Midgard, the realm without moral.



Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
are you ppl still talking? for crying out loud i thought I'd screamed and flamed the last of u out of this post.

look m8, we dot want no brain insults and crappy comments with no point to them. in case u hadnt noticed the twats left a page or two ago!

<deep breath>

THE REASON YOU/THEY (MIDS) DIDNT NEED 500 PPL (this is unconfirmed, they probably needed quite a few) IS THAT THERE WHERE 0, THATS ZERO DEFENDERS.




Yeah but by your logic to do a successful log in raid like the albs 2:1 ratio we would need 1000 attackers at prome time to defeat the 400/500 potential alb attackers.

Now as far as I am aware there aren't even 1000 active accounts on mid (including bots).........


Originally posted by skile
It's proven. A long time I was asking myself, would mids do it, break every moral code and do a alarmclock-raid when albion took the initiative to stop using that ugly and shameless tactic by doing 2 primetime raids.

Well, I have had the theory of mids being 14 year old swedish kids, this is not far from the thruth. They are not very old in their heads it seems, the maturity of the 14 year old.

Everyone who participated in this raid should be ashamed. It's wrong, and you know it.
Albs take power relics when login servers are down and entire hib population is LD... so lame and act in fact that goa reset the relics. If you want to know what lame is, look closer to home.

So if we are to have a lameness scale

albs > mids > hibs

bit like the population scale.


Let me tell u something about the topic:

Midgard the realm without moral.. LOOOOOL--> Where is your moral when U ALBS kill a fg with that big zerg? you are always zerging and camping amg, how u can say this? look at yourself and then talk, till then STFU

thats all


Originally posted by skile
It's proven. A long time I was asking myself, would mids do it, break every moral code and do a alarmclock-raid when albion took the initiative to stop using that ugly and shameless tactic by doing 2 primetime raids.

Well, I have had the theory of mids being 14 year old swedish kids, this is not far from the thruth. They are not very old in their heads it seems, the maturity of the 14 year old.

Everyone who participated in this raid should be ashamed. It's wrong, and you know it.

i am English, 29 and refused to go on the raid as i thought the time was wrong and we should have gone for the power relics anyway.
having said that i dont have any morals although i aint to keen on sex with animals. i know a couple of women who are though :)


Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by Pandemic
i i know a couple of women who are though :)

Tel. No. plz:)


Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by mehuge
Albs take power relics when login servers are down and entire hib population is LD... so lame and act in fact that goa reset the relics. If you want to know what lame is, look closer to home.

So if we are to have a lameness scale

albs > mids > hibs

bit like the population scale.

History is not that relevant. All we need to know is that the last 2 albion raids has been of good manners, which was followed up by something primitive and inhuman as the alarmraid. Animals!


Originally posted by skile
It's proven. A long time I was asking myself, would mids do it, break every moral code and do a alarmclock-raid when albion took the initiative to stop using that ugly and shameless tactic by doing 2 primetime raids.

Well, I have had the theory of mids being 14 year old swedish kids, this is not far from the thruth. They are not very old in their heads it seems, the maturity of the 14 year old.

Everyone who participated in this raid should be ashamed. It's wrong, and you know it.

yeah mids broke the moral code by doing an alarm clock raid^^

Like albs never done it. so u did 2 normal raids? i dont know about the last raids, but before those its been ninja raids, alarm clock raids etc etc so dont come here and say stuff like that about mid, I for one think albions is definatly the most stupid and narrow-minded ppls in the game daoc.
I really think many albs are stupid and can only see what others are doing not what themselves do. Concentrate on yourself and what you doing instead of talking bullshit about other realms and ppls. I'm from sweden btw, and you should only stfu you dumbass. Look on the population in sweden, just 9 million ppls and still we got one of the best figher aircrafts in the world. and much other stuff's. I think albion is the most un mature realm of all, atleast on the server excalibur.
Nothing can change my opinion, I bet there is very smart and and nice ppl in albion aswell but there is a hell of a lot of stupid narrow-minded ppls aswell.


Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by Zoldot
yeah mids broke the moral code by doing an alarm clock raid^^

Like albs never done it. so u did 2 normal raids? i dont know about the last raids, but before those its been ninja raids, alarm clock raids etc etc so dont come here and say stuff like that about mid, I for one think albions is definatly the most stupid and narrow-minded ppls in the game daoc.
I really think many albs are stupid and can only see what others are doing not what themselves do. Concentrate on yourself and what you doing instead of talking bullshit about other realms and ppls. I'm from sweden btw, and you should only stfu you dumbass. Look on the population in sweden, just 9 million ppls and still we got one of the best figher aircrafts in the world. and much other stuff's. I think albion is the most un mature realm of all, atleast on the server excalibur.
Nothing can change my opinion, I bet there is very smart and and nice ppl in albion aswell but there is a hell of a lot of stupid narrow-minded ppls aswell.

