Minstrels, do me a favour...



Tinky Winky, Dipsy... Lala.. POOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!1


Oh someone please give minstrels the ability to shoot firebolts out of their arse.

At least it'd stop them whining ;)


* Add Evade III

evade 3 and chain my arse

edit: OMG! read further down, and lo&behold:5. Evade III or IV
mmm, yes mincers need evade 4 and chain.

2. Shouts get resisted because they are body
The ignorance of some ppl :rolleyes:

And another thing is there is NO SUCH THING AS A WELL SPECED MINST


2. playing a song that made people in your group in a 1000 radius stealth at your stealth spec level (albion only ability)


3. ability to cast while stealthed (only unstealth when spell is done casting) <also for nightshades> (yes that includes the AoE mez)


High our laughable dmg output. Im R6L1 with player made sword full buffed, full spellcrafted with 260 STR i do 100 dmg with styles, (sometimes also less depending on armour table resists) that is simply pathethic

Forgot to mention he put 1 in sword-spec praps?

Remove chain and give us evade 5. Possibly down to studded armor


With rogue hp, chain armor, and evade, Minstrels have a slight advantage over sorcerors. I emphasize the word slight. A Minstrel barely outlasts a sorceror in a fight(an additional swing or two from a tank(especially if the sorc had a bt), and a Minstrel drops in one more if not the same amount of nukes).

ehm, does sorcs get rogue-hps and chain?

reading vn is fun fun fun! :D

Now, while I do agree that mincers need some help, especially in pve after 1.59, they DONT need evade 5, fireballs out their arse, stealth an entire group and so on.


they can have evade 3 if my zerk gets plate

old.Gombur Glodson

Just remove/reduce the end usage on our shouts and Im happy.


Sorcerers are the new minstrels! Give US chain and Ev2!

Ooh...plague of rats too, please.



no, you need atleast evade 5 (like someone suggested) and chain

oh and you can tank as good as a mincer FYI! ;)


Arnor2 pretty much said everything I had planned to...

Rah! They're worse than archers :p


Now now, lets not be so negative... instead lets wonder why all the 3 music classes are feeling gimped when the other realms have such a distinctive feeling that they blatantly aren't. Sure bias, but it's noticeably more when speaking about these classes.


I pwned with my minstrel, but then I'm a tactical genius... :p


i'd be happy if i could just spec shield...
oh, and if shouts didn't use so much power (stun drains looooads!), and why the hell do they need end?? you can still cast them with no end left, so why do they use it when it is there??


well, if the shouts didn't use end, we'd be able to use styles a lot more in the fights. evade 3 would be nice, but probably asking too much.
Speccing shield would be good though, more blocking, and some shield slams for a few more stuns, would probably restore the balance a lot.
Oh, and the same stealth abilities as scouts and such would be nice, you know, see hidden and all that. i was stealthed in odin's the other day, and got PA'd, because the sb could see me a mile off. If i could've seen him coming too, would be just a little more fair i think...




We wouldn't be able to spec shields with 1.5 skillpoints...


Originally posted by Arnor2

reading vn is fun fun fun! :D

Now, while I do agree that mincers need some help, especially in pve after 1.59, they DONT need evade 5, fireballs out their arse, stealth an entire group and so on.

Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face. Until you play a minstrel to 40+ you cannot fathom how gimped they are. It's a frigging nightmare with crap pet control, many quickbars, high power cost DDs etc etc.

I suggest you roll a minstrel before you indulge in cheap laughs.

Don't you just love it when people are smug and laugh at other people's misfortune. Minstrels have been successively gimped by Mythic patches and it won't be long before nobody plays them. No wonder you're laughing as your zerker will then be able to match most albs for speed.

Just wait until the nerf bat hits LA. SBs are assassins and it has been said that assassins should get their kills from stealth like infs and NSs. Shadowzerkers take the piss speccing low CS and spamming doublefrost. When this gets addressed you zerkers are gonna be hit too like minstrels have been by other class changes, and then I can assure you that you will be laughing on the other side of your face.

Whilst I agree caution must be exercised in making classes stronger, there have been some sensible as well as silly ideas for minstrels. Say something constructive for a change. After all, the more albs that quit means less opponents for you and means you'll be fighting hibs more often.


Thing is mintrels were never overpowered.. it's just that, in the right hands (Coren for example) they are deadly... but so is just about any class! Nerfing them is bloody stupid, making them better isn't vital though. To be honest, I'd just like some little extra... one new spell maybe... or to make the DDs unresistable :p seriously - the best thing minstrels could get imo is this: instruments don't degrade... because it's really, really annoying to have to keep repairing my poor old drum.


Originally posted by the_chimera
Thing is mintrels were never overpowered.. it's just that, in the right hands (Coren for example) they are deadly... but so is just about any class! Nerfing them is bloody stupid, making them better isn't vital though. To be honest, I'd just like some little extra... one new spell maybe... or to make the DDs unresistable :p seriously - the best thing minstrels could get imo is this: instruments don't degrade... because it's really, really annoying to have to keep repairing my poor old drum.

