Mids with 3 power relics, what happens?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004

Could it be,,,, noooo. Oh... but it is. Arumi & Netcode (didnt you just reroll on alb, guess not) logging on mid instantly with their warlock zerg floating around.

This is what DaoC has been reduced to, only the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy. Not touching it any more.

Friend of mine took the screen by the way.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Nah, but i'd like to trade in for an Hib acc instead. Tired of albion. Just need some change.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Welcome to Ywain, please roll your fotm class on each realms and change to which ever is more win at the time, thank you.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I refuse to be a part of that machinery


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Tbh the weird part is that you are surprised. Just roll a BD/SB/WL/Valk and join the fun.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004

Could it be,,,, noooo. Oh... but it is. Arumi & Netcode (didnt you just reroll on alb, guess not) logging on mid instantly with their warlock zerg floating around.

This is what DaoC has been reduced to, only the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy. Not touching it any more.

Friend of mine took the screen by the way.

Ye fking watch out dude i might rape u with my skald dd´s when its range deluxe zerg,

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
everyone knows your wp5 mom5 netcode for these situations, nice try though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Why post this now when that was over a week ago :eek:
Mids had the pow relics for sometime, such delayed whine


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Yup - old news. Now everyone is on Alb zerging the fuck out of the place.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Pfft gimpchimp is showing you made the most lwrps on your WL. Enough with the random excuses!

Ye im soz next time he should perhaps take a SS when im on my warlock instead then? Open el eyes check the name check the ss and wootha ding dala bong its my skald, i played my wl last day and fook me mids dont have the relics wtf man what happend ;( Fail whiner is fail whiner :(


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Ye im soz next time he should perhaps take a SS when im on my warlock instead then? Open el eyes check the name check the ss and wootha ding dala bong its my skald, i played my wl last day and fook me mids dont have the relics wtf man what happend ;( Fail whiner is fail whiner :(

Screenshot talks for itself. It says you are a lowlife person and player. Im not arguing with it.

Daoc? what is this thing you speak of?

You know, the thing with the floating balls over ppls heads.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Screenshot talks for itself. It says you are a lowlife person and player. Im not arguing with it.

Ye thats why i made this thread crying and all? Haha fking retard
Guess whos the "lowlife" in here


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Well it's kinda hard clicking on 20 WL's or more when they are storming for you. The fact that he targetted your rr12 skald in the middle of a WL zerg just when you got zeh relics is prove enough.

Remember Netcode, it's just a game! It's ok to admit it :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Well it's kinda hard clicking on 20 WL's or more when they are storming for you. The fact that he targetted your rr12 skald in the middle of a WL zerg just when you got zeh relics is prove enough.

Remember Netcode, it's just a game! It's ok to admit it :D

I know its just a game thats why i dont make a thread when i get raped in pvp with some useless 1week ss :>


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I know its just a game thats why i dont make a thread when i get raped in pvp with some useless 1week ss :>

Screenshot arent useless. The prove is in them. It always is, everyone knows that! :fluffle:


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
RvR is just CRAP.

I have ran Agramon and yes there are some groups there , but too few and sometimes too high rr or hard for a pug or random group.

The only thing where there's action is in the zerg areas, which is boring. Yesterday I ran in odin's gate a bit, docks and the water side so not the ZERG side. We saw a fg of albs and we engaged them. We were fighting for like 10 secs or so and i had a good position in the fight. Suddenly i get stunned...I was like, huh where did that came from, ah well, perhaps i missed someone, dunno. Then i saw a fg of albs adding just to a plain open 'fair' fight. 30 Secs later another fg of albs engaged... This is just stupid...

I was like okay, it happens, let's rebuff and move. 5 mins later same shit happend. We engaged 1 fg in the water, no mids to be noted so that was good ... Again a fg of albs engages us just after we engaged them ...

And this is what happens all the freaking time ...

Or we get killed by zergers ... Or we get killed by higher rr groups or set groups in agramon. Atleast for the last case you can learn something from it ... .

I am not here to give a whine to all the zergers out there cause they do what they like but i do want to say that all pugs and groups that would like clean fights should go to agramon. Even if you aren't RR11 or more. I ran a group with 6 RR4-RR5's a few days ago in agramon ... We didn't make 50k/hour but we learned something or atleast i hope we did. And the satisfaction of that 1 won fight was great !

So it's just a call to everyone that has enough of zerging , please go out in agramon and be nice , don't add and don't jump rebuffers


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Im just playing with you. But i have to admit i laughed my ass off when receiving this screenshot and just had to make a thread :D It says it all.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
RvR is just CRAP.

I have ran Agramon and yes there are some groups there , but too few and sometimes too high rr or hard for a pug or random group.

The only thing where there's action is in the zerg areas, which is boring. Yesterday I ran in odin's gate a bit, docks and the water side so not the ZERG side. We saw a fg of albs and we engaged them. We were fighting for like 10 secs or so and i had a good position in the fight. Suddenly i get stunned...I was like, huh where did that came from, ah well, perhaps i missed someone, dunno. Then i saw a fg of albs adding just to a plain open 'fair' fight. 30 Secs later another fg of albs engaged... This is just stupid...

I was like okay, it happens, let's rebuff and move. 5 mins later same shit happend. We engaged 1 fg in the water, no mids to be noted so that was good ... Again a fg of albs engages us just after we engaged them ...

And this is what happens all the freaking time ...

Or we get killed by zergers ... Or we get killed by higher rr groups or set groups in agramon. Atleast for the last case you can learn something from it ... .

I am not here to give a whine to all the zergers out there cause they do what they like but i do want to say that all pugs and groups that would like clean fights should go to agramon. Even if you aren't RR11 or more. I ran a group with 6 RR4-RR5's a few days ago in agramon ... We didn't make 50k/hour but we learned something or atleast i hope we did. And the satisfaction of that 1 won fight was great !

So it's just a call to everyone that has enough of zerging , please go out in agramon and be nice , don't add and don't jump rebuffers

Subs page --> cancel.

The game has been molted down to a few hots spots, hell even bridge camping isn't fun without old bridges to kite around, noone roams and if they do its your op'd classes which will wtf fry you in seconds..


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