ML 3 Sunday 19th


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
the first ML2 raid i was on that u made but let over to another one was pure crap imo, i can understand u some to, post ml raids to get em going.

I have never been on a ML3 raid before but i think it was very good raid to be ML3 the pain in the ass ml, anyway keep it up, u nalta and Waaildman did a good job on this one and i hope u 2 making more mls :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
seemed to go ok apart from a few lil things , the steps went fine , first gripe is
too many players who moan and whine about how they havent got this step and proceed to spam bg , ok fair enough if ya get time repeat them by all means but dont go all 'old woman' in bg and make out its the end of the world if ya dont manage to do the ml all in one session , i didnt have prequistes that day but was well aware of this , what you gotta remember is ya gonna have to get ml xp anyway and the quickest way to do this is to repeat an ml in a group of players who havent got the step , therefore ya get 7 times the xp (multiplys xp per player in group) on the mob for that step you have already done.
the other whine was giving nazgul guys a hard time over killing moughart . the question was asked in ml3 post whether or not this should be done and no one responded , so the best solution is to do it just incase , also afaik they only ended up killing mob because they were assisting another group in trouble , what im trying to get across is s**t happens tis only a game at the end of the day , so... smile be happy and if it all goes wrong put ya head between ya legs and kiss ya arse goodbye cause ya gonna get pwned :twak:
but hey cant get it right every time can ya otherwise game would suck.

p.s Waaildman plz plz refrain on those preset macros a bit! it was like watching the starwars opening credits on fast forward! damn eyes were rolling like fruit machine at the end of it hehe :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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