More Necro Assholes......



Originally posted by etcetra
And rolled a zerker, and farms chanters - foad ;)

zerkers are fun :) I don't really give a damn about the upcoming nerf, they're a fun class to play.



Nerf necro from the game plain and simple :eek: + stop running away when iam killing your pet, you know ill catch u up ;)


it does seem strange to introduce such an anti-social class to a game in a genre which is based around positive social interaction.


Originally posted by pez
it does seem strange to introduce such an anti-social class to a game in a genre which is based around positive social interaction.

what he said

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by pez
it does seem strange to introduce such an anti-social class to a game in a genre which is based around positive social interaction.

i think no class is meant to be anti social... and as for necros, they are good, the can handle hard mobs, but maybee the main goal of playing a necro would be to help other ppl level faster...

as mentioned in other thread by me, personally, they would be the ideal class to pl other ppl in some spots... the road to 50 is hard, long, and for most that are fixated on getting to 50 and rule in RVR ( even forgetting the rpg) verry boring and it just takes to long. I think these were created to help them. Get those ppl out of RVE as soon as possible. In doing so , the RVR guilds, could maybee get some of their ppl to get a necro or even a group of ppl playing necros, organize at a spot, and level these people in turns or even in group.

And incidents do happen, when running thrue a room camped by someone... mobs charge.. blabla bla.. MY SPOT.. whatever....
talk it out in-game, keep the harrasment out of here, nothing will change, two or three days later all is forgotten... so nothing changes..

so organize these classes and use them wisely :) you can get a lot of friends, new players in your guild just by helping the boost a couple of levels.

and remember accidents do happen, apolegies are spoken, just forgive them also..


Originally posted by pez
it does seem strange to introduce such an anti-social class to a game in a genre which is based around positive social interaction.

It's not really an anti-social class. Necros have spells to help their realmmates, such as absorb buffs and power transfer. It's just that a lot of anti-social idiots have chosen to play the class. Necros are self-sufficient soloers, but then so are friars, and you wouldn't call that an anti-social class :)


I have been on the receiving end of necro ignorance....but as i have a lvl 23 necro myself i have also been on the "necro's are pricks" side of it too. Today for the haunted appletrees in SI....happily xping...not bothering any body.....some ignorant twat turns up...(not mentioning name or guild) with his group and mezzes all in sight..then they kill all in siight and say to me..."go to cornwall"... Did he pay my £8.00 that day ?. Well....i thought to myself..bollox...i have been here for about 5 i move to the little patch of trees....out of their way, what do they do...mezz those too. What do i do...kill the seed droppers. Not out of ignorance....out of anger for being told what i can and cant do in the game. is not the class that is at fault..just the very ignorant people playing them.


spanish people need to go do something involving big knives and wrist-veins.

edit: it did say die irl but i edited it to something better


Originally posted by hercules-df
those crazy spanish dudes. jejejejejejejeje

Thing like that REALLY piss me off....

Grow up u TWAT!

that is not the 1st time u have said somthing about spainsh either!


Originally posted by heath
I have been on the receiving end of necro ignorance....but as i have a lvl 23 necro myself i have also been on the "necro's are pricks" side of it too. Today for the haunted appletrees in SI....happily xping...not bothering any body.....some ignorant twat turns up...(not mentioning name or guild) with his group and mezzes all in sight..then they kill all in siight and say to me..."go to cornwall"... Did he pay my £8.00 that day ?. Well....i thought to myself..bollox...i have been here for about 5 i move to the little patch of trees....out of their way, what do they do...mezz those too. What do i do...kill the seed droppers. Not out of ignorance....out of anger for being told what i can and cant do in the game. is not the class that is at fault..just the very ignorant people playing them.

Well seems to me what they did was OK cause they weren't Necro's so they weren't twats. Just get used to the prejudice.


Add Ceiro to this list. Just comes to a pre camped spot and starts to pull. Tried to tell him it was camped but he just ignored. Muppet


in my time i have met 2 necromancers who were nice when farming mobs in general.

Fetid and Tilda.
they both left enough mobs for me to solo, both abs buffed me.
and in the end both helped me when i got into shit :)

sadly the other soloing necromancers have been as described.
the ones who group were all perfectly nice people too by the way.

imo most of the 'bad' necromancers come from the big Spanish guilds though this doesnt mean you dont get retarded necro's from other races either. Just the Spanish ones seem to enjoy hiding behind the easily discarded language barrier when they want to ignore you or insult you (i can only think what was said in Spanish was an insult, the jejejejeje crap usually indicates some form of rudeness)

this is my own opinion, i am not being racist. there are nice Spaniards playing this game and ones with respect for others.
even ones with little skill in English before you start using the Racist crap.


I think we've all been touched by the necro chain clearance of any area. Lets hope they meet more necro's camping area's and piss each other off.

