Mids Grow Some Balls And Go Get Your Relics Back


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Porkbelly said:
Stop fighting in hib land and go get back your relics before the bloody albs have every relic in the game .
Well, this makes a change from the hibs and mids living in HW.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Really? Not the Mid BG I was in:
1. Contrary to Porkbelly's accusations, Mid attacked Hurbury in an attempt to get Mid Str relic and to pull Albs out of Hib, did this twice. Perhaps we should have sent our BG of 40 into Hib too?

2. We attacked and took Sursbrook twice, this pulled 50 albs out of Hib.

3. We tried to break Alb ports in Hib.

We only had 40 and were out zerged every time, quite remarkable for Alb to be able to defend and attack with such numbers.

We are not expecting thanks off the hibs but at least 40 mids didn't want Alb to have six relics and actively tried to hinder the Albs for at least 4 hours. We didn't kill one Hib in that four hours either so please stfu Porkbelly.

As I was holding the BG towards the end, I at least can acknowledge the work you middies did, and I know you didn't ask for thanks, but thanks all the same.

When I logged we got Nged, Behn, and Crau back. There were still at least 40 albs running about when I logged, which is bloody silly considering the time. An alb doesn't have the right to QQ atm when it comes to numbers in rvr or whinge about HW being full of people - Straef mate, you're moaning about reasonably balanced rvr on your doorstep? HW was the new Emain.

Now imagine if us Hibbies and Middies actually DID work together. The Alb's out there reckon we do, tbh - you'd know about it if we did. You'd see us all charging towards you......before you hit us with all 43597347537497 of you.

Jesus, the numbers you have and still you can't take all 6 relics :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004

You out raiding the fridge at this time of the morning lol


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Nice one...atleast some see the work!:)

kiliarien said:
As I was holding the BG towards the end, I at least can acknowledge the work you middies did, and I know you didn't ask for thanks, but thanks all the same.

When I logged we got Nged, Behn, and Crau back. There were still at least 40 albs running about when I logged, which is bloody silly considering the time. An alb doesn't have the right to QQ atm when it comes to numbers in rvr or whinge about HW being full of people - Straef mate, you're moaning about reasonably balanced rvr on your doorstep? HW was the new Emain.

Now imagine if us Hibbies and Middies actually DID work together. The Alb's out there reckon we do, tbh - you'd know about it if we did. You'd see us all charging towards you......before you hit us with all 43597347537497 of you.

Jesus, the numbers you have and still you can't take all 6 relics :twak:

Thanks alot for seeing that mate!:) Its nice to see that some can see that mids are actually trying to make it easier on hibs and ever better when they acknowledge it!:) (ofc there will always be some roamers etc out there that are just farming rps, but the absolute majority, including the raidleaders etc, try to help hibs out as much as they can. 6 Relics in albland would be really bad)

To porky:
Well I was out playing hunter the other day, I see DC burning and go there to see if I can help hibs out. I find 3-4 albs making life hard on hibs below bridge, so I try to engage the albs...1 turns and chases me...seeing this from the bridge a hib caster does the oh so fun-stun,nuke,nuke,nuke-combo that we all know and love...and Im dead...ofc the albs slaughter the hib caster and several of his friends...

Now one could ponder why the hib caster went for me and not the alb chasing me, since that would have been in his own interrest. But because a few hibs are just after pointless rps I dont blame all hibs. I still can recognize that they as a group tries to hit albs more than mids. See if you cant return the favour ?:)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Really? Not the Mid BG I was in:
1. Contrary to Porkbelly's accusations, Mid attacked Hurbury in an attempt to get Mid Str relic and to pull Albs out of Hib, did this twice. Perhaps we should have sent our BG of 40 into Hib too?

2. We attacked and took Sursbrook twice, this pulled 50 albs out of Hib.

3. We tried to break Alb ports in Hib.

We only had 40 and were out zerged every time, quite remarkable for Alb to be able to defend and attack with such numbers.

We are not expecting thanks off the hibs but at least 40 mids didn't want Alb to have six relics and actively tried to hinder the Albs for at least 4 hours. We didn't kill one Hib in that four hours either so please stfu Porkbelly.

Yes, as the owners of surs we kinda noticed :)

But point is, that the first thing mids did was to attack bold, which was in alb hands. Albs were laughing in the BG and said let them take it etc. Later on, you attack the str relic, and actually manage to take it. Why would you attack that relic? You can't use it anyway, why do you want it? You kept the hibs from retaking a keep or stopping the alb port or something, and kept them fighting with you instead.

I must say though, that mids straightened up later on, they cut our behn port for the evening, took down crim tower atleast once, attacked hurb and surs. Without mids im sure albs would of had all relics now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
charmangle said:
To porky:
Well I was out playing hunter the other day, I see DC burning and go there to see if I can help hibs out. I find 3-4 albs making life hard on hibs below bridge, so I try to engage the albs...1 turns and chases me...seeing this from the bridge a hib caster does the oh so fun-stun,nuke,nuke,nuke-combo that we all know and love...and Im dead...ofc the albs slaughter the hib caster and several of his friends...

