More scouts, ppl!



Atm we need more scouts, than assasins.
We only have 4-6 active lvl 50 scouts atm.

Why is it, that people make assasins?
Well .. 80% of fights in emain is being fought at walls.
And who got the best ranged dmg? Scouts! :)

Many roumers about scouts suck uber, but they really don't imo.
We got 16.2 dps bow, i can shoot for 1015 dmg atm, with +47 longbow spec and rr4.
And it'll get better! 1.51 or is it 1.52? Nm, there will be thrust/slash-arrows, which is stackable 100 in a quiver, AND 16.5 dps longbows, which gives +50 dmg on dmg cap? (Odysseus should have the specific number).

Sure we can't solo anymore, but how many times have u ever past amg? :D. SO MANY SCOUTS!

We can even see the assasins ever 30 min, which brings lotsa free realmpts.

Get started people, make scout-alts, and send me for uber bows :p!

4-5 lvl 50 scouts at a keep is imposible to take, and i've seen 2 scouts shoot on 1 yellow tank at once, he was down in 2 shots each. :)

In 1.53 shield-spec will FINALY work vs. styled-attacks, which means more blocked PA, more blocked Creeping Death, etc.

Hope u'll make more scouts, we are the only realm which can use longbows.

Infs aren't ranged, and u KNOW the wallfights in emain.. so... :)



got my clerc to infil has 8 levels to go

after that its cap rp time in thid, and if i like it..i might level the scout further up...dunno yet (depends on how many times i have to **beg** for a group with my infil) :p

but if you want to make a crafted bow good for lvl 24 my guest...i would be glad to come and pick it up (already have one crafted 98% qua longbow)....if you can do better let me know :p


yup scouts are good :)

i want one . so if anybodyr eading this thread knows somebody who has retired there scout lvl48+ and would like a theurg contact me . if no scouts 45+ inf or 50 wizzy im interested in ."especially wizzard cos i plan to re-spec him to pure earth :)

Madonion Slicer

I love my scout just a shame so far i have soloed to 27, can never get a group, and i cant see me going to 50


more scouts.
get to level 45+ fast and come buy my bows.


Wish I had made a scout and not an infiltrator :(

Think I may have to create one


level 10 and counting ;)

but he's a wacky scout :p


Lvl 22 and counting :)

Not having to much of a problem getting groups.

Seems to be a shortage of tanks around my scouts lvl though


Ckiller ofDust

im acctually makin one

But my question is where do i lvl him from lvl 5 and up.... since i hear its almost all time solo it would be fun to know.


well im 43 ody , so soon ill come to u and get a bow :D


From the view point of a theurg:
I love scouts in my group.

Why u ask?
Cuz else I'll be the one pulling and I'd rather sit back and relax with pbt and some nukes, occasional rooting/mezzing.

Somehow everyone is Lyonesse seem infected by a vile disease, making them have hallucinations and delusions, leading them to believe theurgs are uber pullers.
We are NOT!
Pulling is the scout's or tincan's job, not mine - and that crap about pets gathering the tanglers better is such BS. A scout can gather them just as well, he just needs to stand still for round 5 sec after pull.


Originally posted by Cowled

4-5 lvl 50 scouts at a keep is imposible to take, and i've seen 2 scouts shoot on 1 yellow tank at once, he was down in 2 shots each. :)
Is that before or after the scouts get nearsighted, mezzed, stunned, nuked, PAed and generally beaten to a pulp because they're standing on the wall making an uber target for all? :p


Hope u'll make more scouts, we are the only realm which can use longbows

And what's the advantage of LB's? Read and weep..

Extract from Scout Team Lead Report sent to the Devs.

Comparison to Rangers
Finally, there is a disparity between scouts and rangers at the highest levels caused by the Pathfinding spell line that is not compensated for by being able to spec higher in our four skill lines than rangers spreading points around five. While class comparisons are usually discouraged cross realms, it should be noted that with the exception of shield vs. celtic dual, these two classes are identical. Including the new bows available to each realm, scouts and rangers are identical in range and base draw time at the highest levels as well. However, a ranger’s Pathfinding buffs and damage adds allow rangers to do more damage and shoot faster than any scout can, in addition to getting a speed spell. As mentioned above, there is now a disparity between the defensive skills of scouts and rangers as well.

One idea that caught my eye was one comparing the realm points necessary to compete with rangers buffs. Taco, the ranger team lead, tells me that a high level ranger typically has anywhere from 29 to 36 spec in Pathfinding, some go higher. Lets look at a ranger with 30 spec and what a scout would have to spend in realm points to attempt to compare: 68 points for Augmented Dexterity 5 and Augmented Quickness 5 (max possible) to gain 30 points to dexterity and quickness when the level 30 spell Honed reflexes gives 33 points to those two abilities, 34 points for Augmented Strength 5 (max possible) to gain 30 points of strength when the level 30 spell Power of Will gives 34 points to Strength, 20 points for Longwind 4 to have an equivalent sprint distance as the level 25 Pathfinding spell Forest Spirit, 9 for the second level of any “Rain of” ability (ignoring for the moment that its on a timer and the damage add buff isn’t), and there is no AF buff in realm abilities for scouts so we don’t know what Mastery of Blocking level would correspond to the same effect as the Determination line of Pathfinding spells. That’s 131 points and still less than the low end of average ranger spec. And please note that rangers have access to those same realm abilities which can further increase their abilities when combined with their buffs.

