ML1 - Monday 7 :30 <GMT>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Blah Blah Blah u know the drill...

Volcanus haven , doing the BG steps only, not including 1.3 though ill do it after Cetus with the remaining peeps that need or want it. Make sure u see the Arbiter beforehand if ure 40 :p

FFA lotto... If u win a key u can reroll btw...

+25 to rolls if u bring any Multi Facetted Rubys for Cetus btw.. :)

Listen up get it done, we can do in under 2hrs with about 2fg easy <provided we got some good 50s> , then if its done early might move into ML2 ..

Hope to see u there, if not, well ill just do a guild one at some point but may as well get ya newbie alts credit if u can.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Bit early to cancel mate, most people are at work during the daytime. Im still intrested to come with cleric for xp if its still on...

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