Merging of servers?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Chronictank said:
When you reach a descent rr comment, everyone has access to 5 min purge, det 5 has been around a very long time now (removed in NF) so that comment holds no water."

Basicly makeing pure tanks redundant due to poor RA's and utility compared to hybrids.

Chronictank said:
WoW pvp is too simple, i was bored of it after a week, hopefully they add a bit more content in the real release but as it is nothing more than a run in the bgs equivalent in daoc

Considering most WoW classes have around 3 times the amount of spells/abilities/talents of Daoc classes thats just not true and all Emain was was one big BG.

Chronictank said:
I liked toa tbh, yes it was a bit of a grind but introduced the most balanced rvr in the game since release. The only people toa hurt is the lazy and the power levelers, I am a casual player yet i have a uber tweaked template with most the best artis so it is possible if you put the effort in. Saying that you dont need the best template you can make average templates for very little time like i have done for my alts.

Was a bit of a Grind lol ! What you fail to understand is with ToA killed the game off for people who cant attend raids at certain times or cant spend 5 plus hours of continous play due to Work Family comitments. Saying these types of players are to lazy because they feel its more important to spend time with their families or hold down thier job just makes you look like an idiot.


Dec 22, 2003
First of all the amount of spells you have doesn't mean PvP will be complecated.

Most raids do not take 5 hours and if you can't spend 5 hours every few weeks online at a time then you should not be playing a mmorpg in the first place..

Artis ARE NOT HARD TO GET and level...takes what 20 min to kill most arti mobsi...just turn up for some guild raids etc for a few hours..hey presto you have an arti.

The amount of non TOA'd players there is is vast and with NF they seem to have fun in NF..Toa only killed off the game for those players that want to be elite or better than everyone else and don't have time to play. You can't have it all jacko, it's the insta win I must be 50 and insta win at everything attitude that killed TOA not TOA it's self.

You don't need TOA stuff to have a good time. TOA only killed the game for people who constantly bitch that they can't get artis on go on raids and now they won't play because they can't be the best anymore are ignorent..and the game is better off without some whiney little bitches.

Kudos to the people that have basicly said fuck toa I don't have time to farm loads of shit with my kids etc but still log on and have fun in NF.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Gamah said:
First of all the amount of spells you have doesn't mean PvP will be complecated.

Did I say that ... no ... i said it with more spells and abilities you have more options than daoc therefore it is no less complicated than daoc.

Gamah said:
Most raids do not take 5 hours and if you can't spend 5 hours every few weeks online at a time then you should not be playing a mmorpg in the first place.

Daft comment. Do you know what mmp means ? ... massively multi player ie a large number of people aka people of different backgrounds. Excludeing these players from takeing part in a large portion of the game due to play time is badly though out design.

Gamah said:
You don't need TOA stuff to have a good time. TOA only killed the game for people who constantly bitch that they can't get artis on go on raids and now they won't play because they can't be the best anymore are ignorent..and the game is better off without some whiney little bitches.

Players who were the "Best" as you put it (ie most play time for RP's and ML that = I win buttons against lower RR players .. IP etc) are the sort of people who will put the time in to get ML + artifacts NOT the casual player who may have 1-2 artifacts max who stands even less chance of winning. These people aren't the vocal whiners they just quit because they find it a grind now to compete. ..... AND NO MMORPG DOES NOT MEEN IT SHOULD BE A GRIND IT SHOULD BE FUN THATS WHAT YOU PAY YOUR SUBS FOR!!!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Considering most WoW classes have around 3 times the amount of spells/abilities/talents of Daoc classes thats just not true and all Emain was was one big BG.
As gamah said
You wont use all the spells simply cus most are no use to you, you will use the same set
Was a bit of a Grind lol ! What you fail to understand is with ToA killed the game off for people who cant attend raids at certain times or cant spend 5 plus hours of continous play due to Work Family comitments. Saying these types of players are to lazy because they feel its more important to spend time with their families or hold down thier job just makes you look like an idiot.
This comment does make you look like an idiot
I work 12 hrs shifts 4 days a week, noone told you to spend 5 continuous hours xpin an arti, you can break it down. Or get all the artis which xp on one type of mob then xp them the same time (which is what i did). or perhaps get artifacts only that lvl in rvr.
As for raids, you organise them when its convienent for you rather than sit and wait for others to do it. If you cant organise it with a friend to help, its not difficult.
If you cant manage it then make a more realistic template
Same whine from same people


