More Necro Assholes......



I am so sick and tired of whats been happening to me the last week in the game.. Im not one to just bash on a particular type of class, but I have found that 98% of necros are all pathetic little twats who couldn't care less about the moral of the game or about respect.
This has happened so many times I cant name them all, but the last two events in witch I have encountered a necro I came across this situation..

Was in barrows camping late at night and as we all know you can really only camp celts .. as its safe and less likely to get an add.
All of a sudden.. two necros stroll past me ( Furiah from Guardianes del Grial and Necropagia ) as im waiting for camp and begin to pull from the middle of the room. I told them in a nice way .. sorry guys im camping this area would you mind not pulling.. as the spawn rate is slow.. and I got from them basically to F off.. Furiah informed me (in his crappy English) that I was sitting on my ass and so therefore it was his camp now.. and anything I pull hes leeching. then i got spammed with loads of JAJAJAJAJAJA i have no idea what that is by the way lol im assuming its some laughing or something. so then as I pull they leech from me.. next pull i get adds and I die.. then i got spammed with laughing. What sort of twats are these serious? I know we cant "claim" a spot, but ffs we all live ( or most of us) buy an unspoken respect in the game for people who are camping a spot. Later his friend Necro (such a unique name for a necro I might add) died and he had the FREEKIN NERVE to ask me to rez him!! lol so when I told him where to go he said.. "Rez my friend or I leech everypull and everytime I see you" and hes pretty much lived up to that. I tried to get a hold of a GM but all I got was .. "No speeky inglas" WTF... ISNT THIS AN ENGLISH SERVER???? This pisses me off..

Now for tonight.. Camping celts again, and I waited for the group who was camping it for a few hours then took the spot.. not long after here comes two necros again.. ( Frera Legion of Honor and Nasdrovnje from Brotherhood of the Wolf) Pretty much the same scenario. They see me camped.. couldn't care less.. walk in pull.. I tell them its camped and I get loads of crap from them. The freaking necros clear the whole room.. laughing at me and making derogatory comments. I pm the Gm and get told that I need to send a complaint to GoA . Is this what the game is coming to? A bunch of little freekin kids walking around acting like twats and not giving a rats ass about other people or respect. If we all took this attitude the game wouldn't be worth playing. We all have to come together at some point in time and work together as a team.. thats the point of the game. But somewhere along the line I think people have forgotten about that. So is it just me having these nasty encounters with necros????


its sad but true :(
you dont really get that problem unless its either a full grp or a necro lol


those crazy spanish dudes. jejejejejejejeje


serious especially was a pain when asked there liek " me no speaky english" speak to there gm 5 mins later they come back

OO seeaira im gratefully sorry if we have upset you by pulling from your spawn .



sooooooooooo troooooooooooo......

solution to this problem:

get Gunnnnnnnnaa to educate all spanish people.. He rox tbh.


everywhere i go .... no matter what level char i am playing.... i get pushed out by necros.
i am sure that not everyone who plays a necro turns into a complete ass but the evidence is starting to show otherwise.
i have almost given up on trying to level my alts.
please ppl show some common decency and respect for your fellow players and stop hijacking their xp.


My neighbour said that. He said before I even mentioned them 'I FUCKING HATE NECROS OMFG' etc. So then I told him to make one, now he's like 'MUHAHAHA I AM A NECRO I HAVE THE POWER TO KILL ALL SPAWN IN 10 SECONDS MUHAHAHA' etc :p


Really makes you wonder what these people are like in real life and if they act as retarded IRL as they do in game? Can anyone seriously be such a social reject IRL as they act in game?

As someone once said to me, You must always remember when using the internet that despite the computer, its still another real human being your talking to on the other end.

If only more people took that into consideration.


