Morrowind Darwin Awards Candidate 1



Anyone come across the bloke who's invented the "Scroll of Icarian Flight" just NW of Seyda Neen? Funny as fuck, I nearly wet myself :)

If you want to find out for yourself then don't scroll down any further and go to Seyda Neen, leave and go NW along the path until you hear a scream & a thud then investigate :)

***spoiler alert***

OK I'd just started a new character and was wandering around outside Seyda Neen looking for alchemy ingredients when I heard this scream & a thud and a bloke fell to the ground dead a few feet away from me. So I loot his corpse and he's got a journal and some scrolls of "Icarian Flight". The journal says he's created a new spell to allow a new form of travelling which will let people jump 1000's of miles at a time! He's going to test it tonight!

So I try one of the scrolls out.... +1000 acrobatics.... I try a test jump. Shoot about 2 miles straight up into the air!! Superb!! But hang on.. uh-oh.. I've stopped rising... oh dear... I'm going downwards... er that's the ground coming up towar.. *SPLAT*



lol, ii have seen screenshots of this kind of thing, never managed to work out how they did it though.


I looted his body and somehow lost the scrolls.

they're prolly in some pot in some far away mages guild.... I need a warehouse for my stuff :eek:


I enchanted a pair of glass boots with Jump 30pts, does pretty much the same thing only u dont die wen u hit the ground :)
You dont jump as far wen u fully loaded but u still get around much faster.


lol I laughed my ass off when I saw that. :D


I created a Jump spell(Orginal Name) which made u jump about half the distance of the Scrolls, but u didn't die, also if u get slowfall u can get anywhere really fast by jumping using scrolls and slowfalling down.


Yeah i have these now, if you use a levitate enchanted item, spell or potion just before you land you dont die. Beats Its good to get somewhere w/o a silt strider, eg ashlander camps.


you can jump straight to Balmora from Seyda Neen if I remember rightly (approx - not played for a few months). There are three scrolls but each lasts only long enough to jump, not to land (7 secs i fink). Cast one, jump, then just before landing cast a second and it will mean you can land without taking any damage. The third is then pretty useless but hey jumping that far and surviving is pretty cool.

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