FFA raid with mod, plz sign up here bg will be on mrshady-p from 19.00 cet plz be on time
I will find the portal before the raid starts, i will also be ungrped as all i bring to the raid works just as well with croc ring. Between every mob there will be a window for a 3-4 min afk plz do not be afk longer then that without telling me. if u fail to do so i will kick u from raid.
Lotto rules: After the raid there will be 1 lotto. All who signed up may lotto, if u lotto and win u get 0 points for the future. if u deside to roll but fail to win u get 50 points. if u do not roll at all u get 100 points for future raids.
Highest roll picks 1st etc. If not all drops are aclaimed for there will be a leftover roll after the normal raid where all who didnt wanna random and who lost main lotto can roll and still get mod. Bubbles list will have nothing to do with this. i think it is unfair if some ppl should get a huge bonus when others didnt have a chance to attend(i did have about a 300 mod there as well)
As for my randoming, i will not random at all i will not gain any mod. If a ml 10 tank belt drops i will preclaim it. If none drops then its unlycky if one does i will still make more raids but i will gather mod like every1 else.
For future raids, i will try and make them 2 times per week if we are succesfull, or if ppl rather wants do it on both prydwen and excalibur on each night. More info on this later.
I will find the portal before the raid starts, i will also be ungrped as all i bring to the raid works just as well with croc ring. Between every mob there will be a window for a 3-4 min afk plz do not be afk longer then that without telling me. if u fail to do so i will kick u from raid.
Lotto rules: After the raid there will be 1 lotto. All who signed up may lotto, if u lotto and win u get 0 points for the future. if u deside to roll but fail to win u get 50 points. if u do not roll at all u get 100 points for future raids.
Highest roll picks 1st etc. If not all drops are aclaimed for there will be a leftover roll after the normal raid where all who didnt wanna random and who lost main lotto can roll and still get mod. Bubbles list will have nothing to do with this. i think it is unfair if some ppl should get a huge bonus when others didnt have a chance to attend(i did have about a 300 mod there as well)
As for my randoming, i will not random at all i will not gain any mod. If a ml 10 tank belt drops i will preclaim it. If none drops then its unlycky if one does i will still make more raids but i will gather mod like every1 else.
For future raids, i will try and make them 2 times per week if we are succesfull, or if ppl rather wants do it on both prydwen and excalibur on each night. More info on this later.