Midgard Group Purge RA?


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by pudzy
...1 class we dont have enough of in rvr...
There's your problem right there Pudzy.

If people would actually USE the classes their realm already has, things would be far different. The real issue, is not whether a realm has an ability or not, but which classes get them.

Hib classes are all mostly useful in a group in all regards. For the healer class to be group/realm friendly, he gives up any real chance of soloing, and they're not supposed to solo.

The Albs have the same problem, lots of classes/specs are not utilised because "they suxx0r and don't make me uber!" :rolleyes:

All the abilities you need are right there, if half of your realm would stop playing Buffblades and other solo classes and make realm friendly classes.

EG, Midgard has it's primary AE DoT'r as the best Buffer class too, Albs and Mids are both casters. Midgard far outdoes any realm for AE at keeps.

Focus on YOUR strengths, and YOUR classes, rather than saying how the other classes are "better" than you.



[Day #5]


:) wonder when we speak how every hib caster have stun, they fast remind how crap stuns these days are, resist :) .
but allways these other realm players remind us healers ae stuns :)
healer who cannot share dmg, is there just for cc, healing and some resist? if we are lucky, buffing.

albs allways remind us how "uber" zerk is melee wise, but not same time remember bof, and this new af buff what minstrel get, ablative armour.
whit these together -> no melee dmg to albs, :)
oh yes! but we have rm and sm roaming here, SOS and they chase those albs around, who are totally immune debuffs, speed dont stop dmg, but indeed it stop from mid casters who try do dmg :)

sorc love? 1850 range mezz, whit ae 2250! (400 area if specced 44, otherwise only 350)
how to fight against this? NS? :) what is range of NS and how long cast time? if even one is casting range this mezz! all around 400 is mezzed.

RA wise mids are joke, someone say once RA is earned, look like we mids are somekind stepchild in mythic eyes and dont earn anything groupRA.
solo RA:s are mostly too wierd and dont work whit class.
this remind me Tundra, uber zerk unique RA :D


Originally posted by old.Atrox
well, I meant Instant aecc ( healer ) Instant aestun ( healer ) Instant aeroot ( Shaman )

and secondary CC are not good, with resists etc they rarely last for more then a few seconds.
Mid got lots of aedmg dealers, every Runie got aedmg and most of the SM's got PBaoe.

Shamans don't get insta ae cc, they can only get an ra which has ae root for 14 points (on a 15 min timer)


Originally posted by Zerg-Proof
Shamans don't get insta ae cc, they can only get an ra which has ae root for 14 points (on a 15 min timer)
and that RA are an Instant aecc


umm alb has 4 classes with cc fyi

sourcerer ae mezz
minstrel ae mezz
theurgist and wizard ae root


Originally posted by old.Emma
umm alb has 4 classes with cc fyi

sourcerer ae mezz
minstrel ae mezz
theurgist and wizard ae root

Theurgs got an aemezz aswell, but mincer aemezz 5sec cast time, theurgs aemzz 32sec ( I think cba to check it now ).

anyway, this isnt about CC, its about INSTANT cc thats mids strenght if you guys dont use it, blame yourself not your RA's


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Theurgs got an aemezz aswell, but mincer aemezz 5sec cast time, theurgs aemzz 32sec ( I think cba to check it now ).

anyway, this isnt about CC, its about INSTANT cc thats mids strenght if you guys dont use it, blame yourself not your RA's

Instant CC is pretty useless though if albs learn to spread out only 150 for most healers since they don´t go up to 47 pac. Mostly since healers also are primary healing class, so they have to spend points on mend to get spreadheals.

Secondly it´s only 30 sec long, it´s about as usefull as you theurg aemzz. So not that usefull unless you have pbaoe in group. It´s basicly there to get rid of tanks that are hitting on you, or any other situation you would use a qc.

So mostly when you get mezzed from mids it´s actualy ordinary casting aoe mezz, due to longer mezzing times. So mezz better and don´t blame insta :p


Originally posted by old.tuppe
:) wonder when we speak how every hib caster have stun, they fast remind how crap stuns these days are, resist :) .
but allways these other realm players remind us healers ae stuns :)
healer who cannot share dmg, is there just for cc, healing and some resist? if we are lucky, buffing.

You think bards have it ANY bit more fun than your healers? they have to do mezzes, only have 1 instant, on 15 min timer (I think it's 15 mins) - and not 2 instants like healers, AND they have to as soon as they've mezzed switch to drum for hibs to have end regain (mids get a buff, how silly when you consider only reason end regain is eve there, is because hib styles cost more endurance than mids and albs....) Thus leaving the bard playing drums and as vulnerable as he could ever be, the healer at least has a chance to block, not to mention chain armor, which is better than a bards reinforced, oh, and the fact that bards are only CC class in Hibernia - druids don't spec for root, ever, and light elds mezz are about as useful as the minstrel one :D


Oh, and just to nerf something... ehm, nerf server crashes and alb RK gates! thx!