Now one could ponder why the hib caster went for me and not the alb chasing me, since that would have been in his own interrest. But because a few hibs are just after pointless rps I dont blame all hibs. I still can recognize that they as a group tries to hit albs more than mids. See if you cant return the favour ?:)


you should rightnow that hib caster - i mean what in god's name was he thinking :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Hihihi, Porkbelly complaining about how people play the game, get a grip you muppet :<


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
There were two Mid BGs by the way.... I was in the (and led later) the Hurbury/Sursbrook/Crimthian crew ... the other BG was the more rp horny crew.

Arethir said:
But point is, that the first thing mids did was to attack bold, which was in alb hands. Albs were laughing in the BG and said let them take it etc.

I'm sure you mean Bolg and not Bold, Mids needed a port so a Mid zerg could form without being split up by boats / drops offs camped etc. Albs can laugh all they want but having a port is crucial to any good attack.

Arethir said:
Later on, you attack the str relic, and actually manage to take it. Why would you attack that relic? You can't use it anyway, why do you want it?

If Alb took str relic they get 10%
If Mid took hib str relic no one gets 10%
We felt Hibs was going to loose it.
Makes sense to me anyway.

Once realm having all six relics drives the two other realms into PvE and that's not good for the cluster.

If I was an Alb or Hib I'd be asking why didn't Midgard fight as 1 entity instead of 2.
Mids could have acheived something but Realm Point Horney players and Role Players never seem to mix.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Hi guys,
At work atm and couldnt log on last night so just wondered what the outcome on the Relics ended up like? who got what etc?.
At present...


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Blizard said:
Hi guys,
At work atm and couldnt log on last night so just wondered what the outcome on the Relics ended up like? who got what etc?.
At present...

roll of honour link top left hand side
War Room

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
And like has been mentioned in this thread, we tried to get one of our relics back and we were trying to cause albs some grief to stop them getting all 6 relics and buy the hibs some time to repair their realm.

We weren't doing it necessarily because we like hibs, we were doing it to stop albs. It was a lose/lose situation, but better the albs lost than the hibs did.

Anyway albs have 5 out of 6 relics. I think they will probably think that is enough. But you never know - they have the numbers to steamroll and get the 6th some late night soon :>

I still can't believe how hard it is to get our relics back from the alb frontiers, but I'm sure we'll do it soon. It'll take a bit of organising but it will get done.

You will PAY damn infidel albs! :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
oh and that fg hibs constantly farming the mids at brynja bridge - bledmeer docks were just stupid, rp whores.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Just gota say the majority of mids playing like that didn't want albs to get ypur relics, mids organised fg's to try take alb towers trying to cut ports, or try to create some action in alb to try get some numbers away from hib, but seemed everything we did was useless.

What ever mids tried to do we got outzerged. Even though albs are on two fronts. It just seemed impossible.

And guess you lot should thank the high rr hib grps out last night farming the mids trying to help hibs taking towers back to cut port. But o well guess there to interested in rp's than saving the relics, not to mention after they do farm us they leave the albs towers. Good one:cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Why the constant /rude spam then refusing to fight when I hung around and beckoned kivik? :rolleyes:

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
brad said:
And guess you lot should thank the high rr hib grps out last night farming the mids trying to help hibs taking towers back to cut port. But o well guess there to interested in rp's than saving the relics, not to mention after they do farm us they leave the albs towers. Good one:cheers:
No idea who they were we didnt have any high RR groups in /bg, or any GG at all, just random PUG's
i guessed that mids wouldnt want albs getting all the relics but we kept getting hit by mid groups.
Glad that things started working better towards the end, but i had collapsed by that time.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Void959 said:
Why the constant /rude spam then refusing to fight when I hung around and beckoned kivik? :rolleyes:

you and your infiltrator mate killing soloers. and I refuse to fight you because a) you seemed to be grouped at that moment b) I don't dare to, your a tough nut and c) you seem to retreat when you are losing (that's what I've seen from you sometimes).

see you out there :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Hehe naaah...Ill just get even by killing him back sometime!:)

Garbannoch said:
you should rightnow that hib caster - i mean what in god's name was he thinking :)

Nah better to get even than get mad!:) Ill just have to give him a feel for the warlockpovva one of these days!:)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
I was duoing the first couple of times, and solo later on, but I beckoned to offer a 1v1, I certainly wouldn't do that and then gank you ;) As for retreating, I don't know where you got that idea from. I never run from any 1v1s even if I'm clearly going to lose, except against WLs or MOCing casters.

And yes we were 2v1ing soloers but quite apart from the fact that 99% of players do not spare a thought for killing smaller groups, these 'soloers' were mostly zerglings making their way to the zerg, we were camping around the dropoff points. I'd run around emain and HW for about an hour earlier on and failed to find a single solo fight the whole time, so short of rolling a fire wizz and joining in the bridge zerg the only option was to camp the dropoff, and I don't see whats wrong with that.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
kiliarien said:
Jesus, the numbers you have and still you can't take all 6 relics :twak:

Ask every alb that was present at that relic gate how they feel about bainshees right now, then you might find a large part of the reason why albs does´nt have 6 relics today.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Tzare said:
Ask every alb that was present at that relic gate how they feel about bainshees right now, then you might find a large part of the reason why albs does´nt have 6 relics today.
Not to mention shrooms :d

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