More scouts, ppl!



Working hard on my scout. Trickshot Tricky coming to a lvl50 elite scout group near you soon.


i never said infs/scouts eat mana (if i did i got it wrong) its people preconceptions alot of ppl have rolled an inf/scout at some point along the way and id say a good 50% didnt know how to play there char so as ppl lvl up they get the wrong impression about the class i would happily grp with an inf or a scout as i know that they can take a little bit of a beating (although not much) but deal out mnice dmg but not enough to pull agro. but as i said ppl think there |337 and try crazy shit which 9/10 kills the grp


hehe, suggestion

lets try to find some sort of scouts training camp.

or build one, cause no groups seem to want scout in their party.
i love em in a party at tanglers, they don't have to do a thing, gimme a sorc or a theurgist, we'll do tanglers to level em up asap, i can earn some neat cash this way also ;-)



i want one . so if anybodyr eading this thread knows somebody who has retired there scout lvl48+ and would like a theurg contact me .

Ban Yoda Account swaping!!!..


Anyway, im at cornwall the next many days, and tonight i should be able to make upto lvl 36 longbows, welcome to come stop by :)


Originally posted by nicky-nook

Ban Yoda Account swaping!!!..

:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: since when did u become forum police . i also remember seeing somewhere either yourself or miss looking for a char swap . didnt get to read the thread properly cos the forum police got to it which obviously meant she or you was looking to trade it :) . before you flame please note i did say EITHER you or miss but sure was one of ya .

p.s and imo if people do want to trade/sell acc's they should be able to if it means keeping more people on Daoc and not leaving cos they are bored and dont wanna go through the whole lvl50 exp grind again .thats why most leave cos they are bored of there char and would like to try new things. ut with Gao stopping them instead of swapping and REnewing there accounts they leave the game tottally :) . a new class/realm would give at least 1 month of new found fun . more money for Gao and more players for us to game with . servers are already dropping in numbers fast due to people quitting .


Well cowled i wish it will be possible, but each day end im more convinced that will not be possible... why not? let me explain i began mi scout a lot of time ago, before my merc i have to say, but when i reach 40 i was so tired of hearing peps saying "Scout? let me ask to group... (few minutes later) sorry m8 they dont want you" ok that was har but till level 40 you can solo some levels with 99999999999 arrows but its really boring (poors dunster i was hunting them till near his extinction). Then i decide to make a merc to test it, and when i reach 50th with my merc he had, moreless, the same time played than my scout with 41 :( thats really sad.
Nowadays im trying to level mi scout but each time i log with him at tanglers is always the same. "Sorry full" "Sorry group dont want you" ".... (no answers)"
Scout are one of the most ejoyable class to play but im loosing faith on be able to level it to 50th....


no wonder groups dont want us. we were made for soloing, we have absolutely nothing that enhances groups performance in any way that another class could not do 50% better (maybe except our guard .. but really ...).

made for soloing, allowed to solo in pve, forced into groups in rvr - silly imo


I agree Ody, although scouts do nice damage I feel on mobs also. My lvl 37 scout now does about 130 damage on red conned goblins with my lvl 35 hunting bow. That is pretty good damage, and besides, while I do less damage than a wiz, I last 2 hits longer :p
But I agree that in a sense, a scout bring nothing to a group, that cannot be done better by others. It is a shame Mythic are not willing to listen.

On the other hand, the way to lvl any character except a cleric or theurg maybe, is by xp'ing a lot, so you meet more people, and so they are more likely to let you in a group. So you do have to put some effort into it. But in the end, there are only about 50 people actively lvl'ing, so if you know about 5-8 of them, you are allmost allways guaranteed a spot. So, shame to all those immature wankers out there, but they do tend to lvl slower as nobody likes them in their group 2nd time around.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
no wonder groups dont want us. we were made for soloing, we have absolutely nothing that enhances groups performance in any way that another class could not do 50% better (maybe except our guard .. but really ...).

made for soloing, allowed to solo in pve, forced into groups in rvr - silly imo

compare dmg from scout with armsmen polearm against trees
i was doing more dmg at lvl 44 with my scout then my brother did with polearm thrust (50pole 44 thrust specced)


so? no news in that.

wont make u able to handle aggro, wont make u able to outdamage neither nukers nor clerics.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
made for soloing, allowed to solo in pve, forced into groups in rvr - silly imo


Silly? ........... Silly.

Ody, not only do your bows suck ;) your assessment of the state of scout affairs sucks royally.

Silly is just an <font size = 800> UNDERSTATEMENT </font>.

