ML SpeedHaxor 03/06 - 2006 ML 1-9


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
IMO (after 3 years of running raids) pre-claiming sucks ass.

But I can fully understand why raid leaders do it, especially with the larger raids of 100+ people. As long as a leader announces a pre-claim before the raid starts then thats cool, but ones that wait until after the raid has started deserve a :twak:

The ML raids our guild ran last year, we pre-claimed the remains from each raid to kit out the guild house, the person running the raid didn't roll on any loot because of this and it was clearly stated on the sticky post for each raid.

The dragon raids im running on Tuesdays, I'm taking 2 stones where the other people only get one (sorting out a set group, planning and running is a pain) but this is declared on the signup info and again, I dont roll on any of the loot (or other 4 stones).


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
So... what your saying is that if you figure it won't hurt anyone you can take the loot?... So... I'll run a raid... then in my oblivion thinking hey noone wants these 16 fixed levi/kraken drops - I'll take them?

Tut Tut...

My statement was directed to how the loot was distributed, certainly not of how the raid leaders ran the raid.

That would in fact mean we would have kept all the leggings and all. We took over a raid so people would get credit. All we have for that now is a bit of remains. If you disagree with that fine, but the original raid rules where even more harsh than that. And you did join the raid, so you agreed with those.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Aerendur said:
That would in fact mean we would have kept all the leggings and all. We took over a raid so people would get credit. All we have for that now is a bit of remains.
assume you also have credit :confused:


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 27, 2004
As stated before the raid, i didn't really care about the loot. But i support my guildie in wanting to take the remains for the guild house. Between the two of us, we took one item, and it wasn't for financial greed.

The only real issue is that we took it and didnt lotto it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Who gives a fuck you ran the ml8/9 then you can take one item of which you want thats standard people that are whining are being muppets rly


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Pio said:
Who gives a fuck you ran the ml8/9 then you can take one item of which you want thats standard people that are whining are being muppets rly

Second this ;D


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
Girafmad said:
sry about giving up when we got to the ml7 but im sick, ihave a concution and the way things where going it was geting to much for me to handle

As stated before, you handled everything very well m8.
The only problems we encountered was because of people not listening to what was said in BG :)

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