ML2 BG Raid - Monday 23rd January - 6.30pm UK Time


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Hopefully this raid will go a little smoother than the last one coz if anyone doesn't listen this time, they going to get removed from the BG :p

ML2 BG Raid - Monday 23rd January - 6.30pm UK Time

Meeting Place: Stygia Haven PRYDWEN
Battlegroup: Impit (opens 6.30pm UK Time)
Leaving Time: 6.45pm UK Time

Steps we'll do this raid:

2.1 Death from Shadow
2.2 Stalking Terror
2.3 Triton Hoards
2.4 Rrionne's Reflection
2.6 Kanahkt Test
2.7 Pick Your Posion
2.9 Battle Masters
2.10 Immortal Imposter

Steps we WON'T do:

2.5 Test of Strategy (see notes)
2.8 Stand Fast


All RoGs & key loot will be salvaged. Other drops and scrolls will be lotoed at Stygia Haven using /random 1000 and the top people choose an item until they're all gone. See below for a note about the boss remains.


Step 2.5 (Chess Step) will not be done as part of this BG raid. However, at the end of the raid I will give someone the key to the chess step room for those who would like to complete that step.

I will be enforcing the preclaimed boss remains rule as of next week, so there is at least one extra piece of loot available this week.

Next Monday Raid (30th January): Master Level 3...

Information on the Master Level 2 steps is available from the Vision of Sages website.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Ml2 BG

Thanks for the raid last night - triumphed over bugged steps and some difficult raid members admirably I thought.

All goes well, I will be incvoming on Khendara for ML2 on Monday


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
starting to wonder if this raid will have enough people attending to make it nice and quick...

guess the ML2 raid yesterday didn't help :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
limpit said:
starting to wonder if this raid will have enough people attending to make it nice and quick...

guess the ML2 raid yesterday didn't help :m00:

People always need MLs. I'll be there with 2.

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