Scouts are <font size = 800> FUBAR </font>

I've been reading a great deal of Oakleif's efforts in the US over the past couple of months and as I see it the flow of communication is something like this:

1. - Oakleif: credible, logical, well structured approach to resolving scout issues.

2. - Mythic: STFU Oakleif and like it

3. Go to Step 1

See Hidden is the lamest response to the issue of solo hunting that could have been imagined. It is blatently absurd, it destroys the scout class and what little role the scout had in RvR groups, and it has made the Infiltrator thee class to lvl for the time being at least.

Please dont irritate me by mentioning Camoflage. Camoflage sucks hard in its current implementation. Mythic, you want me to run about in RvR SLOWER than the groups you want me to scout for? Even after a small-medium engagement where I might have to fight I'll have to ask my 'group' to wait for 6-8 minutes more while my timer ticks down.........yeah right. Go f*** yourself please.

Systematically the scout has been beaten down to a worthless sack of sh!t. That much is clear. Maybe many scouts can stomach the indignity of USELESS stealth, the ONLY skill that remained in our arsenal which made the class playable post-nerf-zerg, but I cannot. With the hardest sucking melee in the realm, the longbow and stealth combination gave a scout his/her only chance of contributing to the corpse pile in matters such as defending the realm blah blah. Now its gone, and unless you want to participate in the Emain zerg frequently or are willing to spend hours running around the frontiers in the HOPE that you wont be pegged by some lowbie-ass f***king foreign infi type, you simply cannot ENJOY the scout class anymore.

From what I read/see this will not change anytime soon. Furthermore, imo, this is the result of whiiiiiine campaigns by scouts the past of course....cos they got the response they required, with icing on top.

DAoC is becoming a MMO FORCED ROLE GAME - And If You Dont Like It Go F**k Yourself.

And I dont like it.

Neither does my nerf ganked Sorcerer. (but hey, I can always become a nuker!)

With either class......I personally find myself in a situation whereby after 1500+ hours of playing over several months:

a. (polite mode) I find my character classes offer less than enjoyable gaming experience whilst my contribution to my guild/team effort has dropped significantly through no fault of my own.

b. (angry me) My characters are f**ked beyond recognition, they are NOT what I started or what I intended to be playing with at this time, Mythic QA is a contradiction in terms and this is further supported by the utter B*LLSH*T called Realm Abilities. I have a suggestion for your sucktard RA list, IPoN (Ignore Pain of Nerfing) for the Sorcerer and Scout classes costing 30 points cos that will really f**k both classes for once and for all.

And yes dear reader you assume correctly. Im a little annoyed at these developments. And yes I made a buffbot. And no, it made f**k all difference. You cant buff or stat enhance against See Hidden or group Purge.

Sorry about OT on your thread Cowled.....bad advertising really.....but Ody's 'silly' just sparked me to respond.

Good luck with your scouting guys, I cant stomach the BS.


Note: I have wrapped this passage in '[IMO]' tags......I'm not terribly interested in a discussion/debate on is simply my opinion. I dont want to 'r00lz' always, I just want a fair playing field.....both my classes have had this taken only choice is to reroll.....and no thanks to that. Have a nice day


Calibra's exaggerating... Don't bother asking in what, but it's 100% sure he is. Seems he was relying too much on stealth :(


Originally posted by belth
Seems he was relying too much on stealth :(


Exaggerate? I must ask! I'm 100% certain of that.


Originally posted by nanorch


Exaggerate? I must ask! I'm 100% certain of that.

Saying See Hidden has fucked up the game totally and no-one can enjoy playing Scout anymore. But what ever, can't be arsed with arguments, as I'm pretty much anti-current-See-Hidden as it doesn't work like rest of the games abilities - level based. Best thing it did was to remove the most über-wannabees. From non-detect hidden classes only, sadly.


Belth I didnt say it f**ked it for everyone.....I said it f**ked it for me (and many others I believe).

We have no argument Belth, if See Hidden was a three stage (increasing SH range with each lvl) RA which cost more than 8 (Grrrrr) pts then the system would force inf classes to choose between it and other RA's. Immediately there would be far less SH specced stealthers about and this would not have such an enormous affect on the scout class in general. I can handle getting ganked by 3-5 infis from time to time........but every time I go to Emain?...........this is where the 'game' departs from the enjoyment requirement, for me at least.

As it stands, imo, this already hounded class is now dead and done for.

That is wrong...imo

Now, my Sorc and his mezz is......... ;)


I wouldn't like SH being a multi-level RA... I mean like increasing detect hidden range according to your level and the stealth % of character level of the one being detected. Give it a max range of 750 at best, which is triple that of DH, and decrease it linearry towards the regular DH range of 250. That'd give you a (very) small window to spot an incoming minstrel for example.

