Midgard Group Purge RA?



there isnt many healers.
healer as class is crap at this moment.
our main healer, if you are good healer, you are average cc, and vice versa.
so many tools make cc worthless, resist, gp, purge, sos.
after this want know where we put healer?
is his only job in rvr press heal button?
or do cc and look how his spec line is useless?

healer is allmost pure support class, hard to lvl up solo, enjoy that?
dont think so.
midgard as realm need more healers and this way mythic threat cc, healer is soon out of job, whit this mean cc!

why allways mid are mezzing alb/hibs in keepsituations?
when i am there whit my bers, dont even coutn how often that ZZZzzz is over my head, or stunned, where that come?
can our healer stunn/mezz peeps from own realms?

midgard have one class who is our main healer, main cc, and someway buffer too, all this spread in 3 different lines.
now alb have same, allmost same!, skills spread over more classes, means bigger change get what is needed.
offcourse hard to make uber 1fg, but when we last time see albs moving around only 1fg? ;)

sadly my view in this case, like many other in this thread -> grass is greener in other side fence.


Originally posted by old.tuppe
when we last time see albs moving around only 1fg?

well, albs moved in 1fgs tonight in emain :clap: was prolly all buffbotted tho :p


Every fucking realm zerged emain tonight,all emain is now is 2-3 fgs of players running around and saying "we aren't a zerg,we are 2 fgs" yeah ok who gives a shit rvr is not like it was,oh well i don't really care anyway because there is other places:p


Mid have gimpclasses?


Which midclass is gimped except perhaps Thanes and Skalds in RvR?

Zerkers? no
Savage? nooo
Healer? nope
SB? nah
Shammy? nope
Warrior? nope
Runies? no
SM's? nope
Hunter? nope
Bonedancer? noway
Skald? maybe
Thanes? maybe

Sorry, I just dont agree to ppl sayin mids are gimps and underpowered, same goes for Albs imo. Sure, hibs have GP... but purge does the same thing for everyone, if you dont have purge, get it. SoS gives albs a way of escaping mez/root, nothing more, they cant kill you while runnin around anyway can they? If hibs GP while mezzed, use another mez or just root them and they cant run anymore.

Mids is a good realm I think, so is the rest aswell. No better, no worse as I look at it, every realm have their strenghts and weaknesses. Deal with it and adapt. Make good balanced groups, that group wins more than a group with some nifty RAs that people seem to be thinking wins battles. Good players wins battles, not RAs.

If mids had SoS and GP... hehe, I wouldnt wanna be an alb or hib then ;) Then we would have the best CC in the game and the best ways to encounter it, balanced? Not imo.

Flame away, I dont mind :)


Originally posted by hellraisermk2
You're missing the point. Mids don't have allot of healers, and yet people still moan about their average CC abilities when there's rarely any around to utilise their CC, and those that are left are more and more speccing in mend due to the constant nerfing each and every patch that pac gets.

Pacs isn't nerfed recently. Perhaps you mean indirect nerf due to SC and thus higher-resists. All realms suffer from that, same for the mind-line of a sorc.

At least your PAC-line gives you POM. Sorcs have to wait for that (next patch).

Did you ever take a look at PAC-line compared to MIND-line of sorc in say 1.50-1.57 ?

Really, there is nothing wrong with the Midgard-healer. All Realms suffer from the resists, you don't suffer more then Albs and/or Hibs.

But, I hear you say, I have 1 line who is totally devoted to CC. Very true, but same applies for all realms. At least yours gives POM for a while, ours (Alb - sorcerer, mindline) doesn't until next patch.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Pacs isn't nerfed recently. Perhaps you mean indirect nerf due to SC and thus higher-resists. All realms suffer from that, same for the mind-line of a sorc.

At least your PAC-line gives you POM. Sorcs have to wait for that (next patch).

Did you ever take a look at PAC-line compared to MIND-line of sorc in say 1.50-1.57 ?

Really, there is nothing wrong with the Midgard-healer. All Realms suffer from the resists, you don't suffer more then Albs and/or Hibs.

But, I hear you say, I have 1 line who is totally devoted to CC. Very true, but same applies for all realms. At least yours gives POM for a while, ours (Alb - sorcerer, mindline) doesn't until next patch.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with healers in general. They are a good class (heck it's my favourite class), but all the whinning about their god like CC is utter bullshit. They do have good CC I agree, but technically alb CC is just as good (and statistically better). Unfortunately not many albs roll sorcs, whereas in mid, there are plenty of healers around, but not not many end game active healers (being responsible for the realms main healing and CC, plus resists if you spec in aug, means way too many people whine at healers constantly).

Also, POM doesn't justify speccing to a minimum of 45 in PAC.

Yes, resists effect every class in the game, but resists aren't the only counter to CC. Other realms have the tools to deal with CC effectively... we have some too, but only the same ones every other realm has access to (and no I don't want SOS/ GP to be given to midgard).

As a healer I can safely say I wouldn't mind giving up my CC abilities all together, but only when collision detection is implemented or a viable alternative is offered to healers. In the mean time, CC is no longer an instant "I win" button. Allot of the times, CC is downright useless due to all the tools given to counter-act it. Add to that the fact that many are speccing lower PAC now due to resists/ anti- CC tools and you'll find most healers are not as god like as many want to believe.

... Plus an inderect nerf is still a nerf. Why try and claim otherwise when a change to other classes directly affects another class's ability in the way all the anti- CC implementation has.

