minstrels in 1.59



Originally posted by Sharp Thing
this started of as comparison between the points i spent for what i have vs what a mincer spends for what he gets, i made my point about it

no, you claimed that 49 instead of 48 is irrelevant when it is not for sms. last pb at 48 would mean they could get rez as well.

yea, buts thats all "petbuffs" i get baseline

and cabas get no [normal, cast] dmg shield - so?

yea, you only have a class that can actually do somthing solo and grps

it was about groups. and enchanters have more stuff to do than run speed.

yea, instead of actually trying to understand what i mean, you should just type a post that is a 99% copy of mine and 1% bs of you and make statements that make no sence

you are trying to say minstrels are TEH LEET class and that enchanters are not overpowered.

could you try for once to make your own post



will people stop saying misers got nothing against see hidden, theres speed(I know it broken by combat, but the first to post telling me that wins a prize anyway), mez (can be cast while moving and don't say "awww but it takes soo long to cast :( ), insta stun, and if all else fails there's always SoS, they're far better off than archers when it comes to assasin attacks.

You may be the only stealther without camo, but you're also the only stealther with speen, mez, insta stun (and one of 2 with pets). Go ask any archer if he thinks YOU have a hard time with the assasins and they'll probably just cry (archers need love)

If this really is a problem for you, do us all a favour an play a polearmsman, maybe that will be easier for you to get to grips with (no offence meant to GOOD pole-huggers :D )


Minstrels cannot get away from assassins, except of course by using SOS, but you don't exactly go around saying that infs have 2700hp on the grounds that they have IP, do you?


Insta stun faster than CD, ista stun, sprint through..speed..it's been done for ages...perhaps you missed out.


Also if we're alking abouyt the future...Infs don't have IP


Who said we were talking about the future? I don't have IP either.
Furthermore, luri/kobie nightshades with good +qui from items and (for example) a pair of dob's fangs... are incredibly hard to instastun before the CD lands. Reaction time usually takes care of the 1.5second delay between the perf and the CD, not to mention the lag that causes people to lag through you and be out of view for a half-second.
Follow my logic here....
Any assassin that doesn't attack a skald/minstrel/ranger/hunter with snare poison is a fool and deserves to lose his target.
However. Bleed, dot, and the hinder effect on garrote/achilles heel all stop a minstrel from running away, even if the snare poison (which is now root instantly, slowly diminishing in effect) doesn't.
And instastun FYI lasts 4sec on a target with capped body resist and AoM1. i.e all assassins with a brain. Oh, and it's a lvl40 spell; you don't want to know how much it gets resisted. >_<

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