Ml9 ?


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Chronictank said:
Mentalists can charm pets thats why they didnt get the line, they arent summoned.
Chanters benefit from ml9 the same way a sm pet does....

Yes, that was kinda the point, the only hib caster to be able to use ml9 convoker is a chanter, which is hibs 3rd choice for gg caster. And when I say 3rd, its pretty much no choice atall because of serious lack of utility, a terrible rr5 ability, and a pretty poor choice of ra's.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Chronictank said:
Mentalists can charm pets thats why they didnt get the line, they arent summoned.
Chanters benefit from ml9 the same way a sm pet does....

Aye and sorc pet its not charmed i tell u :D


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Chronictank said:
Mentalists can charm pets thats why they didnt get the line, they arent summoned.
Chanters benefit from ml9 the same way a sm pet does....

You keep thinking that....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Chronictank said:
Mentalists can charm pets thats why they didnt get the line, they arent summoned.
Yet sorcs don't summon them either, and they have access to convoker. Wanna try again?
Chronictank said:
Chanters benefit from ml9 the same way a sm pet does....


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
Yes, that was kinda the point, the only hib caster to be able to use ml9 convoker is a chanter, which is hibs 3rd choice for gg caster. And when I say 3rd, its pretty much no choice atall because of serious lack of utility, a terrible rr5 ability, and a pretty poor choice of ra's.
i should have made myself more clear as its pretty clear you cant think on your own then again this is FH,
menta charm is a chant so is based on resists, meaning you can "charm" higher level pets than any sorc could ever do (like a minstrel mincer) whereas a sorc has a hard coded max limit to the mob they can charm.
So it was a choice for "balance"

If you want to whine, why didnt valkerie get bg
same thing different situation


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
Chronictank said:
If you want to whine, why didnt valkerie get bg
same thing different situation

why didnt my bainshee get bl or bg? unfair


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Chronictank said:
i should have made myself more clear as its pretty clear you cant think on your own then again this is FH,
menta charm is a chant so is based on resists, meaning you can "charm" higher level pets than any sorc could ever do (like a minstrel mincer) whereas a sorc has a hard coded max limit to the mob they can charm.
So it was a choice for "balance"

If you want to whine, why didnt valkerie get bg
same thing different situation

O dear, youve still neatly avoided the point i was making which wasnt about the mechanics of why they didnt get ml9 convoker, but simply the fact that only the enchanter does, and the current position that enchanters find themselves in the guild group caster preference heirachy.

You are also free to point out short comings in any other class you want to within the bounds of this thread, which is to say a discussion about ml9 convoker pets.

As a final off topic point I find your posturing displayed in the quoted post ridiculous and of no benefit to this reasoned discussion we are trying to have, other than to invite an exchange of inflammotory posts, which is not a level I like to engage people on, in real life or on a discussion forum, be it Freddy's House or any other forum.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
ok, ml9... BUT, the worst abil is that pets can follow for ages. i mean peat should have like 2k(or bit more) range from theyr owner or something when they go outside of that.... they die.

another thing... pets following u when ur in stealth allredy. they should make it so that if the owner cant see then the pet cant see u.

ml9 is one of the problems.. not the worst for me tho.

and for albs and mids... why do you whine about hib mages being op.... only thing we have op is baseline stun and chater self debuff. (and noone makes you run through bridges to get coned...)

warlock.... no need to discuss.
bd... lt strafe + 2h tank pet that can hit harder than eny 2h tank... or banelord.
sm... itercept pet + ml9 unkillable in melee.. + a 90% return lt.
RM.... has nice aoe dmg for zergfights, ns, snare dds and so on. it aint op, but does good. (i have played one, was fun)

sroc... can charm enything they want really.. + ml9 + insane range on mez.
caby.... pet stun, ml9, lt and stuff... ns allso.
therg... petspamm. uber nuke.
wizzi.. not op but silly dmg on bolts... quess that makes up in lack of utill.
necro... pve monster, only few in rvr.


chanter... ml9, self dmg debuff. useless pets, whit no special abils rly. stun
eld... ns and good nuke, disease and gimp pb. stun
menta... only char in hib that can charm.. no convoker. stun....
ani... cant get rvr grp ever allmost. only good for camping... ml9 only usefull in pve. no stunn, shit LT.
bainshee... taunt, aoe bolts, cone, nice dd.

went abit offtopic, but had to get it off my chest.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Arkian said:
Thought Chronic said this was Juggy 3, and not ML9, ban Juggy to?

Still doesnt change the fact that ML9'ed pets are imbalanced and need to be sorted out.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Arkian said:
Thought Chronic said this was Juggy 3, and not ML9, ban Juggy to?