Lmfao, I'm from sweden aswell, and its people like you that tend to give this otherwise lovely country a bad reputation. Plz move to USA :D


Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by filofax
Lmfao, I'm from sweden aswell, and its people like you that tend to give this otherwise lovely country a bad reputation. Plz move to USA :D

Yeah I guess we should just sit down not do anything about the idiots who flame us etc.


ofc you dont get bad reputation if ur afraid of speaking.


when you got nothing decent to say and you know you're wrong and lame, reply with 'cry more' xD


Re: Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by Zoldot
Yeah I guess we should just sit down not do anything about the idiots who flame us etc.


ofc you dont get bad reputation if ur afraid of speaking.

There's a reason they are flaming. Making stupid ass comments about Sweden having good aircrafts just makes me sick...
See anyone else here bragging about their country?
No.. didnt think so, so kindly håll käften din förbannade snorunge.

And didnt you just in your previous post go flame the entired albion and calling them names? And you call that defending yourself.. Jeeses christ, I dont usually lose it like this but you totally take the price.


Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by Zoldot
yeah mids broke the moral code by doing an alarm clock raid^^

Like albs never done it. so u did 2 normal raids? i dont know about the last raids, but before those its been ninja raids, alarm clock raids etc etc so dont come here and say stuff like that about mid, I for one think albions is definatly the most stupid and narrow-minded ppls in the game daoc.
I really think many albs are stupid and can only see what others are doing not what themselves do. Concentrate on yourself and what you doing instead of talking bullshit about other realms and ppls. I'm from sweden btw, and you should only stfu you dumbass. Look on the population in sweden, just 9 million ppls and still we got one of the best figher aircrafts in the world. and much other stuff's. I think albion is the most un mature realm of all, atleast on the server excalibur.
Nothing can change my opinion, I bet there is very smart and and nice ppl in albion aswell but there is a hell of a lot of stupid narrow-minded ppls aswell.

You're embaressing yourself, I suggest you stop. Should you however be determined to continue embaressing yourself I'd appreciate it if you didn't drag our country down with you.


And btw, you miss-spelled your relic keep in your sig.


Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by skile
History is not that relevant. All we need to know is that the last 2 albion raids has been of good manners.

Why mention that if history is not relevant? ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by filofax
There's a reason they are flaming. Making stupid ass comments about Sweden having good aircrafts just makes me sick...
See anyone else here bragging about their country?
No.. didnt think so, so kindly håll käften din förbannade snorunge.

And didnt you just in your previous post go flame the entired albion and calling them names? And you call that defending yourself.. Jeeses christ, I dont usually lose it like this but you totally take the price.

He sad it like sweden was bad I just made an example why not.
I'm not bragging. wow did I call them names? ever read my whole post and try to understand what im saying? they dont call us names? no?
I didn't sad entire albion either, I sad alot of them... and alot of them have behaved like that. I never say albion is stupid or unmature or something when they alarmclock raid us.


Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by Forau
You're embaressing yourself, I suggest you stop. Should you however be determined to continue embaressing yourself I'd appreciate it if you didn't drag our country down with you.

¨Just saying what is the truth.
as I said I dont call them unmature or stupid or whatever if they alarmclock raid. oh no I'm embarresing myself infront of a load of idiots? It's not like it makes any different.


Originally posted by Tiarta

and if you think its fun fighting npc's feel free to do so - seems its the onlything mids are good at.

hahahaha lol rofl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 word:zerg.


Re: Re: Re: Midgard, the realm without moral.

Originally posted by skile
History is not that relevant. All we need to know is that the last 2 albion raids has been of good manners, which was followed up by something primitive and inhuman as the alarmraid. Animals!
Lol, ok. We raided Saturday. Saturday = Past, Past = History, so by your own logic, the fact that we did ac raid to get relic is now not that relevant :m00:

Glad we got that sorted. Now what about this stupid server.


What the hell are u talking about? Albion decided to end incorrect moral and stopped with alarmraids, and did 2 primetime raids, which mid returned by an alarmraid. The whole discussion is about THIS, not what happend before albion changed their believes into a higher moral.


lol this is all too funny!
honour. morals.

just cos you're losing ;)

thanks for making me laugh. again.