[edit] Just to clarify, I'm not advocating any improvements to the healer as a class. They are a good class. I'm just pointing out the flaws in non-CC/ healers arguements.



To be completely honest, I must say that in my opinion Hibs are the strongest realm, followed by Mid and then Alb.
Also , when you compare abilities of realms its not only the abilities you must compare, but

1. availability : if the class is good but noone plays it because it doenst appeal to people, its really not that much benefit for a realm, or is it ?

2. complement : Its how the different classes and abilities work together to be effective, we all know that uber cc and no way of delivering the damage isnt that good, eh ?

3. survival : the classes providing important group stuff have to stay alive for as long as possible in order to be useful. Dead support isnt any good.

Mid : Shaman = buff, minor heal, dot ok but under par with rest
Healer = cc, heal, small buffs
Runie = pbt

Alb : Cleric = buff, cc, heal ( exile smite clerics imo )
Sorc = cc, nukes
Theurg = pbt
mincer = cc, speed,

Hib : Druid = heal , buff
Warden = pbt
bard = cc, minor heal, speed

I say hib is strongest, why ? Because in almost every hib group you will find a druid, a warden and a bard ( they are in the groups i meet all the time ).

Its uncommon for mids to have a shaman, healer and a pbt runie in one group ( and a skald for speed, in other realms this is filled by cc )

It isnt common, think its mathematically impossible to find a sorc, a cleric and a pbt theurg in alb groups ( do ppl still make earth theurgs ? ) + mincer for spd + cc

Then survival
Hibs : druid = chain, lives long
warden = pbt + studded + parry+ ok hits = lives long
bard = studded = medium life expectancy

Mids : Healer = chain, lives long
Shammy = chain, lives long
runie= cloth+pbt= dies quite rapidly ( very )

Albs : Cleric = chain = lives long
Sorc = cloth = dies very fast
minstrel = chain + evade = lives long
theurg = pbt + cloth = dies quite rapidly ( very )

While hibs need three classes to fill the necessary roles for each group, both albs and mids need four = harder to get, especially the pbt for mids and especially albs.

Killing: hib has a shitload of chanters who are one of the best classes with pet and both pbaoe and nuke, they can kill when enemy is mezzed. Also tanks with best lw style and other good casters.

Mid has some pbaoe sm but not a lot, some good tanks like zerker for high damage and an army of sbs camping milegates.

Alb has some ( ithink ) ice wizzies, a whole legion of casters and good tanks but not really uber ones and not to forget, a lot of infils. They have Rambo also, and although he speaks bad english , he kills a lot of VC.

From this, I say that Hib is strongest, Mid second and Alb third.
If you add the Ra's, Hib gets the srtongest = the feared GP
Dunno their other ones.
Alb has Bof ( very good ), sos ( very good, nut not over the top )
Mid has ... errm ah yes PF ( very good, but only when ppl are down alrdy, which you tend to avoid, and not a battle winner )

When i run around, I dont want to run into hibs because that means porting, and albs i fear much less. Isnt that the real indication ?

To finish, I must say that Albion has the numbers to make up for this, but that isnt the point, the game is not balanced.
Ra's should never been put in this game, they messed it all up and caused zerging, rp gathering instead of fun RvR.




the passive RA ar ok, they let you make up for weaknesses in your character race (like adding DEX for Highlander Clerics to improve cast time etc). You can see why perge was added, becuase RvR was all about who mezzes who first and not much about fighting skill. I see your point about Hibs having the advantage. Just look at PBT, both Albs and get this ability via a rob caster who must spec in 1 of there 3 lines to get it. Caster die quickly, the group losses the ability and thats it. Wardens are healer/warroir hybrids that get 1.5 spec points per level and only have magic spec lines. As Durids are Hibs main healers there is no need for Wardens to spec regrowth, instead they can become paladin like chanters with PBT and speed buff.
The same can be said about Bards, they are healers but have no resion to spec regrowth, they also get 1.5 spec points per level and have much better, this make them sorcerer (who die quickly in RvR) Minstral in one with all there RvR abilities at no real trade off of either. Mibs main CC comes from Healers who are chain wearers and there for die less quickly than Albs main CCs (Sorcerers and Theurgists).
Clerics and Minstrals are they only classes in Albion that have stuns, Both at terrible range and no AOE. Both should have there range increased to match other realms and added AOE to the spec line (both classes). Sorcerers should also get an instent AOE mezz.

Mezz needs to be nerfed in RvR, all palyers should be able to wake there realm m8s up automatically . You may think this is stupid but when an enamy play attacks them they are free so why can't your own realm m8s do the same to free you, like push you over or something.


Originally posted by pudzy
fyi, try reading 1.59 - 1.60 patch notes, I'd say albs can stop whining for eternity.

Scouts are still gonna be gimpy :p


so if all realms got bards, everyone would be happy? or you want chanters and annhilation aswell :p?


Originally posted by scarffs

warden = pbt + studded + parry+ ok hits = lives long

And he lives even longer if he puts on the scale he is able to wear after lvl 20


Oops..i played one till 16, didnt know he was gonna get scale...
Point remains the same though.

And no, I'm not saying that I want this or that, I just try to put everything together from my point of view.
As far as I'm concerned, all is ok like this since I enjoy RvR with my Shaman ( largely due to great BO guild groups, lub you guys )
I would be happy that Mythic would change some things like archery fixes ( needed baaaaad ), give some love to the needing, fix a lot of broken ras ( class specific ones ).


I would like to get some lub into the shaman mend line. Cus its like teh gimped atm

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