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
NOT the casual player who may have 1-2 artifacts max who stands even less chance of winning. These people aren't the vocal whiners they just quit because they find it a grind now to compete. ..... AND NO MMORPG DOES NOT MEEN IT SHOULD BE A GRIND IT SHOULD BE FUN THATS WHAT YOU PAY YOUR SUBS FOR!!!!!
I know many casual players with 1-2 artifacts who compete in rvr, its about knowing what youre char needs and what it can do without for example.
No time for mls? roll a caster, convoker isnt really a huge influence
No time for artis? do a few toa quests, get ml 1 solo step ring dex version, ceremonial bracers (get a friend asuming you have one to help doable with warr + bot), traldors oracle (soloable), some reasonable utility jewelry, sc and you are rvr ready.
Join some gg or camp some keeps get enough for purge maybe level or 2 in physical defence perhaps even moc if u have the time and you can now solo.
One free weekend now and again do a ml before you know it you are ml10


Dec 22, 2003
Garok said:
Did I say that ... no ... i said it with more spells and abilities you have more options than daoc therefore it is no less complicated than daoc.

No you were trying to disprove an argument that said doac was more complecated...the number of spells availible doesn't mean a damn thing.

Garok said:
Daft comment. Do you know what mmp means ? ... massively multi player ie a large number of people aka people of different backgrounds. Excludeing these players from takeing part in a large portion of the game due to play time is badly though out design.

No I Know what MMO means, I also see how this is relevent to anything, nothing gets you having work with others like toa (raids etc). As far as excluding players from playing with others, not really, they wanted to add something which would take time to master..I know people like you would want to complete TOA in a day but that would make for a poor expantion.

Garok said:
Players who were the "Best" as you put it (ie most play time for RP's and ML that = I win buttons against lower RR players .. IP etc) are the sort of people who will put the time in to get ML + artifacts NOT the casual player who may have 1-2 artifacts max who stands even less chance of winning. These people aren't the vocal whiners they just quit because they find it a grind now to compete. ..... AND NO MMORPG DOES NOT MEEN IT SHOULD BE A GRIND IT SHOULD BE FUN THATS WHAT YOU PAY YOUR SUBS FOR!!!!!

Name me one MMORPG that doesn't have grind..and if you say WoW your an idiot you have not played the high level game yet so you don't know anything about it, it could be more of a grind than daoc.

Those people that are whining are the "casual" players complaining they can't get artis.
:fluffle:.. I fail to see how TYPING IN CAPS, will make me see your rambled and confused post any clearer :/...and I will think you will find the people that found it a chore don't pay there subs any more, in which case they don't play the game and we don't need to worry about them.

Stop getting so angry and take an objective look at the game, compare it with other MMORPGS Past and present..and you will see daoc is about right.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Well back to what this thread was all about... Merging of servers...

I like the game, played it for little more than a year, my problem with closing Prydwen would be that I got my only lvl 50 char (yeah only ONE) on this server, so if I couldn't get all my chars copied to Excal I would leave for sure.

Merging the english servers would be ok by me, got some chars on Mid/Excal but dont play there very much, so fine, just make sure I get all my chars, my house, my items ect. with me in the merge.

If we could get a /charcopyfromGOAserverstoMYTHICservers that would be real cool, know alot of ppl who play US servers, but aint gonna happen I think.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Gamah said:
No you were trying to disprove an argument that said doac was more complecated...the number of spells availible doesn't mean a damn thing.

No I Know what MMO means, I also see how this is relevent to anything, nothing gets you having work with others like toa (raids etc). As far as excluding players from playing with others, not really, they wanted to add something which would take time to master..I know people like you would want to complete TOA in a day but that would make for a poor expantion.

Name me one MMORPG that doesn't have grind..and if you say WoW your an idiot you have not played the high level game yet so you don't know anything about it, it could be more of a grind than daoc.