Bards have there insta amnesia, which pretty effective interupts any ordinary mezzing atempt from both healers and sorceress though.


mids see albs

insta CC


come back 2 mins later

healer insta CC gone

albs > mids

next scenario

Mids see hibs

healer insta CC

Group purge
bard CC

hibs > mids

It happens 90% of my fights in emain.
Hence you don't see me in emain :p
(And if you do see me, I have atleast 2 fg's with me, probably 3)


Strange how some ppl never whine as healer or as mid, maybe you all suck? ;)


Originally posted by SilverHood
mids see albs

insta CC


come back 2 mins later

healer insta CC gone

albs > mids

You cant SOS when you are actually mezzed/stunned, it has to be turned on before.


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Theurgs got an aemezz aswell, but mincer aemezz 5sec cast time, theurgs aemzz 32sec ( I think cba to check it now ).

anyway, this isnt about CC, its about INSTANT cc thats mids strenght if you guys dont use it, blame yourself not your RA's

Uhhhm you seem to be under the illusion that mid is full of "I win" healers? Most groups are lucky if they have a healer.

Add to that the fact that allot of healers (myself included) are opting for high mend over high pac. There isn't too many 48 pac healers around any more, and with the insane resists that hibs have (thanks to their resists being on a very very popular line) that ae insta stun lasts about 3 seconds. UBAR!1

Oh wait, yeah I forgot, there's that many SM's about to pbaoe that even 3 seconds is enough. There's even less Sm's than there are healers.

Everyone constantly whines about the healer CC, when it isn't the best in the game. It is good, but it is nothing special like allot of people make out. People constantly moan about CC and demand its removal without even considering what they'd replace our continually nerfed pac line with (like it or not, it is the most nerfed line in the game). Add to that the lack of collission detection coupled with no CC, and EVERY healer and caster would be dog meat for tanks (hey, my warrior would be happy but my healer certainly wouldn't).

Implement collission detection, then we'll talk about about further nerfing the most nerfed line in the game.*

*Yes I know it was an "I win" button at one time, but that is a long time ago. GP/ SOS/ Resists (as well as resist rates thanks to mythic changing it to spell level over character level) all but negate a healers pac line.

ANd I too would really love to know when midgard suddenly aquired more classes with AE CC spells.


Originally posted by stafford

Cabalists get juggernaut, oh cool a huge pet thats the same lvl as me for 4 minutes and insta cast !!! excellent !!!
by the time youve buffed it up its got 3 mins left
and if you summon it in combat it may aswell hold a sign saying "alb casters here,spam your 1 button on us you shitty bards"

1 Button is my heal button :p


As i play a bard with there Insta CC which is of little use 10 Min recast and is normally use a a defence or for chasing down ppl normally skalds.

They RA for bards is very good 1500 hp healed in 30 secs every bard should get it. :)

The res with no res sick seams very nice for rvr and pve not a battle turner like GP or BoF but nice enough


PR PR PR wtf is that I thought for myself reading this thread.
Ahh perfect recovery. Yeah I heard of that one though I have never been ressed with it afaik. Being a gimp though its not worth to spend on me. Some healer hopefully have it though but it sounds like a myth to me.

That 1 healer per group mids have on average just have to make sure all his mates dont die, try to CC all the enemies and get this RA and use when he is not mezzed him self.

Group Purge / SoS / BoF > Perfect Recovery
no doubt there



mid realmabilitys suck, but you have zerkers!!!


Being an alb and defending a keeps is hopeless, with no instant CC we can't do a thing, the idea of being behind battlements should make you harder to hit but all the have to do in instent cc a scout and thats it all around are dead seconds later. The best place to defend a keep is just outside it for Albs now that you can no longer target your own doors. Also albs are partly at fault, more earth and ice speced wizards are need, it doesn't really matter about the less damage you'll be doing its the interupting and genral confusion you create by with spells and lag.

Anyway inst CC should have a very small range, 1000 or something, you say there only used to get tanks off you so you won't mind then. and stun shout should have no AOE, i guess knocking down the recast time to 60sec should cover your loss.

Almost everytime my group has been instent mezz put on it, its always followed up with another one a few secs later.


Mids dont have enough Healers Pud?

Sorry dont come blaming any1 else on the boards but yourselves. Maybe some1 in Mid High Command should have mentioned this when when the decreee that all Mid players must have at least 3 SB alts went out.

SBS- dont do a thing for FG vs FG (well..maybe a slight over exagerration).

Healers do lots.

Dont moan about not having healers...sort it out in your realm.



dont play with strong random grps - make balanced ones etc kthx.


Originally posted by klavrynd
mid = teh gimp , classwise and ra-wise , period
lol klav, maybe you just playing with gimped players ?

imo mid is fine, albs need a bit of bump (1.60) and hibs a bit of nerf.


Originally posted by vayasen
Mids dont have enough Healers Pud?

Sorry dont come blaming any1 else on the boards but yourselves. Maybe some1 in Mid High Command should have mentioned this when when the decreee that all Mid players must have at least 3 SB alts went out.

SBS- dont do a thing for FG vs FG (well..maybe a slight over exagerration).

Healers do lots.

Dont moan about not having healers...sort it out in your realm.


You're missing the point. Mids don't have allot of healers, and yet people still moan about their average CC abilities when there's rarely any around to utilise their CC, and those that are left are more and more speccing in mend due to the constant nerfing each and every patch that pac gets.


Originally posted by old.Greggor
1 Button is my heal button :p

liar your knuckles r green fron scrapin grass when you spam your aoe mez :p

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