Shitty coment

sry guys... getting a bit pissed off here... i got a lvl 43 necro... and yes i camp all the usual places... but damit... i never leech from ppl, i never tryes to puss my self into a camped place.
Not every necro in game is a prick... there is necro pricks too.. and pherhabs necros attract pricks... but some of us a normal players... who also have other high lvl chars...
I REALLY HATE WHEN PPL SAYS 98% OF NECROS ARE BAD MANNER PLAYERS... beacuse when they see me, they will say "fucking necro". Necro is a part of the game... hopefully all the pricks have there necros up to lvl 50 soon... so we won't hear any more bitching...
Sry if i offended some of u guys... but damit... we are not all shitty players!!!

And t those necros out there who plays a bad manner game, i like to say. STOP IT!!! when ever i meet ya... i write names down... and since i got a cleric high too.. i know who NOT to rezz/buff (might be bad manner too, but i hate pricks as mush as the next guy).


hmm, imo its not fair to blame it totally on the spanish people. they dont have a spanish server and english is more likley to be spoken amongst them than german or french.

I had one problem when i was playing my necro at wihite lights and a spanish necro came down and said he had to pull at my spawn for a bit because his was used up :ROFLMAO:

so i spoke to his GM, who spoke to me very nicley and then spoke i presume to the spanish player who then said sorry and even offered me some buffs of a buffbot.



there is one solution
if they leech your exp
take some pics and report them on rightnow...not that goa gives a shit but.. :p
do not make general some certain ppls
it is not wise to say
ALL necros sux
ALL spanish pps sux
it is a bit gay IMO
yes some ppls are dicks..but HECK this is a Massive Multiplayer """""""RPG"""""""""" and of course arseholes can go buy pay you can get
learn to live with arseholes


Had a run in with Nasdrovnje from Brotherhood of the Wolf myself.I was playing my wizzy at the time and he took great offence to me pulling the odd Avalonian Aparation from the 2 houses near fort gwyn (they where yellow to me ane he was a lvl above) he didnt talk to me nicely he just threw me a nasty line (i have screeenies still but i cant post em as dont know how)....he isnt a very nice guy that one....i did report him to right now and sent screeenies, they sent me an email saying that the dont tollerate that kind of person, but i dont know if they did anything about it.
Some ppl just like to ruin the game for others,,,,no one can claim a spot imo but a little curtsey goes a long way.


I know the extreamly good solution for your first problem.
Leaching mobs are against the rules GOA have and therefore you can report him for that. What that leacher will get is a ban for some days. Second problem that a necro comes and takes all mobs without leaching are allowed (sadly).

I have a necro myself and if a spot is taken I walk away. Not all does that though, other people has even tried stealing my spot, but if someone tries I concentrate on killing faster and sooner or later the stealer/s gives up. Works when I am playing necro though.

But for your first problem OMG what I would have reported him :)


Easy solution all make friars they can just about keep up with necro farming


Originally posted by Kagato.

As someone once said to me, You must always remember when using the internet that despite the computer, its still another real human being your talking to on the other end.

Yup that's it entirely. I dont know whether its an age thing but it staggers me in this game (and on these boards) how people forget that. Sad thing is, if these people came with the same attitude down my local pub they'd quickly learn the lesson... safely tucked away behind their pc however some of them never seem to grow out of it.


Some of you guys are totally missing the point. I play a necro in 40's and like to think im respectful to others, if a spot camped find another , and in barrows its pretty easy to do with it being almost entirely undead, there are ignorant bastards all over playing all classes and from all countries. If it is as you said those guys are wankers and should be reported but try not to accuse to genralise it as being all necros.