Those people that are whining are the "casual" players complaining they can't get artis.
:fluffle:.. I fail to see how TYPING IN CAPS, will make me see your rambled and confused post any clearer :/...and I will think you will find the people that found it a chore don't pay there subs any more, in which case they don't play the game and we don't need to worry about them.

Stop getting so angry and take an objective look at the game, compare it with other MMORPGS Past and present..and you will see daoc is about right.

You seem to think DAOC is the be all and end all of MMORPG .. in your eyes it is.

In other peoples eyes it is not.

Im not saying ive hated every moment of DAOC ive had some fun times

I and many other people enjoyed WoW because it was not a grind for me becase It was new and fun. I enjoyed the quests, the instances, the story lines.

By getting rid of a large chunk of you player base it shows that you are doing something wrong not right. Ive had 4 accounts 7 lvl 50's over 40 artifacts (7 lvl 10) i was not a casual player but alot of the people i enjoyed playing with were, and they quit because their life style could not fit around playing at set times in ToA.

And writeing in caps is to underline a point.


Dec 22, 2003
Do I really? Well thanks for that..I don't think that at all, I don't see how you can gather that from 2 posts but nm. Having played Various MMORPGS From EQ to AO to Daoc and beta tested quite a few.. I think I have a fairly good knowlege of what games do what, I am also telling you that ALL games have grind, its a fact.

And typing in caps is technicly shouting...maybe try bold next time.. :touch: .

Anyway I'm off to my world which is Doac..err no off to work actully but nm :E


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gamah said:
And typing in caps is technicly shouting...maybe try bold next time.. :touch: .
Technically it's actually just using other ASCII codes to depict the capital version of a letter.... :m00:

But it's a de facto known use to SHOUT stuff out, but that's not technical- more like a socially accepted/evolved use to get a message shouted out :touch:

Ogrelin Blodig

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Merging is probably not possible for all chars on prydwen, they would have to rename to many's not just to type /charcopy or /accountcopy :)

I hope they can offer old accountholder s a free month of gaming or something, and a free download from the website.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
you do know wow you kill more mobs to get less, there is just very little downtime (like diablo). And you dont feel the grind cus the pve is unbalanced as it is right now (for example my druid is killing mobs 5-10 lvls highers than its lvl) and was only stopped by the fact i was hitting the mobs for 1/5th the dmg they were hitting me for :)
And in WoW you are forced to do quests to unlock youre spell lines, is this not a grind on youre 5th char?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
They could just do something like make ToA a co-op area. Some ancient magic prevents newcomers to the area fighting or some nonsence like that. Buff and healing spells only have 80% efficency when used on people of another realm.

Should spice the game up and salvage something from toa.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Gamah said:
First of all the amount of spells you have doesn't mean PvP will be complecated.

Most raids do not take 5 hours and if you can't spend 5 hours every few weeks online at a time then you should not be playing a mmorpg in the first place..
Ml2 took 7.5 hours and ml9 took 8, guess I just have a lot of bad luck :(:(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gamah said:
Name me one MMORPG that doesn't have grind..and if you say WoW your an idiot you have not played the high level game yet so you don't know anything about it, it could be more of a grind than daoc.

Planetside! or isnt that a rpg? <smiles>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Morchaoron said:
Planetside! or isnt that a rpg? <smiles>

Im pretty sure there were RPG's in it <winks>

On a side note that game realy was Poop-Pooped by "new" content.

Edit not the Map redesign but the silly BRF's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
A mixed bag of comments:

1. Mythic's solution to low populations is server clustering. Deatails TBA.

2. Pryd with 800!!! You realise this would be a HIGH population server in the US, up there with the top 3 or 4 (average on 8 servers is pushing 400 except Bors which has plumbed even lower depths).

3. Requiel: Plans to revitalise things!!!! NF has resulted in a net increase of ... about -4000 on European servers so far. Impact of Catacombs on US servers .. about Zero (This is good result by the way). Size of Catacombs advertsing campaign in US - well it certainly seemed like zero. Active population drop in Europe in 2004 c. 10,000+.

4. WoW PvP is developing very nicely in the US. Characters are leveling (pretty fast so you can have more than one which is nice), guilds are starting to take shape and there is more PvP than I saw on Pry in a long, long time - already. That's on a PvE server as well. And it is 'balanced', and there are 'lots of options', and fights are not over in 10 seconds.

5. Blizzard press release on the 21st December gave an update on their 'intentions'. Well its already good (feels a lot like a home invasion server to me) and what's coming looks a lot like Old Frontiers.

6 SWG - lots said it would kill DAoC? This is a myth. Some people said they would try it. No one I knew / know said that they would leave (and I was a senior member of what is still one of the largest guilds on Pryd). And, just to put it in context, Sir Bruce's figures have shown that SWG has more subscriber than DAoC for a while. New expansion is good as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Hello all and happy new year

Read this thread with intrest (not been on site for ages quit game over a year ago )
A simple way out of the dilema for Goa would be to make this server which is in free fall by all accounts back to the original DaoC b4 Toa and NF I for one would return and I bet so 2 would many others , those that dont want to stay could have their accounts transfered to ano server .

What better marketing formula than to return the game back to its original state before so many quit


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Miff said:
Prydwen population is at all time low. I am shocked that most servers have twice prydwen population ,seems like at prime time it´s about 600-800 while 9 out of the 12 servers even at late nights have much moore than that. This makes the server really booring to play and i´m sure that´s the reason so many people cancel their subs. Only goa can fix this and it´s stupid to not do anything about the situation cause in the end you loose all prydwens players.

When WOW or even open beta hits the shelves there will be a loss of about 30-50% of prydwen active population again this means we will be having 300-400 players at primetime in the huge expansion called NF, and the rest of the servers will be in prydwens situation at the time beeing meaning they will drop fast as a bomb as well with the release of WOW. So would be nice with a GOA reply as well of what plans are to do, Requiel mentioned when population is as low as now there would be thoughts of merging Excal / Prydwen, well I think start working on that or WOW will kill DAOC.

Personally I think merging is not a good idea, but GoA should do the same thing that mythic will do with the smaller servers. They cluster them so rvr zones are more active once again when people from different servers can play there together.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
Requiel said:
No I have never said that.
There are plans in the offing to get more players in (both from a marketing and distribution point of view) and revitalise the game using NF and Catacombs as a springboard for new growth. Don't write anything off yet. People said that SWG would kill DAoC as well remember...

Not having a dig at you because I know you have nothing to do with the creation of the game, the problem they are facing is these stupid addons, like ToA, which take so much time that it becomes like a full time job. I still love daoc and I miss all my friends there, but I'm not going to come back because I know how long it takes to setup a charactor with arti's/ml's etc. For someone totally new to mmorpg's to start daoc would be very hard nowdays, especially due to the fact there is no community site based entirely on prydwen - which I think if anyone has the time and knowledge I think they should work on - this way they could find out about public raids and such easier, rather than look through a forum - which they probably wouldnt even know about unless they got told by someone ingame. Theres lots of things a Prydwen community webby could do for the community, providing people are gona be nice to 'newbies' which I know isn't easy, they're frustrating. I thik it would be a great idea for Mythic, or GOA, maybe even players, to make some tutorial avi's based on different area's of the game, aslong as it had publicity from the GOA site directly I think it might work. Dunno how I got that off topic .. lub you Ilum!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Pudzy said:
Not having a dig at you because I know you have nothing to do with the creation of the game, the problem they are facing is these stupid addons, like ToA, which take so much time that it becomes like a full time job. I still love daoc and I miss all my friends there, but I'm not going to come back because I know how long it takes to setup a charactor with arti's/ml's etc. For someone totally new to mmorpg's to start daoc would be very hard nowdays, especially due to the fact there is no community site based entirely on prydwen - which I think if anyone has the time and knowledge I think they should work on - this way they could find out about public raids and such easier, rather than look through a forum - which they probably wouldnt even know about unless they got told by someone ingame. Theres lots of things a Prydwen community webby could do for the community, providing people are gona be nice to 'newbies' which I know isn't easy, they're frustrating. I thik it would be a great idea for Mythic, or GOA, maybe even players, to make some tutorial avi's based on different area's of the game, aslong as it had publicity from the GOA site directly I think it might work. Dunno how I got that off topic .. lub you Ilum!

Just because Albs and Mids don't use it ... is still a good resource for newcommers, and the main reason Albs don't have all 6 relics too :D


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Pudzy said:
Not having a dig at you because I know you have nothing to do with the creation of the game, the problem they are facing is these stupid addons, like ToA, which take so much time that it becomes like a full time job. I still love daoc and I miss all my friends there, but I'm not going to come back because I know how long it takes to setup a charactor with arti's/ml's etc. For someone totally new to mmorpg's to start daoc would be very hard nowdays, especially due to the fact there is no community site based entirely on prydwen - which I think if anyone has the time and knowledge I think they should work on - this way they could find out about public raids and such easier, rather than look through a forum - which they probably wouldnt even know about unless they got told by someone ingame. Theres lots of things a Prydwen community webby could do for the community, providing people are gona be nice to 'newbies' which I know isn't easy, they're frustrating. I thik it would be a great idea for Mythic, or GOA, maybe even players, to make some tutorial avi's based on different area's of the game, aslong as it had publicity from the GOA site directly I think it might work. Dunno how I got that off topic .. lub you Ilum!

Well, as Ovi1 points out there is a lot of info and help available from
Primarily DAoC is a game of discovery and, for many people discovering new things for themselves with their friends is a large part of the game. This is why Mythic never put up walkthroughs or the like. There are efforts which have been announced to make the 'out of the box experience' much easier for brand new players - Tutorial quests, easier recognition of quest giving NPCs etc and that will go someway towards addressing the issues that you raise. Ultimately however a player's best resource is always going to be other players. Finding a friendly and supportive guild I think will be more useful to a player than a vast and confusing manual.

To be honest I really don't think the game is as newbie unfriendly as many people believe it is. I recently started brand new characters on a brand new account (no /level) on a realm and server where I only really know a couple of people well (I had a rl friend playing there and he persuaded me to come and give it a go). Without being twinked and powerlevelled, I was able to get along quite happily. There were a fair few people at around my level I could group with and I am having a lot of fun exploring a brand new realm.

I don't see that there is significantly more PvE 'grind' required either. If I wanted to, I could RvR most of my way to 45 and I don't have to be 50 before I can start on MLs or artifacts. It makes sense to me to start levelling artifacts and go on ML raids as soon as I am able, that way when I do hit 50 I will already have high level artifacts and a few ML abilities under my belt. There's nothing saying you can't exp yourself at the same time that you're training an artifact and several of the ML dungeons (5 and 7 particularly) are amazingly good exp spots - as good as any of the realms traditional PL spots in some cases. I've never understood the argument that there's more PvE involved because you have to get to 50 and you have to do MLs and artifacts - apart from the argument about whether MLs and artifacts are necessary to enjoy the game - it is very possible to do it all at the same time thereby actually reducing the amount of PvE a new character has to do compared to an existing 50 at ToA launch.,


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Requiel said:

I don't see that there is significantly more PvE 'grind' required either. If I wanted to, I could RvR most of my way to 45 and I don't have to be 50 before I can start on MLs or artifacts. It makes sense to me to start levelling artifacts and go on ML raids as soon as I am able, that way when I do hit 50 I will already have high level artifacts and a few ML abilities under my belt. There's nothing saying you can't exp yourself at the same time that you're training an artifact and several of the ML dungeons (5 and 7 particularly) are amazingly good exp spots - as good as any of the realms traditional PL spots in some cases. I've never understood the argument that there's more PvE involved because you have to get to 50 and you have to do MLs and artifacts - apart from the argument about whether MLs and artifacts are necessary to enjoy the game - it is very possible to do it all at the same time thereby actually reducing the amount of PvE a new character has to do compared to an existing 50 at ToA launch.,

The main difficulties with artifacts and MLs are probably the harder ones. The fact that you really need 50+ people for 8.10, and it still takes hours, and isn't exactly exciting is a prime example. It is also not easy to get some of the group / solo steps done until higher level.

The other thing that causes a problem is the artifacts that are over camped. These can waste hours, simply waiting for the Mobs to pop. Then you need to hope that you can find enough people to help when it does, before some 1337 guild come by and farm it under your nose.

I do agree that it certainly isn't as bad as people make out, if you start MLs at 40, then you can get an aweful lot of XP towards 50 without doing any other XP. Pick up a couple of artis and XP them too and you can get even more XP sorted without having to think once about getting character XP.