In the mean time, not all are bad. I know quite a few guildy necro's who realising the pve power are very polite with pulling. Also must mention Shadowbene as a great example of politeness and consideration. We'd had a nasty LD death at whitelights and when he was told he was very friendly and moved on with no agro at all. Tks again.


i hvacve a lvlv 2 nevro, flame meh

selvæfæflge lig har du dete, men ejg vil ike spilde mere krudt pp dete, da du uden tvilt har flere såøgsmål af samme kalibner



Well i have a necro 50, i am spanish, i know my english is bad, but i can use it enough to say something, i had lots of problem with necros too, and mates most of them doesn´t come from my country, yes some spanish ppl in this server sux but a lot of other countries ppl in this server sux too. I had lots of probem with necros because they don´t realize what a camped spot is, is a pity to read some opinions here about spanish ppl, cause not all of us are so bad, in same way i used say not all no-spanish ppl are good.

In my region (costa del Sol) we have a great community of english ppl, they don´t speak spanish at all (usally), and we don´t flame them, we get a lot of tourism here and we don´t flame them. So please when you flame a member of spanish community in DAOC use name, and flame him not all of us. Most of us try to live in peace with all here.

Only one more point, when you borrow a necro from one guildie please be polite it´s his char and he will recieve critics of your acts.

My main char is "Sadel LaMano" my guild is "La Mano", now you can flame me if you want, i´ll try to be polite with all non-spanish ppl on game and RL. Most of us know what Honour is.


Seearia - take screenshots, log the conversation (make sure you ask them to stop) and send it to RightNow...

they're breaking the CoC and harassing you - that's a nono.

Not quite sure what the max punishment for that is - but if they do it to a lot of people I'd not be surprised if they got banned.

There are nice necromancers out there, considerate, polite ones. Unfortunately there are far too many bad apples.

They'd be annoying if they were playing any other class... just they're able to be far more annoying as a necro. It's like giving a two year old a handgun. Only answer is to report them.

Madonion Slicer

You think Necro's are a problem now, just wait til the /level 20 and lvl30 command comes in there will be thousands of the little barstards.


Its pretty similar in Mid with Bonedancers - FOTM classes attract some real dross :(


Did replay on this subject (other thread) before. In every game are assholes, and they are here just to have fun on expenses of others and often hide behind "its only a game" or "get a real life". This are the grey gankers, leechers, etc.

They choose a class where they have the most power, becouse it makes them feel more uber.

In albions case this means mostly a necromancer. So you see more asshole necromancers then asshole otherclasses. Even more sad it is that the % assholes is atm so high I wish there was a button to ignore a compleet class at times.

And yes I do know a few cool necromancers, and some necromancers even helped me out big time when I was solo! I wish there where more of them. And the few who are not an asshole will hopefully not feel offended by this post (I hope).



Originally posted by moo_work
spanish people need to go do something involving big knives and wrist-veins.

edit: it did say die irl but i edited it to something better

Happy 13th birthday moo!


Leaching sux no matter what the class of character or nationality of the player is.

S'pose if u only experiencing it from Spanish played Necros u might have some bias toward flamin 98% of them.....


I don't see the connection between "Necro assholes" and spanish people...apart from some of them play them...well wow...some of them play probably every char in every realm.
It is the comments off people like Moo that spoil the game..not the actions of a race or nation. I know a few spanish peeps ingame and have no problem with them at all.
Moo...grow up...stop being anti spanish and learn to live with everyone who plays. That is an adult thing to do.


Molten Lava


Problem with necro's is that they start camping a spot...and then after 5 seconds after they killed all mobs...they think: "hmm no more mobs lets move on to the next spot".....problem is by moving they are not amping one single spot and bump into other people that do stand still on the same spot for pulling the same mobs for 4+ hours.....its here that you meet the occasional nice necro that moves to another spot....and the 99% assholes that just start pulling because they see that you cant kill every single mobs in 2 mins....

Necro's been nerfed in please nerf them in PvE....when farming in AC with my sorc I see level 45 necro's pulling more and higer mobs then me, without resting between pulls...thats wrong (and yes Im a gimp)


I play a necro and have had problems with the same 2 individuals mentioned in original post myself.


Originally posted by darbey
I play a necro and have had problems with the same 2 individuals mentioned in original post myself.

I would like to remark the word INDIVIDUALS in your post


Originally posted by seeaira
I am so sick and tired of whats been happening to me the last week in the game.. Im not one to just bash on a particular type of class, but I have found that 98% of necros are all pathetic little twats who couldn't care less about the moral of the game or about respect.

took a little bit of your post m8 ...

I agree totally !


Re: Problem

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Necro's been nerfed in please nerf them in PvE....when farming in AC with my sorc I see level 45 necro's pulling more and higer mobs then me, without resting between pulls...thats wrong (and yes Im a gimp)

Ungimp thyself. Don't touch the über-bugged PvE-god in a bad way, ty.


Stop necro oppression in general

Turn all that “why the fuck cant I solo to 50 that quick” aggression into
“die mids/hibs you suck because our teamwork owned you!”

Bone dancers are who you want to be nurfing,

(btw to my knowledge I have never barged into a spawn and cleared the whole camp, and if I have tell me and if you have good reason I will apologise)

not that anyone cares but still….

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