Just had a cheeky thought with charm and of course it will never happen: imagine being able to charm hib and mid pets! Imagine the shock of an enchanter losing his/her pet and finding it nuking/snaring them!


> instead lets wonder why all the 3 music classes are
> feeling gimped

Mmm.. because we are? Cant honestly speak for minsterls or bards. Tho with at least minsterels, we skalds are in a sense similarly.. well, gimped. A minstrel is no assassin, a skald is no tank.

We give up alot of our abilities to assassinate and tank to provide support roles. In exchange for that, we give up, 2x specpoints, higher hp/damage table, cheaper RA's.

In RvR, the support is speed. No more, no less. Bards have better support capabilities. Makes them also higher in target priority list.

Speed is good for the group. Group with speed is happy. Are skalds happy? Nah, skalds are stupid. For some reason, skalds most of the time run point. They also tend to do the "right thing" and "goes for them casters" as brave vikings they are. The group then kills off the enemy, resses the skald and moves on, as ressickness does not hinder us from providing speed.

For the group (and reversely for the enemy) 1 of their member being unable to hit for much or take hits is no big deal compared to them having speed. For that one member, the deal is noticably bigger and hence the whines louder.

I am realm rank 6, I have 53 in my weaponspec, I have best available heavy, spellcrafted 2handed MP hammer. I hit an alb tank for less than 100. I wear best available spellcrafted armor. I am buffed to my gills.. And behold, I do survive in battle for longer than most casters.. usually. Am I a gimp? Nah, Im a taxi!


Tafaya Anathas

Skalds are gimped? Muhaha, funniest sentence of the year so far.


Well with see hidden a minstrel might as well be a skald, especially if you enjoy playing in groups more than soloing. For the group role both are similar, skald is prolly better, but it depends on the situation, insta mezz on timer or castable mezz not on timer, insta stun, insta snare all have their advantages.
Skalds are damn good at killing casters though, 2 dd's break bubble, mage runs, snare, chase and kill.


Skalds are OK at killing casters. Then again, who isnt? Casters are high damage low defence. Soft targets by nature. DD's do not break the bubble. As skalds cant spec shields, they tend to wield 2handers, and these are worst possible weapons to attack against bladeturn. DD's are useful in interrupting casts tho. But only in very close distance, practically at melee range. So is insta snare useful in interrupting from distance. Still, folks with 1handers and particularly fast hits like LA styles are better off against caster with bladeturn.

In comparison with minstrels, in most regards skalds are indeed better off. Stealth nerfs, instrument switching, even worse melee, all are against minstrels. Tho SoS is a damn good RA. Still, both are half-support classes who paid with inferior melee capabilities for support they can do outside combat - speed.



I really don't know why most of the minnies over there think they are so gimped. I went soloing in crauchon last night and took down several 50 mages, rangers and a shade and I only con blue to these guys (slash saracen too :p). I think it's just a case of people wanting to be able to kill every class rather than just a select few types. To be honest, with the right pet, I'm sure a minnie can take on almost every class even with these apparent nerfs etc. Unlike assassins and archers, we are also incredibly useful in groups. Mezz, speed, stun, powersong for a whiel still at least, SoS, demezz etc. Sure we don't outdamage a tank or mage in group vs group, but we arne't supposed to. We are a support class after all and we are pretty damn good as one.

As for See hidden, I'm sure 95% of assassins don't have it as I rarely get uncovered form stealth. Grymligast and Clique have it I think, or they have been very lucky in finding me stealthed, but apart from those 2, I've not had many problems with stealthers (although something to combat it wouldn't go amiss :))

The only thign I really do aggree with is the reduction of end cost for our shouts and a possible increase in our mana pool. I've never really wanted an ae mezz anyway so I'm not too bothered about it's uselessness. Also a fix to numerous pet bugs which have been around since beta wouldn't go amiss. Apart from that, I don't think we really ened much in the way of a boost in rvr.


ottar. did you know when a mid char specs a weapon he can use 1h and 2h! really. so, for a caster you take a 1h non styled swing to remove BT. then you can of course insta mez the caster to stop his quickcast. then 2h him to death.

skalds are the ultimate caster killer, and they are essential to groups for the speed, dmg add and snare.

skald is the most powerful char imo. but it doesn't need to be nerfed.


Bard outstrips the skald grp wise, mana song, end song, rezz, heal, buffs, speed, insta mezz.

IMO bard is the most all round powerful class in the game.

But they suck solo ;)


Skalds gimped?

skalds are the highest rp holding class on the UK servers.


well, eben: I take it you do think its fair that you should have evade 5 and fireballs from ass.

And yeah, very nice "shit eating grin" you fucking 5yr old

What I said was that they need a role in pve, and something of a boost in rvr. Not evade 5 and fireball-shooting asses like someone suggested.
So shut the fuck up you flaming worthless shit.

oh, and mommy! he started it!

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