I think it takes quite a while to get the moon (3 days?) and would use a lot of fuel.
What if we shot it just above the atmosphere, would it all burn up on re entry?
unless the rocket explodes on the way up of course
No. As its rather dense.
Sticking it into subduction layers and letting geologically active processes (like volcanoes) drag it under the mantle is the way to go, but its counter-intuitive because inspectors want to know where all the nuclear waste is.
call this a crazy idea if you like, but why don't we just shoot all the nuclear waste up to the moon on a rocket? its not going to hurt anyone up there is it![]()
so? doesn't that make it a good thing that they actually are getting built?
I was going to post "fire it at the sun", but essentially the same idea.
On the "using less energy" front, I think more UK companies should adopt working from home policies so that those that aren't customer facing can do so. I'm in IT and most of my customers are in other sites, a fair chunk are in India anyway so what's the difference if I'm at home or in the office to these guys? I would save a fortune on petrol and probably work a lot better from home (I get zero distractions, except for p0rn and PS3). It would reduce congestion on the roads, the company could have smaller offices or ditch offices altogether thus cutting out even more energy use (somewhat offset by having a PC at home I suppose).
It wouldn't work for everyone, but I don't see why we're not doing more of it given how accessible broadband, video and teleconferencing is.
Not if the economic case for their installation is distorted by taxpayer-funded subsidies.
Not if the economic case for their installation is distorted by taxpayer-funded subsidies.
I'm allowed to work from home quite a lot. You should talk to your manager.
On the downside my nob is raw from all the masturbation.
Is your business area a bit down on masturbation ? Has there been an incident ?
Not if the economic case for their installation is distorted by taxpayer-funded subsidies.
I like the 'turn the Sahara in to a giant solar panel to power europe' idea
I think it was being looked at quite seriously too.
I think theres a better way thats now being used consisting of a black tower in the centre of a field of mirrors - they dont require all the rare metals of solar cells and they whack out an amazing amount of power - the ultimate solar energy usage we have so far found.
Solar thermal energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia