memorial for Oggy -mids disrupt



Tbh i'm disgusted that this thread was even started.

You KNEW what was going to happen when this thread was made, people were going to come on and flame each other and just bad mouth everyone in their normal Barrysworld way.

The main thing to remember is the player, the man himself not what went off at the momerial and the damm lame ass 10 page long whinge and god damm whine thread after.

Please have some respect, i know who i saw start it all but that is something i'll keep to myself and whats done is done.

Anyone posting any more whines after this is just proving that you have no respect at all and your just prolonging the thread for the sake of it, lets just look at this for what went right with today, not the bad points eh peeps?


Originally posted by mots
hm tried to show respect but hard when ppl start jumping our lvl 32 healer and killing him on site.

You kill our lowbie healer, you get killed yourself.


Oxymoron i think that you dont understand nothing and you are a fucking stupid.

Oddgy we will remember you.


Why is it that the guys on Percival can hold a memorial service for a guy who sadly died at a tragically young age and have 600 + people from all realms turn up in Emain for over two hours and not have one death and we cant . Some of you guys are really pathetic. No need to name names , the guilty ones know who they are. Your parents would be so proud.


Originally posted by old.Ozwin
Why is it that the guys on Percival can hold a memorial service for a guy who sadly died at a tragically young age and have 600 + people from all realms turn up in Emain for over two hours and not have one death and we cant . Some of you guys are really pathetic. No need to name names , the guilty ones know who they are. Your parents would be so proud.

Same here.

Sorry I couldn´t come. :(

RIP Oggy.

Hope GOA does anything to make us feel proud.

WTG hibbies, nice to hear that there r FEW hibbies actually fought back.

Bleri McThrust

I attended and was very impressed by both the turnout and the conduct of the majority throughout the whole time (was a shame about the mass LD)

21.30 came and went and some people started killing. I know most (myself included) would have liked for all to walk away peacefully, but it wasnt to be.

I would like to /salute those who organised the memorial, those who attended and finally Oggy himself, obviously a much respected character/person.


Originally posted by sabbu

Oxymoron i think that you dont understand nothing and you are a fucking stupid.

Oddgy we will remember you.

Well we can always turn the statement.

No killing was even done at the memorial and when it was done it was defending my fellow midgardians.


Well, I had nearly 20 DA's there for the service, DA was under strict instructions not to fight back and when TD was getting AOE'd by middies a few, including myself, went to stand and die with TD.

It was a good service Brealanna and I'm glad I could be there to show my respect.


Please let the flames die out - I appreciate some people (myself included and I wasn't even there) are angered by the lack of respect shown after the event, but wouldn't it be a pity if the angry flame thread outlived the memorial one?


Please let the flames die out - I appreciate some people (myself included and I wasn't even there) are angered by the lack of respect shown after the event, but wouldn't it be a pity if the angry flame thread outlived the memorial one?

Indeed, i myself was there to pay my respects and thought it was a nice ceremony, i left soon after as i knew it was going to turn into a bloodbath, then when i got back to mmg in emain, i saw death messages, and went back to mtk.

I would not have and did not fight back if anyone had attacked me, although one thing i do know is that people had bad intentions from the begginning, i saw quite a number of stealthers camping mtk, who obviously would strike, else wouldn't be there. Those that are calling all mids losers and lamers and so on, bear in mind i saw emain empty of mids within a matter of minutes past 9:30, the death messages that i saw were both by albs and hibs. At about 9:45 i went back to the normal kind of fighting in emain, far as i was concerned, the memorial was long since over.

May you rest in peace Oggy.

(And flame on those that wish to, seems to be all this thread is good for..)

Laand Stormcaller, 50th Season Thane, on a journey to become a non-gimp.
Criticall, 34th Season Shadowblade
<White Rose>


Originally posted by -frostor-
a mid tanks hits me and i cant hit back ?
r u stupid ?
alot caster were aoe nuking hibs and mids and you were whining against me because i defended myself said we talked about this problem ingame , why did you had the write in on forum ?
Attention whore ?

Naa... i don't listen to:

"go f*** off and craft"-sends.

Why i post it? You asked in game "why don't u say something to the mids?".. like if i could?
I post it here, cos i really expected some repect to Oggy and not the usual non-mature way of acting? Oo


LOL I'm sure Ogg's having a laugh at this one :)

Good to see he's still kicking up the poop even after moving on:clap:


Not even going to reply Aussie's and Froster's posts :)

Good to see ppl respecting the dead.