Camoflage movement speed should be increased to almost full run speed (85%?), but rangers/hunters should move a bit slower than scouts (5% like Mastery of Stealth sounds reasonable) as they both have self-buffs and a "get out of jail free card".

I bet every stealther interested in more balance would like those changes.

Oh, the SH change would make assassins with less than 16 stealth unable to use it, but hey, they gimped themselves knowingly...


What see hidden did was force a solo char into groups, where it dont belong. nothing more, nothing less.
Those with buffbots and tons of ra's from before patch are now the only scouts that can solo decently (which imo is kindda silly also).


The problem with scouts is that there are things which they cannot kill whatsoever solo like skalds unless they are buffed, even casters can cast pbt between shots. Slam is a big bonus tho, its a chance to stop assassins doing creeping death , rangers and hunters cant do anything vs assassins.

Oh and by the way, the answer to why scouts dont get groups is that they are a mixture of nuker and tank, doing much less damage in either roles than a nuker or tank


Actualy I can still solo quite easily, you just need to be tactful. If I see a caster, I use my hunting bow. The fast shots get through pbt easily. And attacking from hills is always beautiful - you get tonnes of time to shoot them to pieces while the silly Norseman runs around trying to find you. Although I admit, I never attack tanks, unless that is they make some kind of horrible embarrising mistake.


rangers and hunters cant do anything vs assassins.

If i were a hunter i'd purge and hit the auto-escape-speed-button. only chance they got as i see it.

as far as soloing goes, i can still be done if u watch your moves carefully. best done as leeching off a zerg.
prob is that xp/time is almost halved compared to before nerf.

another option is to group, in which case mruberrpharvesterthathadaveryhardtimelevelling then gets the same rp as those classes that did level 50 in 10-15 days /played.


Ranger melee is good if so specced... Unlike scout for which "melee" consists of trying to land Slam and hope to get couple arrows in afterwards :p


But if we do happen to land a slam ..... poor little assassin, ure now oficially stick-roast.
A hint: end-bp-items can give the edge here as u may have to try more than 4-5 times (damn hard to use in combat btw).


Assasins have slaughtered my tank with 1500hp when I was just walking around emain alone easily.
Guess thanks to some buffbots assasins are a bit overpowered. So just imagine what they do to a scout that is trying to land slam (if those assasins get decent evade).
I feel that assasin classes should have a better chance of spotting a scout, but see hidden is just a joke. Increase the bubble in which assasins can spot a stealthed character to 3 times the current size or something, but see hidden is insane...
Most assasins are already bitching about TS, but sadly that can be used only once per 30 minutes.
Should I ever bother to lvl my scout further, that is the first thing I will get, just to annoy cheap ass assasins.
Regards, Glottis


My advice Glottis: dont bother.

And given that mythic has now thrown respecs into the game, it seems the classes are done. I doubt they will change anything radically again.

This in effect means that archers are a dead class (unless u have very low expectations to them).

Just now, there are rumors of a(nother) hidden bow-damage nerf on top of the new armor tables, resists, lowered IP cost etc. This is supposedly in the latest patch.


Yes, I read about the reduced damage that a critical shot was doing. I guess I will keep my scout at lvl 37 then, or maybe even delete it to make a scout for the BG (deleting it every time I get too many rp's for the BG). The only place were it is a little fun to play is the BG's. That is how a scout should be....

Ah well, shame they also nerfed my mind sorc a fair bit, only character that got some loving would be my armsman, but then again, lets give Hibs another instant win button with Bards having instant aoe mezz, same range as my mind sorc (1500 range). And lets give Druids group purge.. making my mezzing USELESS....
So I hope next time Osama drops an airplane onto a building, he gets Mythic HQ....
Twats they are.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Assasins have slaughtered my tank with 1500hp when I was just walking around emain alone easily.
Guess thanks to some buffbots assasins are a bit overpowered.

Guess you were walking in a straight line too... It's an invitation to perf. Nevermind that anymore, it can be changed by not going alone and if you must, don't walk straight...

Rogues benefit most from buffs since most our fights are 1v1... Just give buffs a range (2k like heals after smite nerf?) and require grouping with the buffer and it's solved.


Originally posted by belth
Ranger melee is good if so specced... Unlike scout for which "melee" consists of trying to land Slam and hope to get couple arrows in afterwards :p

ye ranger melee is pretty good (unless you're vampire), but you cant "catch up" on the damage done while u are poisoned and have a crit combo done on u

also, we are called scouts, so groups naturally tell us to scout amg or whatever, all that happens then is an assassin uncovers you and u get zerged, as well as everyone else nearby. Thats not realy scouting

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