ur the sb that do lame move while fighting 1vs1 i noticed in ur video to bad u had to show ;oGrivneKelmorian said:i say the same about the albs and hibs who cant run solo as a stealther but has to either or both stealthzerg and lag abuse...
Afrodite said:now just just hug for a moment and then all will be ok![]()
yeah it s normal for mids to zerg at 5amZorin said:Don't really see what they did wrong here. The only classes out at that hour is mainly the alb stealthers. By camping the MG they could find you instead of running around 4 hours finding nothing![]()
Araudry said:yeah it s normal for mids to zerg at 5am![]()
at 5am try to find someone in hw or odins imo get a skald cause u ill have to search everywhere..Fiffe said:Damn, I swore I wasn't going to write again but here it goes;
We were on a raid to get back all mid keeps, total about 12 people, after that half of us logged and the other half spread out over the realm.
about 30-40 minutes later we met at Svasud, ported emain and more joined in, but we were never more than 9 people ( 2 buffbots)
Healer, Warrior, Shammy (buffbot) stood in the room as you clearly pointed out, at one time we had a sb standing there aswell. -warrior & sb guarding the two doors.
at the gate we had 2 savages (on either side) 1 sb looking at the door (changed to a hunter when the sb logged), and a warrior.
but as mentioned above some logged and new ones came in.
So in reality discard the buffbots (9-2=7) and the warrior & sb guarding the room (7-2=5) since they actually didnt do anything at all, just standing there chatting and having fun, there were only 5 people who you met.
if however you had entered the room you would have met 2 more (5+2=7) which is not quite a zerg if you ask me.
Define a zerg please, is it when your forces are outnumbered? is 2 vs 1 a zerg? 3 vs 1? 4 vs 1? 5 vs 1? fg vs 1?
Another thing I'm really annyoed about is why you kept coming back instead of porting Odins or running to Hadrians, you knew we were there yet you just had to try didn't you?
Which results in this tread instead of thinking.. "hey I can't take these guys or sneak past them, better go some place else"...
Sincerly Fiffe
Araudry said:at 5am try to find someone in hw or odins imo get a skald cause u ill have to search everywhere..
Araudry said:and 7 or 5 vs 1 is proly fair fight for u ? it s zerg even 3 vs 1 is zerg ;o
Araudry said:plus u had healer standing in room spamming spread heal and group insta etc
with max 3 alb in emain![]()
Araudry said:and btw when i logged we still had a mid keep .. so thats what u call retake all mid keep?;o
u got killed countless of times by infil/mincer zerg at 5am thats is weird ^^Fiffe said:Then just let it be
I've been killed countless of times with my hunter by infil/mincer stealth "zergs" at amg & mmg in emain, do I go back? -no.. was it a fair fight? -not a chance. Question is still unanswered why you came back....
Yes I know we had a healer "spamming spreadheal" without power regen or pots, but I counted him in didn't I?
And no, please... I charged out and baited 3 (or 4 can't remember) infils + 1 mincer before you came, so if there only was 3 albs in emain, why just say only 3 albs in emain _at the time_?
Yep Hild is level 10 or so rumor says, we actually tried
but with 7 people and only one Seer it's pretty much suicide.
Yes 7, the others had logged since they thought it was no idea.
Butto answer the question of the topic.. Does mids ever get bored?
Yes we do.
for a lot of reasons, this morning it was because it was dull just standing doing nothing with buffbots going LD on us all the time... so we went to Crimtain and wacked the doors and finally the lord so we can let some fresh mid blood in to all infils logged in DF to kill.
Does that answer your questions or do you have something more to add this pretty much pointless discussion?
i have a thane lvl 50 its enought ?inqy said:araudry is so the solo-er now after 10rr of stealthzerging. if you are bored why don't you try a balanced or nerfed class.
last run i was duo with sorc (Blizard) then logged and sorc was alone with me ask him ? then he made group maybe no idea but i wasnt there anymore ;oAfrodite said:I came a bit late around 7 or 8 cet i think, but i know there was one time when there where 1 sorc and 2,3 or 4 infils/mincers (not counting Arauddry) at amg? or was i dreaming again and seeing multiple? At that time 2 of us died and that i am sure of.
lol.. ;oDownanael said:QQ More Arauddy,sweet job to mids who were there () To ruin the game for atleast one rubbish alb/pryd infil
Araudry said:last run i was duo with sorc (Blizard) then logged and sorc was alone with me ask him ? then he made group maybe no idea but i wasnt there anymore ;o
lol.. ;o
rubbish alb/pryd infil![]()
Araudry said:and why i m a rubbish alb/pryd and infil? ;o
Not the sort of post i`d expect from you tbh Araurdry seeing as you do exactly the same with 1-3fg stealthers pretty much all day.Araudry said:just sad that 1 fg mids have to camp amg at 5am!
and not moving for Hours ;o
i bet it s fun to kill solo alb that way
since they cant do it with even number![]()
i already say QQ pwned nerf blah blah so u dont even need to remind me those thing and postfarm ;p
Araudry said:oh noooo, a fg mids is camping my camp spot!!![]()
Quite obvious you haven't played in a while.emma said:Not the sort of post i`d expect from you tbh Araurdry seeing as you do exactly the same with 1-3fg stealthers pretty much all day.