I also think that the upcoming changes in 1.71 will help a lot, and Mythic suggesting that they may make use instancing technology in ToA sounds like another good change.

The biggest issue I personally have is the time it takes for us in Europe to get the patches, I hope that Mythic and GoA live up to their recent promise to reduce the time between US and EU patches now that the Eu customer base has increased with 2 more languages. The current time scales are rediculous. For the record, I think releasing 1.70 was the worst decision GoA / Mythic made, the time for 1.71 to follow has only increased the problem.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Requiel said:
Well, as Ovi1 points out there is a lot of info and help available from
Primarily DAoC is a game of discovery and, for many people discovering new things for themselves with their friends is a large part of the game. This is why Mythic never put up walkthroughs or the like. There are efforts which have been announced to make the 'out of the box experience' much easier for brand new players - Tutorial quests, easier recognition of quest giving NPCs etc and that will go someway towards addressing the issues that you raise. Ultimately however a player's best resource is always going to be other players. Finding a friendly and supportive guild I think will be more useful to a player than a vast and confusing manual.

To be honest I really don't think the game is as newbie unfriendly as many people believe it is. I recently started brand new characters on a brand new account (no /level) on a realm and server where I only really know a couple of people well (I had a rl friend playing there and he persuaded me to come and give it a go). Without being twinked and powerlevelled, I was able to get along quite happily. There were a fair few people at around my level I could group with and I am having a lot of fun exploring a brand new realm.

I don't see that there is significantly more PvE 'grind' required either. If I wanted to, I could RvR most of my way to 45 and I don't have to be 50 before I can start on MLs or artifacts. It makes sense to me to start levelling artifacts and go on ML raids as soon as I am able, that way when I do hit 50 I will already have high level artifacts and a few ML abilities under my belt. There's nothing saying you can't exp yourself at the same time that you're training an artifact and several of the ML dungeons (5 and 7 particularly) are amazingly good exp spots - as good as any of the realms traditional PL spots in some cases. I've never understood the argument that there's more PvE involved because you have to get to 50 and you have to do MLs and artifacts - apart from the argument about whether MLs and artifacts are necessary to enjoy the game - it is very possible to do it all at the same time thereby actually reducing the amount of PvE a new character has to do compared to an existing 50 at ToA launch.,

I think the flaw in your argument is "friend". You had a friend who asked you to come play the game. He helped you with the basics and probably gave a you a bit of cash. Many who start dont have that and are dependant on help from strangers. Also knowing where to lvl, where what scrolls drop ,know what which classes do, could be considered another flaw in your " I am a newbie " quest


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Dimse Dut said:
I think the flaw in your argument is "friend". You had a friend who asked you to come play the game. He helped you with the basics and probably gave a you a bit of cash. Many who start dont have that and are dependant on help from strangers. Also knowing where to lvl, where what scrolls drop ,know what which classes do, could be considered another flaw in your " I am a newbie " quest

then add to this the already vast knowledge of classes, spells and abilities you know about and a real newbie doesn't also makes it lot easier. Knowing how to act in rvr etc


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Requiel said:
Primarily DAoC is a game of discovery and, for many people discovering new things for themselves with their friends is a large part of the game.

To be honest I really don't think the game is as newbie unfriendly as many people believe it is.

I don't see that there is significantly more PvE 'grind' required either. If I wanted to, I could RvR most of my way to 45 and I don't have to be 50 before I can start on MLs or artifacts.

The discovery game has been over for many players long time ago. :( Discovering new things while leveling was fun with first character, to some extent also fun with first character on different realm. Same with ToA, especially MLs were ok first time. Getting artifacts, farming scrolls and leveling were "ok" as long as there was new zones to explore but spending 20hours on a spot leveling just one artifact... Artifact spawn timers, scroll drop rates and artifact exp requirements are simply ridiculous. Of course it's necessary that people have to invest plenty of time to develop a character but ToA is just way too much.

The typical reply to this kind of post is that just quit instead of whining... yes I would've done it ages ago if it wasn't for rvr, I still think it can be great fun at it's best even in NF. If you play the game for RvR, ToA is nothing but grind at its worst since it takes insane amounts of time and is necessary, especially if you already have a ToA'ed character and want to try a different class.

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