I see my name on someones list, to get the facts right:

1) between 2100 and 2135 i had no weapons equiped.
2) at 2120 I LD'd and was unable to return till 2127.
3) I started attacking ppl after a Level 50 Runemaster standing beside me at the tower was ganked and poisoned and eventually killed by a level 50 Alb.
4) Upon engaging the attacker, 3 other Albs decided to join in, attempting to gank me, they were quickly despatched by other mids and a rather large Firbolg, weird that isnt it, as he walked away after unscathed.
5) the only exceptions to this were ppl who started ganking at random, casting AE at myself and fellow mids and even some hibs at the tower, and Alpha Male, who I am sorry to say this - m8, no offence but i had to have a pop at you 1 to 1, and /salutes your skill as you would more than likly have kicked my arse! (btw I did not kill him)
6) the memorial ended at 2130 as per the wishes of Oggys guild.
7) Wheres a list of ppl from your realm who are guilty too?

Not one person can say who did what to who that kicked this off. Naming names is damn laim, you have no proof of what happened, no logs, no pics with the real time in. Last night there was a sh*t load of ppl in bowl, no one can safely say who threw the first punch.

This thread and Im sure many like it are sour grapes by ppl who got killed. Needless to say I too did, but having made only a measly 1640 RPs, I cant say I went mad on the whole thing. And most of that was made in self defence.

It seems sme ppl just cant resist but to come here and cry about things when then loose out. To see threads like this on such and occasion as this saddens me more than the normal whinge posts we get here.


Re: Name and shame..

Originally posted by just.thebrave
I share the deep disgust at some ppl that play this game..

And hope that more sensible ppl will treat these pathetic jokes of humanity as they deserve.

To name some.. (all realms)

Rangsam (the pathetic grey con elf that killed me after many many hits)

These misfits all killed ppl between 9:30-9:45 pm in the bowl.. So it was after the "appointed time", but who cares if it was! what sort of person would want to turn a memorial service into a blood bath?

Personally i think they are the the most dispicable ppl i have ever come across in our daoc community..

Terra Dominus couldn't complete the memorial as they wanted (i belive), since they more or less all killed the instant the violence started.

To TD, thx for orgianzing this. I thought it was a wonderfull idea, in honor of someone you loved.. sadly it's shown us how some ppl have no respect for humanity.

You should be very careful of hanging out ppl on unless your are 110% sure you are rigth.

Oxymoron is an officere and one of the most respected members of FoM. He actually was one of the officers arranging so that 25+ ppl from FoM showed up. He aslo saw to that all came without weapons. Oxymoron killed one dude to after he had attacked the alt of our GM (Grim). SO get your facts straigth b4 for you start printing.

I came with my Runemaster and was one of the first persons killed near Hib-valley. I was standing in a crowed of Hibs, and they were hit to so it must have been an Albion, casting an AE spell. Unforntunatly I did not scroll back to have a look at who it was, as I had so much lagg and the clock was ticking.

If I'm not rigth I think the killing started arround 21.31 GMT. I did not look at the clock, but I know that came to the bowl arround 21.15 and I was there for arround 15 mins b4 I got killed.

I'm really sad that TD did not get to finish their memorial, but still be careful with who you accuse...


All in all this issue shows, how sad certain people in the gaming community are. And tbh, I expected this to happen.

Two things here...


#Celticfist [23:13] <cgr> handle irl stuff irl. plz- <-- Supreme.

Ok, point taken. If he´s such a sharp brain and wants to keep everything separated, that´s fine. The amusing thing is, that this sentence was being made AFTER the slaughter. He didn´t have the guts to stand up and post a reply in the memorial thread here in the forum, saying: "handle irl stuff irl plz. I´m not going to follow this, I`ll be in Emain to fight, kill and get rp´s." Instead, he killed, got his rp´s, took advantage of the ceremony and THEN enlightened us by explaining the ethics of the world. This is really strange, because normally, all those uber-large "I´m-so-cool-I-respect-nothing-except-maybe-DargonballZ"-ego´s don´t leave out a single chance to display how cool and souvereign they are.


1st. Kinda dumb holding a 'ceremony' of that sort in emain (we all know why) and also, a SAturday. People tend to go there to rvr if a more quiet location was wanted then i reckon hadrian's wall or odins would have been more appropriate....

and as for the u suck for doing this destroying the memorial etc etc i dont see it illegal in the CoC to disrupt things like this..

Noone said that killing people during the ceremony was illegal. There´s a difference between something being "illegal" and "morally and ethically unacceptable". Not doing everything that´s not explicitly forbidden is something we call "ethics".

another scenario.. been working long shifts from monday to friday and the morning during saturdays.. come back from work dead tired and u realise u have about 30mins to play daoc (the person's favourite pastime) and to relax himself before going out for dinner with the family and then eventually going to bed.. in attmpt to recover the lost sleep during the week.
He has wanted to play daoc since monday but didn't get any chance what so ever during the week and he is bursting to play.
Enters login, password, starts up daoc... logs his main lvl 50 char, ports to emain....

wtf? whats this i have half an hour to gank and there is some ceremony being held in emain...

