More scouts, ppl!



The term 'scout' has from the start been totally from for our class.

In the beginning we were:

see hidden came:


In my mind a 'Scout' is a person that moves speedily and stealthily around the terrain, unobserved and with very little to offer in combat.
His goal is to find the enemy and call down the heavy artillery, he is not a sniper, he does not engage in combat if he can avoid it.

Some ideas for abilities would be:
-weak bow (huntingbow only)
-speed in stealth (like normal runspeed+10%)
-runspeed (casterspeed, insta, pulsing)
-weak melee (as scout is now, not as high shieldspec perhaps)

Ofc, this charsetup has very little to offer groups and no soloability.
This is just my basic idea of what a 'scout' is.

IF scouts are supposed to be longbowmen however:
-heavy bow damage
-aoe bow damage
-presicion shots (crit, root, quickshots with v.low dam)
-coordination of fire
-decent melee+shield(as now, maybe parry)
-NO stealth

Again, very little to offer groups, this however could be remedied with PS, heals, 16 sec pbt etc etc


faster in stealth than when moving unstealthed? lol thts a bit weird :) thats almost as overpowered as ip
also as every single thing we shoot just runs out of range why not give us envenom for arrows and put specs to 3X :) that would be pretty good


i knew that would come.

ill explain it again then:

both runspeed and stealth are on a 10 sec timer, thus they will kick in simultaneously after combat when the scout is fleeing.
the scout now can stealth and move at run+10%, which is still slower than sprint, so he can be caught.

if he wants to stay unstealthed, he moves at runsong 2-3, in which case he can still be caught.

It would be overpowered if he in fact had something to do damage with - we'd be back to sniping - but giving him a hunting bow, it would take him 4-5 shots to take down a cloth caster - so i think sniping can be ruled out.

im not saying this is a perfect setup, im just saying this is my idea of a 'scout' class. i sure as hell wouldnt play it, im here for the rp.

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