Mids at AMG 7.20 GMT



Originally posted by Gordonax
LOL yeah, takes a huge amount of organisation to say "No you can't join our fotm group with your lame character, no matter how good you are," followed by a good dose of spamming /assist. Did I not see complaints in the Mid forum the other day that lamers were choosing RR2 savages over RR6 zerkers?

If you don't know how much more it takes to organise a primetime relic raid than a single 1fg fotm, it's no wonder you found organising one a bit tough.

"wtf? We lost the relic raid? But we have 8 perfectly balanced groups! IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

I think there is some organisation behind VGN, Dem Hibbies, NP, JH, Atrocity, LA etc, I am not talking about the pickup groups.


Originally posted by noaim
I think there is some organisation behind VGN, Dem Hibbies, NP, JH, Atrocity, LA etc, I am not talking about the pickup groups.

Well that's different: I don't think anyone would disagree that the above are generally pretty damn good players - so much so that in fact I suspect they wouldn't need to run in fotm groups to win a lot of the time anyway.
I remember a few months ago watching stealthed while an NP group approached a milegate - just the way they moved in was interesting to watch.


Originally posted by killrake
Totally agree with u, good words.

Sound much like FoM, we often are lack of skalds, almost never Savage (think we have 3-4 savage lvl 50 at total in FoM)

All that wants to join in are welcome, we play for fun and dont need FOTM grps to play, we also get beaten a lot because of this, but who cares we have fun.

I always like it when I see similar numbers wearing their FoM guild cloak - I think "hrm we might have a chance here" and go looking for thanes to smite (much like yaruar's Ghosts of Valhalla :))


Originally posted by Begach
They low RR fg's are the guys your zergin. A strong GG won't give a shit and just roll over you guys whether your running 1fg or 3fg.

a strong fg will find 3fg of random people more of a challenge than 1fg ;)

whehter they're a melee group or a caster one and how awake the 3fg are all affects that of course.


Originally posted by catalina
What some people seem to forget is that not everyone who goes RvR is a powergamer who NEEDS to run in a perfect setup group.

Many players/guilds want to play for fun and/or don't have time to organise regular balanced groups. HG is an example of this and if we have an RvR night and 10 ppl wanna join in the fun we'll run 2 groups of 5 so all can join in. For powergamers they'd pick the best 8 setup and tell the other 2 to FO cos they don't fit in.

These groups that play for fun then have to run 2fg or more to stand a chance at living a bit longer and instantly get labelled *fucking lame zerging pricks* and *why don't u run 1fg so we can wtfpwn u with our uber mad skillz*

Yes, fg vs fg can be great fun if it's an even fight, but tbh there are comparatively few even fights. Large scale battles are even more fun imo, especially when all 3 realms are involved.

For those who demand that everyone MUST run 1fg or they're lame, you can fuck off back to counterstike and play 8v8 all you want. ;)
Well Said


Originally posted by Gordonax
Well that's different: I don't think anyone would disagree that the above are generally pretty damn good players - so much so that in fact I suspect they wouldn't need to run in fotm groups to win a lot of the time anyway.
I remember a few months ago watching stealthed while an NP group approached a milegate - just the way they moved in was interesting to watch.

But they still put time and effort down in making good groups, then the albs who cant be arsed to put this time and effort down run em over with numbers, blaming their perfect setup or overpowered classes or whatever.

Albs on the other hand put time and effort down in taking relics primetime, mids couldnt be arsed to do this and took em in the morning, blaiming the alb numbers or spies or whatever.

I think even you can draw some lines there. (And no, I am not defending the morningraid, but I am not defending zergs either if the only reason for the zerg is 1fg ganked another fg some times earlier)


Originally posted by lac_desariel
not complaining about the zerg its the people that brand me a zerg leader and do it them selfs double standerds etc

Afaik people call outlaw, zoyster and nukenin (sp?) zerg leaders. You're just a lac-ky :p

Ok thats my bad pun for the month out the way at least


Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Afaik people call outlaw, zoyster and nukenin (sp?) zerg leaders. You're just a lac-ky :p

Yes, listen to the father!


Originally posted by noaim
But they still put time and effort down in making good groups, then the albs who cant be arsed to put this time and effort down run em over with numbers, blaming their perfect setup or overpowered classes or whatever.

Well there's two points here. First of all, I was replying to Begach who was criticising us for choosing to let everyone play the characters they want to play in our regular RvR sessions, rather than insisting on making fotm groups. So we're not really arguing about how best to win at RvR, which is what you're talking about, but about how we prefer to actually have fun rather than maximising our chances of winning.
Secondly, it takes time to make an "optimal" group, but hardly effort: wait around at the portal keep, and you'll get their eventually. In fact, of course, "optimal" groups are easier to play for average players than more (ahem) "challenging" set ups - you know your role, you stick with it, you don't have to think about how to play as a group, you just fit into the roles.
Of course, in the hands of really good players an optimal group is a beautiful thing to watch in action: getting beaten by people who are really good can be a good thing, an education. But that doesn't mean that using an "optimal" group takes more effort than a non-optimal one.


Originally posted by Gordonax
Well there's two points here. First of all, I was replying to Begach who was criticising us for choosing to let everyone play the characters they want to play in our regular RvR sessions, rather than insisting on making fotm groups. So we're not really arguing about how best to win at RvR, which is what you're talking about, but about how we prefer to actually have fun rather than maximising our chances of winning.

I wasn't criticising your efforts to make sure all your members get included in an event I'm a member and GM of a casual player guild. I've never in 2 years forced or asked a player to play a class he isn't totaly into (maybe the odd comment along the lines of "We could use a few more of <insert class here>" to the guild in general as we do like to run a fg in RvR and losing to a better setup kinda sucks). They play what they want, when they want. Always have and always will. An the one time I've heard (i wasn't online at the time) that a member turned up for an event and had been left standing in DL alone i handed out the biggest bollocking since i joined the guild to every member who left him standing. So what you're saying is NOT completely alien to me aiit.

But (there's always a but) your "guild event" to a fg of fairly RvR green hibs all raring to go with thier newly leveled RR 1-2 50 chars is getting flattened by 2fg+ of random albs (running as 2fg+ to " stand a chance at living a bit longer" as you guys put it), in bad setups having "fun". How else exactly are they gonna perceive that?

Originally posted by Gordonax
Secondly, it takes time to make an "optimal" group, but hardly effort: wait around at the portal keep, and you'll get their eventually.

Found this works pretty badly actually. You generaly need a few runs with a new group to even remotely start to gel and become anything more than 8 guys (or girls :p) thinking to themselves "OK i know what i'm doing, but WTF is he doing? o_O". Add the prema donna's goin fuckin mental when you lose and leaving at random intervals <insert more "WTF is this new guy doing? o_O" here> and a good pickup group is a rare occurance. You'll get a group with the right classes. But it'll be a damn sight less than the sum of it's parts.

Originally posted by Gordonax
(ahem) "challenging" set ups

givf 6 Smitz0rs, 1 pally and an afk mincer 4tehwin!!!!!! :clap:

Originally posted by Gordonax
Of course, in the hands of really good players an optimal group is a beautiful thing to watch in action: getting beaten by people who are really good can be a good thing, an education. But that doesn't mean that using an "optimal" group takes more effort than a non-optimal one.

A bunch of great players with a fairly shitty group setup can be an education too tbh (if they make the effort).



Saw Lac herbal and a few other roleplayers at bowl just now, cheers for the 6k xD





nice nice brethren.... May the light of our fair camelot shine on you................. orsumthing like that :)

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