LOL @ this one! I`m tempted to quote Herbal´s favourite sentence here... the one that starts with "You, Sir..".
I`d recommend to remove your signature d00d, you´re in a respected guild and by writing junk like this, you´re seriously damaging your guilds image.

46 Pally
35 Scout
11 Wizard


Well U say mids startet it? I was there around 20.30 runing arround naked with a Bag of Sweets in my hands :) Then then a Purp NS Named Lac or Lic or something PA's me and i die then i get a crt spam and a laugh at the end NOW hibs wtf is that? I came and in piece!!! and then i release and come back then i get stunned and nuked for 1500 dmg :/ by some hib nuker and by that time ppl was makeing the Circle so dont blame all mids, some of us came in peace and didnt hit back even if hittet so stfu about saying ALL mids!!!! I dont need people to say that to me for wantin to pay me respects for other player, and for your information 80% of mids didnt fight we ran to Pk.... Sp please dont give a blame a whole realm for what 20 ppl did... Or u wont get us to go in peace next time if we still get flamed even if we do!!!

Ps. rip Oggy i loved your lil Pet :)

Solrak TheSlayerOfAlbs Troll skald
Knivstik Hakkemaskine Kobie SZ

<White Rose>


Rest Well Oggy

Well most people on Hib Excal know me as Truffles or Useless, so here you go.

My brother Rico and I would like to mention that we will miss Oggy. Rico grew up along side Oggy in the xping life, and loved his company. For Oggy's family and close friends we pass on are regards, and are sorry for your loss, and we too will miss him. :'(

However, I would not be the nice person people know me as if I did not say that I am disgusted by this appaling end. I do agree, I hope that Oggy had a laugh at the end result, but I personally feel that this too often touches on the border of "Points meaning more then Life".

I can not honestly believe that people would kill those at a memorial ceremony, and while you will indeed be rememberd, and I am sure your names will spread to those in the US also, I don't honestly think that the memory people will have of those of you that killed people morning a friend will be a nice one.

I personally wasn't able to attend and asked all my friends to pass on my regards to all, and have only seen the results in screenshots, but those pictures tell an incredible story.

Those of you that killed: Would you not be upset if members of your family were beaten up at/just after a funeral or memorial for a friend/loved one? If you wouldn't then I can only say that the lack of presence of a soul in you is also reflected in your Character representation. I won't go as far as saying anything like I hope it was worth the points, because to you I am sure that is more important then the life of a friend of yours. Shame really, friendship is one of the nicest things to have in your life, and I feel sorry for those lonely enough to find joy in this killing.

My apologies Jayce, indeed you know me mate - and I am sorry to continue this flame, but I am an honest peep as you know, but I couldn't sit here without saying sometime.

However, to close this message I would like to thanks all of those that did turn up and NOT fight in attack. I understand some of you defended yourselves, and I also understand that some did nothing. I would indeed have been on of the later, and died.

I think that it was a wonderful way to remember the pleasure we had with Oggy's presence in game, and would like to thank those that took part in making the initial parts such a wonderful memory for those that could attend. I would also like to thank Goa/Mythic (or whoever was responsible for bringing the In memory of Oggy character to the event. Touching :)

Still, I and so many others will miss him.

Oggy - thanks for the little pleasure your humour passed to our lives in game. I hope you rest well :)



I'd like to make a request.

Please stop harassing my IRL girlfriend whenever she comes online to play her beloved character VERUCA LOTTASDOTTIR (lvl48 Thane) and accusing her of doing a AOE at the ceremony.

1. She was not there
2. We were out to celebrate her birthday and having dinner.

If you (maybe not YOU but someone you know) starts throwing out accusations about who and whom did what and when, do so with logs/screenshots supporting your statement and report it to RIGHTNOW for proper treatment from the people who runs the game (GOA). If you (or your friend/guildie) fail to do so, we will use all our powers and all our friends to put in a harassment report on anyone accusing VERUCA LOTTASDOTTIR of such atrocities.

This is not a threat, it's a promise.

Thanks for your time, back to meaningless flaming.


i saw netto killing albs went to him stealthed , stood in front of him waiting , he attacked, missed, 10 seconds later kissed the floor.


i wasnt there but im sure oggy would have been very touched by it all and had a good chuckle at the end result. he knew what emain was like and probably would have expected just as much happening
doesnt excuse it but whats done is done at the end of the day for a little while all went well which is a huge achievement and those who where there in peace should feel proud thyose who went there to spoil it well hope theres a little bit of shame swimmin around your head
anyway rest in piece oggy hope u had one last good laugh at emain :)

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