I havent bothered reading thru all posts here but...
What the f***?
Are you guys nuts??
By starting with these bloody alarmclockraids it will be bad for EVERYBODY including mids...
what the hell where u thinking?
Yeah its only a game bla bla bla
but look at it this way, would u aprove alarmclock raids if it was like hib or albion doing them?
common..there are some things, some "rules" we should respect to make this game fun for all.
to be honest (since i know it will be taken up...if it hasnt already)
I could agree login raids shouldnt be allowed either BUT that isnt even half as bad as early morning raids.
You guys who participated in the alarmclock raid truly sucks, and has ruined every bit of morale thinking for many players. You guys have open up alarmclock raids...Congrats morons!
Now go hug the relics...do not sleep.
With love, your best friend


Originally posted by Maoni
common..there are some things, some "rules" we should respect to make this game fun for all.
to be honest (since i know it will be taken up...if it hasnt already)
I could agree login raids shouldnt be allowed either BUT that isnt even half as bad as early morning raids.
You guys who participated in the alarmclock raid truly sucks, and has ruined every bit of morale thinking for many players. You guys have open up alarmclock raids...
Sure, it is easy to say the words like honor, respect, good rules when you outnumber an opponent at least 2 to 1.
BTW, nobody knows for sure who started alarm-clock raids.
I remember the times when albs used to wake up at 7am, take relics, and go to bed again.


BTW, nobody knows for sure who started alarm-clock raids.
I remember the times when albs used to wake up at 7am, take relics, and go to bed again.

Uh huh....sure you do


Originally posted by riv

instead of flaming on here, in irc, and wherever else; calling mids honourless wankers etc, why not just concentrate on getting the relics back.. the fulcrum of the end game.. and remember it is a game and does not really, as someone pointed out, warrent being taken on a personal level.

do as the hibs do, sit back, relax and smoke a joint of sweet hibernian leaf.

Whats the point in trying to get the Relics again when Mids will alarm clock raid us again. Even if we manage to retake the relics from the army of midgard who will fight for every keep and very inch of ground of there soil ;) to keep the relics . Also The we albs did the log out raid yes it would be very hard to defend all the relics the first time even tho it is possible but after that shouldnt the mids adapted by protecting there remaining relics with partol's of players wandering around the relic keep mabye once every few hrs during primetime< Would require 10 skalds for a week if even. And it can be done all it takes is Alliance's working together to keep a system going like that.

Tbh all the flaming is stupid. The alarm-clock raid was a bad to do but that is in my view and most albs and id say the majority of hibs. Now for me even during the times when we tried to primetime raids and we were defeated . Those fights are always the best the ones were your 1 door away from reclaiming Excalibur. Or the ones were your trying to defend the keep and the doors come down and the beasts of midgard come and slay you just as you see the light leave Castle Excalibur ;) not being told by your bro at 11am that mids have taken the relics at 9am or whatever time in th morning it was . its just kinda ruins the idea behind DAOC. which is huge armys fighting for Relics a War that will rage for all time not a war that rages but not against each other but against npcs in the morning

For me it was the lazy mans way out, they had made 1 attempt prime time which is good but instead of formulating new plans or keeping at the same one the resort to the one raid the majority of DAOC players even mids or the majority of the mids who atm wont admitt they hate them because they just carried one out.Before you start blaming populations .. ill leave all you mids with this, "A Bad Workman blames his tools".


Originally posted by sirexairman

"A Bad Workman blames his tools".

Tell that to your friends in RVR-guilds complaining they can't compete 8v8 :)


Originally posted by nalistah
cry m00re n00b


Kind of expected better of you Nali. Given that you've constantly complained how lame n00b infi's are because they just use DF and thus need no skill to win, gloating about having +20% when your realm mates used a no-skill, no-planning method to get it seems a little stupid.


Originally posted by nalistah
cry m00re n00b


Im not crying . Just stating facts. Btw you'll be crying When We invade your Lands and pillage rape and blunder . you know the honouralbe thing. Anything but an alarm clock raid, anything! except touching Glottis as well. I draw the line there as well ;p


Originally posted by warlock_es
Sure, it is easy to say the words like honor, respect, good rules when you outnumber an opponent at least 2 to 1.
BTW, nobody knows for sure who started alarm-clock raids.
I remember the times when albs used to wake up at 7am, take relics, and go to bed again.

the numbers of ppl playing albion has to do with what?
Does it justify alarmclock raids cause we got more ppl?
we got more ppl, yes....so?
means we can get a larger rvr force but hey.....tough luck!
nothing we can do anything about

lets say albions once upon a time aproved alarm clock raids ( i dunno but ok sure)....newsflash....we dont anymore, and till recently i thought that was a 3 realm way to see it...that alarmclock raids are lame...but hey......Do not ever sleep again mids...
(insert whine,cry bla bla bla below) fact is fact...you alarmclock raiders SUCK more then Jenna J ever has.

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