Originally posted by darbey
Some of you guys are totally missing the point. I play a necro in 40's and like to think im respectful to others, if a spot camped find another , and in barrows its pretty easy to do with it being almost entirely undead, there are ignorant bastards all over playing all classes and from all countries. If it is as you said those guys are wankers and should be reported but try not to accuse to genralise it as being all necros.

a twat necro is a nickle a dozen

the respectful ones (such as your self apparently) are rare

that's why they generalize


but I have found that 98% of necros are all pathetic little twats who couldn't care less

Absolute bollocks tbh

Edited for the yank


I tend to log on early on in the day, but people have less and less respect for camped spots.
It kind of started with people getting annoyed at advisors, and just starting to kill the mobs while you were camping it.
Now with the necro, they can camp and clear the entire barrows, and groups still come by and get upset about it. Cause there is also another side to the story. A necro happily camping a spot, and then a full group claiming he or she is being selfish and trying to take over the camp spot :(
I agree some necro's have bad manners, but that happens in each class, and in each realm. You maybe notice more cause a necro will clear the spawn in the room, instead of the occasional mob.
A lot of the more honorable players will go pl their toons in SI country, as those lame ass necro players do not even know those spots :)
But then again, there are plenty of mobs a regular group can kill were no necro will even go near (due to resistance or neutral to spirit).
Regards, Glottis


I have a necro in the 30's and the biggest problem ive had is groups taken mobs from the spot ive 'camped'. Lost count of the times ive been pushed out of a spot by groups so i tend to try and pick spots where i doubt many people will be - atm im camping dunters and have had no problem - theres several lots of them and they spawn exceptionally fast. It just seems to me everyones saying about how necros take ure spot when it goes the other way as well - so shall all the necros make generalisations about all the non-necros??


Think I had a run-in with Necropagia myself. He and another necro were busy pulling from stables in Avalon City and got all bent out of shape because our group set up camp within about 100 yards of them (note: we were NOT pulling their mobs). Cue some discussion with a couple of people in our group trying to calm things down, a couple more not so calm and Necropagia acting like the juvenile prick he undoubtedly is - it was definitely an attitude thing, not a language barrier.

The prize comment came when someone suggested he be friendly and considerate to realmmates - his response was "I don't want to be friends with anyone in this game. I have friends in RL for that."

So there you have it. If Necropagia needs buffs or a rez - don't. He has friends in real life for that. And I'm sure both of them would be glad to help him :)

On the more general topic - not all necros are selfish, annoying twats. However, a lot of the selfish, annoying twats are playing necros at the moment. The decent folks with necros ae, unfortunately, going to have to live with the prejudice that the twats are causing - at least yntil they can prove to people that they aren't cut from the same cloth.



just from my experience ^^


Originally posted by _abraxis_
Absolute bollox tbh

How can you tell me that my personal opinion is "bollox" (cant believe I just said that word lol what the hell is bollox lol) Serious, im takeing that figure and putting together a percentage of the twats I have encountered to the non twats. Honestly speaking I have only met 3 or 4 necros out of the 100's that were decent and respectable. One of them being Tilda, event though I recall getting upset with her because she was clearing the room we had an "adult" conversation about it, and when she died I risked rezzing her a few times (this was before I was 50) in barrows. We were able to play without leeching or name calling and still help each other. But all the other necros that come around have the "I don't care" attitude. I understand that everyone needs to be able to play ... but have the decency of asking, Several times even though I clear necros myself, I have been asked if a group can pull some as all areas are camped and I said no problem. So people can be easy to work with if you use your communication skill.


I got leeched for ALL necros beside they country or guild. If u see a necro around you'll just have problems sooner or later it's a fact. And yes i have a necro...

PD: Would like to know who was that necro who told me to go away and fuck up cause that spot was camped. I didnt even pulled just waited for him to die and started to pull then : )


Originally posted by hasek
I got leeched for ALL necros beside they country or guild. If u see a necro around you'll just have problems sooner or later it's a fact.

Well since I wouldn't do any of that to anyone, intentionally, then your statement is bullshit. I bet the vast majority of Necro's are not twats, but people always remember the ones that are. And as has been stated many times, you get twats in all classes.

I was in the Barrows the other night doing the Celt room when a group came and stood behind me. I asked them if they were waiting for the room and they said they were so I let them have it. But then again I'm a Necro so I am automatically a twat. So since I'm seen as one, should I now start living up to expectaions?

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