Nuxto if you want, release it when im on, i'll claim it and keep it at 1. And just turn of my chat channels.

Not good for the server for people to have relics these days, especially for mids to target hibs the weaker realm already. Is just sad tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
A shame the roleplayers can't see the bigger picture here :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
I'm sorry if I'm going over old ground. I haven't logged in today so I can't really check. We as a realm are letting the keep that holds the relic drop to level 1?? WTF? This is the key and main goal for this game. Take, hold, and defend relics.

So what if we took the Hib relic, they should get their asses in gear and try to retake it. And if the Albs can take it they should. Yes, even CM with their alarm clock crap. Its the sole reason a realm bands together instead of being selfish and zergy just running around looking for the holy RP.

For fekks sake don't drop the keep to level 1. Let the hibs or albs take it back in a fair fight. They can do it. There's no question about that. They just have to want it bad enough and act like a realm and band together. At the very least it will stop the adding and zergy shit thats going on in HW atm.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
This is just sad. And in the end it's all the server pop that is gonna suffer again. Tiring apart the community is not going to help in any case the actual status of the server.

2 points:

-one individual can't and shouldn't make a decision that affects one entire realm. If you don't aggree with certain situations you have the right to not participe, should it be defending a relic or taking part of an AC relic.

-the relic system on low pop servers should be changed, this is getting stupid tbh.

Before the flames, i don't like AC raids since it makes the majority of the population to not participate in a big event. But they are part of the game and i accept them. I like Nuxto and have respect for both atreides and him, but i disagree with his action on this situtation.

PS: Let try to keep the thread empty of flames, accusations and insults :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
This is just sad. And in the end it's all the server pop that is gonna suffer again. Tiring apart the community is not going to help in any case the actual status of the server.

Taking the relics in the first place is bad for the server. We couldn't do anything about mids AC raiding. They can't do anything about Atreides lowering the keep to lvl1. I agree this is not a good thing but taking the relic in the first place was a bad idea.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 21, 2004
Dear Bradlex and Bluesky,

I know you both ingame, and i have great respect for the two of you, as friendly and responsible players of our realm through a long time.

I do not in anyway want to offend you, but i think that if gamemasters are starting to bend the rules of how to behave in the game, we are starting to go down a slippery hill.

If goa had stated at some point, for example 2 days 2 months ago or so: from now on dear players we will lock up the relics and you cannot take them from x o'clock to y o'clock. I am fine with that, and no problems there at all. They give us some kind of rules to follow and we follow them.

But this........ a bunch of players take a relic, at a certain time (i was not there myself) i have no idea of the excact time, but i guess sometime between 0900 and 1200 cet, then they put it into a keep, claimed by Atreides.

I have no idea if Atreides was among the relic takers, or if they merely got involved in the thing because they had claimed Fensalir Faste.

I just wonder how the guildmaster or officer in charge in Atreides can decide what to do with a relic that he has in his keep, without giving others in the realm a chance to even say a word about it.

I am talking principles of information here, not a word about if it is good or bad for the server or if it is evil against the hibs or not. (remind you that 3 months ago, hibernia on this cluster owned 6 relics).

Because of these principles, and my, some may say too pro midgardian attitude i allowed myself into this discussion at all.

Again i want to apologize to both of you in having offended your attitude towards our great game.

We are in a very bad state on the server, not many players etc. we all know that. We are unlucky that ppl can play on several realms on the same cluster, so every time a realm, last time it was us in midgard, is underdog, ppl flee to play for another realm because the majority of the ppl want to win, and not to loose.

A constructive solution could be as we have talked about so many times, to move chars to other servers, make a multilingual skin for ppl that do not speak any other language than english.

Give the ppl a posibility to choose which clusters they wanted to play alb/hib/mid on, and then case is closed.

With a multilingual skin, we en Europe could have 3 clusters, and no cross realming. Now wouldnt that be nice.

Pardon me, but i really felt this to be said.

Best regards



Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I just wonder how the guildmaster or officer in charge in Atreides can decide what to do with a relic that he has in his keep, without giving others in the realm a chance to even say a word about it.

Yes. And I wonder how the relic raiders can decide to take a relic without giving others in the realm a chance to even say a word about it :rolleyes:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Taking the relics in the first place is bad for the server. We couldn't do anything about mids AC raiding. They can't do anything about Atreides lowering the keep to lvl1. I agree this is not a good thing but taking the relic in the first place was a bad idea.

I can appreciate your reasoning and annoyance at the way it was taken, AC raiding is crap, but its too late for that. But the main goal for this game is taking and defending relics. Not FG rvr or soloing or zerging. Its to band together as a realm, not to solo or become an elite FG that can roam happily destroying anyone out there.

The hibs should get their fingers out their bums and get it back but we as Midgard shouldn't let them do it easily. At the very least it will get realm spirit back instead of this utter shite that we have atm out there.

But to let a keep go level1??? Why the fekk don't we just go and hand it back to them outside the main gates. FFS Hibs, get a /BG together and get it back already. At least give us a fight and a chance to move this crap IRvR we have atm from HW to our own frontiers.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I can appreciate your reasoning and annoyance at the way it was taken, AC raiding is crap, but its too late for that. But the main goal for this game is taking and defending relics. Not FG rvr or soloing or zerging. Its to band together as a realm, not to solo or become an elite FG that can roam happily destroying anyone out there.

The hibs should get their fingers out their bums and get it back but we as Midgard shouldn't let them do it easily. At the very least it will get realm spirit back instead of this utter shite that we have atm out there.

But to let a keep go level1??? Why the fekk don't we just go and hand it back to them outside the main gates. FFS Hibs, get a /BG together and get it back already. At least give us a fight and a chance to move this crap IRvR we have atm from HW to our own frontiers.

Yup way to go. Take relic, make hibs play mid. Then ask the 15 hibs online at primetime to come take a relic guarded by 50s of mids. Keep it up, soon there'll only be 8 hibs online.

If I could, I would hand back the relic any second.

Incredible how some can't see the bigger picture.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Just move it from fens, Roaken did say that it could be done. Wonder how, think I've tried sometime. If it doesnt work, ask him how, if he's online.



Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
While I dont agree with ACing relics, I dont think that setting a keep to lvl 1 is very good to all the other players, best solution will be for GoA to lock the relics when:
1)Either there's less than 20% of prime time population online
2)or during certain times like 3 am - 12 pm .


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004

i haven't read everything but i think it's refreshing to see some realm spirit, vonwar. keep it going!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Yup way to go. Take relic, make hibs play mid. Then ask the 15 hibs online at primetime to come take a relic guarded by 50s of mids. Keep it up, soon there'll only be 8 hibs online.

If I could, I would hand back the relic any second.

Incredible how some can't see the bigger picture.

I agree with you that the way it was taken sooks mate. I also have spoken to you in game and you a great dude imo. I can see the bigger picture, but we can't hand it back like this though. I'm all for keeping a balance in this game, but this is almost too far in treating a realm with kid gloves.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I think he wants to make a point, pretty much like TT did in the past.
GM says it's okay (now). U gotta suck it up, pretty much like the rest of the server has to suck it up when a bunch of morons AC a relic.
As for treating a realm with kid gloves, i see there are ppl without fond memories ^^
In OF a relic was actually dropped in front of apk.

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