It should also be noted that I have played many scouts and rangers, and the difference in PvE caused by these spells is enormous. Rangers are on target in PvE. Scouts are below target in PvE, and these spells are at the root of that since the classes are so similar in every other way.

edit: Oh, and the link posted by Odysseus in the "Whinealert" thread is a must read :)


I've always felt a bit bemused when I hear that scouts have been destroyed as a character and have no uses any more, sure assasins reduce me to quivering pile of mess on the emain floor but I guess thats just assasin kills archer, archer kills caster, everyone kills tanks.

Playing a scout in RvR is joy 90% of the time and if im nerfed so be it, personaly I think that if everyone in a mmorpg claims their class is nerfed then its a good sign that the game is pretty balanced.


If you guys/ladies state there is a need for clerics, please explain why i cant seem to find a group in lyonesse :D

Like 150 peeps there at night, or worse, but never a singel group needs a cleric :D

I think its time to make more tanks and socerers to heal for us unemployed clerics



or you could do something truly useful and level a mind sorc...


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
or you could do something truly useful and level a mind sorc...
Nah DAoC is dangerously short of stealther twinks! :p


ever seen a defended keep/wallfights by 5-6 lvl 50 scouts?
i've never seen hibs / mids win from that
even at wallfights you'll see the mids stand in a line just behind our range.


Have to agree, more scouts, less infils. Or more minstrels, just ignore the NPC that have [Infiltrator Trainer] underneath them, thanks.


Have to agree with Belthazor on this one really

Too many infils now hardly see the point playing mine anymore emain is swamped in them :)


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
more scouts.
get to level 45+ fast and come buy my bows.

First msg me ofc.. i'll redirect u to ody, if u are out of my range :D


i would love to lvl my scout to 50 really i would but its the whole grp thing there are that many bloody infils now its so hard to get a grp cos most grps have already got a stealther in and people just get arsy about having too many stealthers in the grp who eat mana all the time :sleeping:

so its not the uber bows i need its a nice xp grp preferably with people who know what there doing there as rare as scouts these days



Well done Coweld and congrats on that post!!

Its about time someone said what we all know, just dont want to admit. Scouts are gr8 chars, mine is currently lvl 41.8 and he rules in RvR in a grp.

So what their stealth is useless now and they are weak lil shits but used in the correct way, scouts are the best method of first assult and can oftern reap the rp's for a guild :)

Stop cussin them down and alow ppl to enjoy what they are creating, an all round gr8 fun char.


Originally posted by belth
Have to agree, more scouts, less infils. Or more minstrels, just ignore the NPC that have [Infiltrator Trainer] underneath them, thanks.
definatly not more mincers, give it a few months there will be fek loads of lvl 40+ mincers about. atm ive got a lvl 23 mincer and getting grps is near to impossible cos of the amount of us about, only keltoi grp ive had so far was in ant room and out of the 8 ppl in my grp 3 of us were mincers and at least 5 came in lfg in the few hours i was there. not seen 1 scout tho i dont think, make scouts ppl!


Originally posted by loxleyhood
I've always felt a bit bemused when I hear that scouts have been destroyed as a character and have no uses any more, sure assasins reduce me to quivering pile of mess on the emain floor but I guess thats just assasin kills archer, archer kills caster, everyone kills tanks.

Playing a scout in RvR is joy 90% of the time and if im nerfed so be it, personaly I think that if everyone in a mmorpg claims their class is nerfed then its a good sign that the game is pretty balanced.

Ofcourse they have uses, just no uses that noone else can do just as good.

I love my Scout, it's a fun class and I will still play it whatever happens, it doesn't mean I have to agree with everything.

I noticed you said: "Playing a scout in RvR is joy 90% of the time".
What about pve? Is there something that makes it reasonable for Scouts(infs to) to have a harder time during pve? Of course not. Why is it then? Mythic are hopefully trying to fix this, we can only wait and see, in the mean time I will continue to make sure this subject won't be forgotten. Because I love the class.

If noone says anything, everyone will assume everything is ok. Mythic lives and dies on the customers word.

A balanced game is a game where there is always atleast one aspect of the game(class in this context) that appeals to the player. That class should also let the player experience the same amount of fun as everyone else playing the same game.

Zag Barr

Originally posted by old.chipper
... and people just get arsy about having too many stealthers in the grp who eat mana all the time :sleeping:

I hear loads of complaints about infis and scouts not finding groups and people not wanting them in groups.

To be honest: I had no trouble leveling my Infi to 50, even tho I hardly had any guild support. I never had any trouble finding groups - although there was times I was actively looking for groups for a few hours sometimes. That happens to many classes, not only Infis.

If your Infi eats away cleric mana, you play him wrong. In PvE you should always dish out just enuff damage, so you get no aggro or better for short periods of time - compensated by BT and evade.

Of course every group needs a good mix of classes, but we successfully did witherwood trees with 2 infils and one scout in a group of 8 - besides the necessary cleric, BT theurgist, minstrel and 2 tanks.

As for more scouts and less infis: You can't compare the 2 classes, who have a completely different playing style. It really depends what you personally prefer, but there is no doubt that scouts dish out more damage and thanks to their range dish it out easier. Personally I like playing Infiltrator more then scouts, but if you want lots of Rp's fast, then scout is the logical choice.


Originally posted by Zag Barr

Of course every group needs a good mix of classes, but we successfully did witherwood trees with 2 infils and one scout in a group of 8 - besides the necessary cleric, BT theurgist, minstrel and 2 tanks.

Done em with 3 infils, 1 death due to lag :p Faster killing than with tincans ;)


well u all know my opinion on this subject - and I have statistics to back it up with.
so i wont bother u by saying the same things again.

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