More Necro Assholes......



Same Think happend to me with Nasdrovnje when i was at Advisors in Barrows. ive been there about 3 or more hrs and hes all like i want some kills , and im like m8 spawn is only big enuff really for 1 so he starts trying take my mobs sadly he couldnt kill them faster than me ,ok about every 7mins he get a 1min time limit to kill what he wanted becuz i needed a rest.So magicaly a wizard called Ironheart logs on and starts trying to kill all the mobs and again he's not as fast as me mainly because m Dex was just about capped and i have MOA, then he gets pissed and starts calling me a stupid Noob and that he is the king of barrows and hes allowed kill what he likes ..............Happy ending to the story he gave up 30mins late ;). I ask him if hes Nasdrobnje and hes like no no no im not ...even tho a buff bot from Brother hood of the wolf boofed him and later they had LD at exaclty the same time.


Which translates to..

"Ironheart is back to his tricks."


Re: Problem

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Problem with necro's is that they start camping a spot...and then after 5 seconds after they killed all mobs...they think: "hmm no more mobs lets move on to the next spot".....problem is by moving they are not amping one single spot and bump into other people that do stand still on the same spot for pulling the same mobs for 4+ hours.....its here that you meet the occasional nice necro that moves to another spot....and the 99% assholes that just start pulling because they see that you cant kill every single mobs in 2 mins....

Necro's been nerfed in please nerf them in PvE....when farming in AC with my sorc I see level 45 necro's pulling more and higer mobs then me, without resting between pulls...thats wrong (and yes Im a gimp)

I play my necro on a very regular basis and I frequently see dick head anti Necro people, they are consumed with anger that Necros can outpull/outkill and out perform them in every respect (Except RVR), I do not hunt in the "Regular" spots and frequently when I have made my way to where I go I dont see anybody for hours on end, DO NOT tar all necros with the same brush, it makes you look vindictive and foolish.

Necros have been nerfed in PVE. your right, you are a gimp.

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