Mod with a Mod: WARCommander


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
sorry by ignore I meant you can switch off their warcommander updates from affecting your map - i.e. if you do /warc ignore Flimgoblin you'll not get any waypoints on your map from my warcommander broadcasts.

You can also tell warcommander not to listen to /1 so anyone using warcommander on /1 won't affect your map.

Doesn't help the spam in the chat window mind you, but if people couldn't use warcommander in /1 they'd complain and they'd just spam their other commands in /1.

Pester mythic to make /2 the same region-wide chat as /1 just you can filter it out if you don't want to hear rvr chat - then I'll happily restrict it and tell anyone complaining to fo and use /2 ;) since there's a valid excuse for using /1 still I'm not gonna do that.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
i know what you meant, but i still cant do any of that for tactical reasons. and disable/reanable/ignoring/unignoring still gets frustrating after a while :)

i'd have to tell WC to ignore half of norns warband leaders fgs, and unignoring them whenever i wanna rvr makes ignoring them in warcommander not worth the time.

and as you said, i'd still get the text warcommander puts out in /1 even if i wont get the clickable updates on my screen. so then were back to actually ignoring them, and thats just not feasable in the long run.

just atleast try it out for a version or 2 and see how many actually whines about it.

and no, there still isnt a valid reason to use /1 over /2 for rvr stuff, /2 IS MEANT to be used for rvr stuff, hence why its only working in the rvr lakes :)

/edit: and mythic isnt gonna change how /2 is working, you know that just as much as i do.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
well if they fix /2 to at least work in all the warcamps... if you die and release you lose /2 in an awful lot of places.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
yeah i suppose. owell, guess i have to put up with it. :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
v0.6 uploaded.

Moved configuration stuff into its own window (right click the button to open it) and the updates open/close button is now inside that.

Separate channels for orders/alerts so you can have your "spotted enemies" on /2 and your "attack this" on /wb

Support for land of the dead, cities and all but 5 of the non-event scenarios (still not managed to capture grovod, reikland hills, gromril, black cairn or logrin's - hopefully get them sometime soon :))

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