You need to invest in rp's in juggernaught, and its duration is 60s and 15min reuse. I personally dont have any problem with this. You gets what you invest.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sorry, wasn't meaning to imply that ML9 pets were ok, just wondered whether people felt Juggy was ok.


Jan 19, 2004
CAba pet with rr5 is alot worse. meet terror inc grp and u instantly have 3ml9 caba pets unccable on every healer/caster usually, oh and dont forget the sorc pet. Hard dealing with it


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
My particular favorite cheese is: Sorc + rr5 + fully buffed ml9'd templar pet.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
lpep said:
bonedancer pets dont duel wield.. prolly haste/celerity.....wasnt verminard was it ?
It doesn't dual wield but it can still double hit like several mobs in the game who doesn't dual wield.

And.... Could Kaun_IA be more wrong about his class comparison lol xD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Kaun_IA said:
hibs... (for common specs)

chanter... ml9, stun and self dmg debuff. pets with utility, pbaoe, blue asd
eld... red ns, stun and spec nuke, secondary ae mezz, red d/q ae debuff, blue s/c ae debuff, blue ae disease and gimp pb
menta... spec nuke and stun, spec ae dd, cure mezz, pet charm
bainshee... 2300 uninttaunt, cone bolts, cone dd, cone root, best dd, 300pt magic ablative, 1900 range AE focus nearsight.

Just corrected some of your hib lists there. Seems you forgot most the utility of those classes.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Azathrim said:
Just corrected some of your hib lists there. Seems you forgot most the utility of those classes.

Obviously some of that stuff is mutually exclusive according to spec.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
(and noone makes you run through bridges to get coned...)

none makes you run into warlocks! or sm's or bd's or sorcs or .. so they are NOT op!!!! its your own fault you run in to them!!

nice try


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
O dear, youve still neatly avoided the point i was making which wasnt about the mechanics of why they didnt get ml9 convoker, but simply the fact that only the enchanter does, and the current position that enchanters find themselves in the guild group caster preference heirachy.

You are also free to point out short comings in any other class you want to within the bounds of this thread, which is to say a discussion about ml9 convoker pets.

As a final off topic point I find your posturing displayed in the quoted post ridiculous and of no benefit to this reasoned discussion we are trying to have, other than to invite an exchange of inflammotory posts, which is not a level I like to engage people on, in real life or on a discussion forum, be it Freddy's House or any other forum.
and theres me thinking the post was about the picture in the beginning of the thread
which was a jugger 3 pet with wild minion 3, so the whole discussion on ml9 is nothing to do with the thread :rolleyes:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Yeah as was said earlier....nuking down pets is no trival thing. At one point would just be able to 2-3 shot em, but often they only take 200 damage or so from a spec nuker, which takes a fair amout of time/power to get rid of just one.

Guess it's mebbe buffs, resist buffs, or just ML9 affects combat bonus vs nukes too nowadays; should be more observant.

Re: ment charm. Kinda insane to even compare to sorc charm when u need to overspec light to 50 and rr10+ to hold a low red con (56th lvl) which you'll lose control of and will aggro grp as soon as it gets kited out of 2000 tether range...vs a 70th lvl ML freebie for anyold noob sorc.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Chronictank said:
and theres me thinking the post was about the picture in the beginning of the thread
which was a jugger 3 pet with wild minion 3, so the whole discussion on ml9 is nothing to do with the thread :rolleyes:

Still insisting on being argumentative rather than discussive? The thread title is ML9, the picture was of a jugger 3 pet, this has given rise to two subthreads. My initial post, to which you rudely responded, pertained to the subject referred to in the thread title, in addition I have given my personal reposnse on juggernaught 3 and wild minion 3 issue.

Hope this has served to clarify things for you.


Apr 5, 2004
Chronictank said:
and theres me thinking the post was about the picture in the beginning of the thread
which was a jugger 3 pet with wild minion 3, so the whole discussion on ml9 is nothing to do with the thread :rolleyes:

wrong, because while the damage featured in that particular screenshot was jugganaught, that still doesnt ditract from the fact that ml9 pets also hit for a ridiculous ammount. As someone has stated, jugganaught is ok by me, if you spend the points then you get the reward. but jugganaught duration is 1minute, and means you cant get MoC or another good RA, whereas ML9 is 10 minutes, and on a completely seperate timer to anything else, so it still needs to be sorted. while we're on the subject, so does bonedancers getting banelord :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Cromcruaich said:
Obviously some of that stuff is mutually exclusive according to spec.

Actually no.

Unless ofcourse, I got the colors of some of those spells wrong, ie, blue disease.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Azathrim said:
Actually no.

Unless ofcourse, I got the colors of some of those spells wrong, ie, blue disease.

Aye, was referring to the colours only m8. Dont want to start two arguments on one thread ;)

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