ML 3 Sunday 19th


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Date: 19 / 09 2004
Meetpoint: Aerus Haven
Bg opens: 17:00 GMT ( 18.00 CET/GMT+1 )
Start Time: 17:30 GMT ( 18.30 CET/GMT+1 )
Bg on: Who ever has best experience with it. Or on me ( [WR] Nalta )

1) Farm for eel stomach:
Before the raid even starts have one group go in and farm for an eel stomach (not everyone has to do this, it is not required to get trial credit, they just come in handy later). This is very easy to do now after the 1.68 patch.

2) Talk to the sub-quest giver
Everyone has to do this at some point: Get a full group (the shaman has been killed with 4 people, but you probably want a full group) and go to 15k 58k Notos. You'll find a triton treasure hunter there, right before the zone in point (don't kill him, just talk to him, you'll need the group you brought with you to kill a shaman). To save time tell every to just /s kepa and /s antioos. This will save time and by having people not actually click on the treasure hunter you have a better chance of not having someone kill it. Talk to the treasure hunter and get both the Antioos and Kepa quest. You can't complete them until you are with the raid, but you can do one step - kill a triton shaman.

3) Find and kill a purple triton shaman.
Get the necklace and be sure to bring it on the ML3 raid.
You need at least 3 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more. They have been reported at these locs:

~35k 5k Meso Nov 18 - Jozi Rawr
5k 19k Meso Dec 21 - Avirez

4)Egg can be found from a pregnant cobra outside of Moirai's chamber at loc 31k 19k.

5)Sword from any of the grogans inside the dungeon. ~35k 45


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Ill try to be there with me warrior.

btw, want us to have killed the moughart chap?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
will be there with my mate scowl as well


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
ok good guys, uku what did u and scowl think about the last raid, was it succesfull after all?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
definately , in our group {nazgul lot} things went without a hitch :) , because we have both done ml1 before on hib/pry we knew that you end up waiting for various groups to finish steps so we werent fussed about that , its also why we did 1.4 first , due to repop waiting time :p , thx for leading it and hope to see you on all of the ml's in the future m8.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Ok so it went pretty average on the ML 2 raid, although quite a few ppl actually got the step done. We hade some who stod up for the raid and offered them selves some that just kept complaining some that were trouble makers (probably me included on the last one) but in the very end it i'd grade it .: 1 2 3 4 5 (6) 7 8 9 10 :.

New Rules for this raid:
We're just gonna have 4 groups on this raid with pre-decided groupleaders and groupmembers

Group 1: Nalta, Tendla, Waaildman, X, X ,X, X, X

Group 2: Healer, Healer, Shaman, Tank, Tank, X, X, X

Group 3: Healer, Healer, Shaman, Tank, Tank, X, X, X

Group 4: Healer, Healer, Shaman, Tank, Tank, X, X, X

*NOTE* It's not impossible that we'll get more groups to the raid on sunday, though if we do, I wan't it in a clean and nice way like I've written just right under with group leader and group members etc, because if someone doesn't show up its easier to complain to your GL instead of the whole BG. *NOTE*

With some alteration of grp setup depening on how many signups we get etc.
I'll start to fill the spots and continue to do so till 13.00 PM sunday ( the day of the ML 3 ). I already have ppl enough coming too fill 2 fg that i know of, and will appriciate ppl PM'ing me here on the forums about group signups before they reply on the thread, I want the post setup like this:

Group Leader: Groupleader Name
Healer, Healer, Shaman, Tank, Tank, X, X, X

Now with that behind us I just wanna tell ppl that we're gonna run a couple of pre-steps on saturday for everyone to get, weither you're on the ML 3 on sunday or not, remember it's always good to have them done for other raids if not selected for this raid! ;)
Since its just pre-req just jump on and pm Nalta in-game for time and place and we'll sort something out depending on how the number of ppl showing up and when they're able too pre-req "raid".

If I've forgotten something PM me and I'll post new rules/changes etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
we won't take in more than 6 fg's for this raid atleast! so hurry up with those group signups, and why did I post these new changes? one learns from their mistakes (thinking about the ML2) though the ML1 went pretty smoothly!

*NOTE* ALL! signups for the ML3 made so far are removed, find a group with a leader and PM me about it if you want in *NOTE*


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 15, 2004
yeah i apologize for aggroing the .10mob after the raid i was sleepy and wasnt paying attention. I forgot about the trap :/

so sorry plp pwease fowgif meh ;(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I'll come with my thane. So you don't need to help you to lead? Small advice: SM's are nice (read required) for ML3.6 and ML3.8...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Hum any grp I can tag along with my Pac/Mend lvl 50 Healer ? :)

I cant excatly try to find a grp ingame since I wont be online until sunday at about the time the raid is supposed to start :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 5, 2004
dosnt anyone react to the fact that the guy opens a bg, cry til someone else leads the raid, dont bother to do the pre-reqs and in the end try claim an item for all the hard work?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
I opened the bg for ppl to come, you come at your own risk.
I didn't write that if someone with better experience is coming that they could help for nothing there m8, cause I know a lot of ppl coming to the raids are probably there with alts just wanting them to have master lvls for different reasons.

I'm just stepping up organizing the raid, and for the record I think I did well running the ML 1, or at least 95% of those doing it with me thought so. About the claiming part, if you're reffering to something that happened yesterday just post a quote and I'll be happy to explain it for you if its unclear, not forcing ppl to come and I'm certanly not forcing ppl to stay on the raids, why hell we had enough ppl who thought the whole raid sucked yesterday they could easily made their own BG and run it through faster and better than me/tajani/rejman ever did or probably will do, but it seems it's easier to whine/complain about others than taking some responsability and helping, or atleast in my opinion.

I'm running another raid for sunday and it's ML 3, if you wish to come, then you're welcome, but if you're gonna spit on the raid and just step on those TRYING to get it done and helping out, then my suggestion would be to stay out of the BG on sunday.

May I ask whome you were in-game yesterday? (probably would explain a lot)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004

i'll be there with my hunter..

Lillsmurfen L50 hunter :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
ill be there even if todays 2.10 etc isnt succesful as i can still get all the other stages , on a side note if ya dont like the way the bg leader is running it , get lost imo , if you can run it better , post here your raid time and do it yourself insteada signing up for some one elses and then whining like a bitch in bg chat
if you sign up for it you accept the way its run regardless of how long it takes or how many times we repeat a stage , nuff said , see ya sunday kAz.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Skeggi said:
Need me to lead this for you nalta?

I am retreating my offer to lead the raid, since I contacted nalta about alot of things, but I got almost no response. I now have other plans for sunday, so I won't attend the raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Belive there will be some people from AB attending, about 5 or 6 or so.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
ppl since many didn't really get the reason i was doing those group rules, just ignore them and get your chars and friends to come ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Just a few tips.

Best is if the raidleader farm eel stomach before the raid so the raid can start of in a orderly fashion. And there's a really good walkthrough to read on VoS so not that hard to read up on so u can take control over this raid yourself instead of relying on someone else.

Good luck!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
Ok guys, a little response from the ML3 raid yesterday?
Was it an improvement and should this continue?

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