Wind power is shit says unscientific wank by charity that campaigns against wind farms 'cause they spoil view
John Muir Trust said:Our Vision is that:
Poorly sited and inappropriate man-made structures will be removed to improve the quality of the wild landscape
Proven ?
Discuss proven biased article? No thanks![]()
Everything you have ever read or posted for use in your arguements contains a bias so why stop now?
Assuming their bias they probably do still have a point since salesmen always oversell things.
Wind power was a great area for overselling because no-ones going to realise till years after the thing has been built at which point the salesman's long gone and they can always make up some excuse.
I like the 'turn the Sahara in to a giant solar panel to power europe' idea
I think it was being looked at quite seriously too.
Anyway serves me right for making a point about solar by resurrecting a thread about wind but anyone got anything to say about the church and solar ?